All Classes and Interfaces

The AbsoluteData is the layout data for components in a container with AbsoluteLayout.
AbsoluteLayout is a layout manager.
The abstract TXP node that the Action Actors needs to extend from.
The Base Relative Reference property class hold the reference to another property in the same base container.
The default content provider.
A property container that handles content and has custom content provider support.
An implementation of a common end point for an Editor, Server or Monitor.
The Base Relative Reference property class hold the reference to another property in the same base container.
Image definition property container.
This Image Resolution property only holds the image reference for an additional Device Pixel Ratio.
Abstract Input Properties that ties the input to the execution of a Web Service request to VirtualSpace.
A URL Connection to a Java ARchive (JAR) file or an entry in a JAR file.
This minimal class implements the Java Action Actor Interface Interface IJavaActionActor required to handle execution of a VirtualSpace action in conjunction with the TXP engine.
The abstract service service using OAuth 1.0a or OAuth 2.0.
The predefined actions actors settings container that checks if the VSReference is for the target VirtualSpace.
The Abstract Reference property class hold the reference to another property.
Class extending the property container.
Abstract styles property container that either holds styles or other style related data such as font faces.
The abstract translation request class.
Class for a RequestItem.
Abstract UI Action component such as buttons or menu item that are connected to a VS Action.
The UIComp Relative Reference property class hold the reference to another property in the same base container.
The VS Action Actor abstract implementation.
Class that holds a single VS "variable" mapping of a certain type.
The user acceptance of agreement.
Dialog used to accept a license agreement.
The access token wrapper for OAuth 2.0 and OAuth 1.0a access tokens.
The AccordionData is the layout data for components in a container with AccordionLayout.
Accordion container specific layout manager.
Action Actor Designer Prop.
New or Edit Action Actor dialog box.
The base Action Actor instance exception used for generic Action Actor exceptions.
Class container for associated action actors of a VSAction.
The TXP node logger for action actors.
Replaces the NewActionProvider.
Panel used for the Participants in the VirtualSpace.
Class handling a single activation change event.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle.
The container for an active terminal session for the terminal monitor of each client end-point.
The container for active terminal sessions for the terminal monitor of each client end-point.
Handler class maintaining active user sessions.
The IIZI Adapter Factory defines the possible classes that implements the IAdaptable interface.
Adds an annotation to a Java element (type or method) as a precondition to an operation.
Class to add a new Java class in a project.
The Add IIZI Module Nature wizard for a project.
Wizard used when a UI component is about to be added.
The Alias page for Module projects.
Helper class for allowed domains.
Hook for the Android before compile stage.
The animated single index-based selection state used by e.g.
Annotation problems that may occur.
Annotations container specialized to store annotations as GAnnotation.
The Java annotations engine for properties.
The annotation types.
Exception thrown when the application session is busy to veto the focus request.
Application definition when loading the applications/projects.
Class for Application Distribution Designer Prop.
Editor version of the container that holds the required settings for the server to operate and initialize itself with.
Edit class Server configuration environment.
The application factory contains the application that should be run.
An entry in the application history.
Class used to validate the App ID.
The configured languages for the application.
An internal AppLanguages map structure for fast look-up of a language.
The result of the language code look-up.
The application property container holds all information about a single application.
Class used to produce a distribution of an iiziApp file from module projects.
The Command Line to create an Application Distribution.
The Eclipse Job to create an Application Distribution.
Launches the Application Distributor with a file name.
The IIZI Application Distribution property page.
The ApplicationUI instance holds the various images loaded from Image Descriptors and can be used as SWT Images directly, as well as other SWT allocated object such as colors.
The themes.
The Application root property container that contains ModuleProjectPropCnr's for the Module Projects in the application.
Gyro instance that is used for a single user running one application.
The manager of the terminal sessions for an application session.
Class used to validate the version string of the app.
The Array property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
Event ID used to broadcast an event of asset file changes, send to all properties in a module project.
The Asset Reference property class hold the reference to a file in the Assets directory.
An asset reference and location holder.
The Asset References property class hold the references to zero or more FileURIPropCnr property containers.
The Atom object instance is used to access the name string for e.g.
This class is an atom generator to use with a specific property container.
The Atom Name "property" editor consists of a simple entry field.
Instance holding data for the "authenticated" user.
Provider interface to retrieve an authenticated user for a client or application session.
Authentication provider for sign in.
Reentrant lock that can be used in a try-with-resources statement.
Class used to quickly handle resize changes in the SWT-AWT-embed-composite.
A chart axis is normally added to charts.
The Axis2D color settings for labels and title.
This enum has the values of the alignment of the ticks and have 4 available options: MAJOR, MINOR, MICRO, and NONE.
This enum has the values of the alignment of the ticks and have 4 available options: MAJOR, MINOR, MICRO, and NONE.
The Axis2D font settings the can be set or retrieved.
The Axis2D integer settings the can be set or retrieved.
The Axis2D KStrings settings the can be set or retrieved.
The Axis2D number settings the can be set or retrieved.
The Axis2D boolean settings the can be set or retrieved.
The position of the axis.
The Axis2D stroke settings for axis and various ticks the can be set or retrieved for the axis.
The orientation for axis title.
Client to call Cognitive Services Azure Authentication Token service in order to get an access token.
The Editor version of the Azure Cognitive Services translator implementation.
Azure Cognitive Services implementation to get supported Languages, detect language(s) and perform translations.
Test class for Azure Cognitive Services.
The Background Image Reference extends normal Image Reference and only allows bitmap images, i.e.
Class used to hold the information required for the background location service.
The "badge" property class holds the property name, value as a GBadge object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The Badge property editor consists of an icon for the color and font size.
The barcode builder that is used to set parameters like: validation: can be turned on or off to perform parameter validation, text: required parameter that assign the text contents for the barcode, size: the requested size of the barcode, if not specified, the smallest size is assumed, errorCorrection: what degree of error correction to use depending on barcode, charset: what character set or name to use where applicable, shape: Specifies the matrix shape for Data Matrix, margin: margin, in pixels, to use when generating the barcode, the meaning can vary by format, compact: whether to use compact mode for PDF417 barcodes, compaction: what compaction mode to use for PDF417 barcodes, dimensions: minimum and maximum number of rows and columns for PDF417 barcodes, layers: required number of layers for AZTEC barcodes, version: exact version for encoded QR_CODE barcodes,
Class containing the barcode that has been read from an image.
Exception that is thrown when the BarcodeBuilder encounters an error while encoding the barcode in the builder, such as missing or invalid parameter values not previously validated.
Barcode reader implementation that will scan an image for a barcode.
The bar code type and size requirement.
Barcode Uniform Resource Naming (URN) instance class, holding the barcode type and data string.
Barcode provider for IIZI URN's.
Runtime exception that is thrown when the BarcodeBuilder is in validation mode and a parameter is not valid.
The generic base editor for any property editor.
Base event for all events in the API.
The base modules with a definition that is similar to the plug-in structure.
The Base Reference property editor consists of a simple entry field.
User information in the database.
Value object class to handle the BigDecimal datatype.
Value object class to handle the BigInteger datatype.
This class is used to trace binary data to an output stream.
Value object class to handle the byte array datatype.
This class is used as information for result of what the binder action performed with a IBinderPOJO object item with a Property.
The various actions that can be performed.
This class is used as information for what the binder actions that have been performed with the IBinderPOJO object and e.g.
A Styler for Viewers with Bold fonts.
Formatter for boolean numbers.
The boolean on/off (or selected/unselected) selection state.
Value object class to handle the Boolean datatype.
Boolean preference.
The Boolean property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The boolean property editor consists of a simple check box.
The BorderData is the layout data for components in a container with BorderLayout.
BorderLayout is a layout manager.
Box shadow dialog designer.
The Box Shadow String property editor.
The box shadow validator.
Container class bridging one or several VS elements to UI components in a panel, with text translation support.
The various browsers and font formats to choose.
The bubble series value with X/Y and size values.
Abstract class extending the base GEvent to set the event propagation to sinking, i.e.
Class to build up the environment to use.
Class to hold a builder error for verification.
Build exception that should not display stack trace.
Stand-alone utility to build the source code directly from web links:
Build environment return codes.
Return value with potential error or message.
The class that holds the resources to build, files or folders, has a Comparable interface implemented so it can be sorted by path name A-Z.
The busy state of a client session.
The UI Button builder.
An action builder sub-operation.
The byte array property is used to store binary data in various forms, e.g.
Value object class to handle the Byte datatype.
The cached image class contains a loaded image in memory and can be used to perform various operations on it.
The layout data for calendar lists and their items: they are not used, but is required to be present by the framework.
A (sub)calendar list event.
Layout manager for calendar lists.
Operation canceled exception used with progress monitor.
Factory for Designer Props for EE/EEM files.
Class for the CaptureScreenProp and CaptureFieldProp in the designer.
The Screen Capture "Editor", but nothing to edit.
This Capture Field property container holds the screen identifications and fields for a terminal host screen.
This Capture Root property container holds the screen capture and fields for a EE host screen.
This Capture Screen property container holds the screen capture and fields for a EE host screen.
The grid selection.
Helper class for certificates.
The implementing class for Certificate UI callback for SSL.
The character property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The Chart color settings for title.
Class for the UI chart children property containers in the designer (axis, plot and series).
The Chart font settings for title.
The Axis2D integer settings the can be set or retrieved.
The Chart strings settings the can be set or retrieved.
The chart theme option.
Fix-class for checkbox and label to handle foreground color.
Checkbox table viewer with tooltip support.
Checkbox tree viewer with tooltip support.
Component ID property is used to assign a unique value known on both client and server.
Helper class to find circular references.
Classpath entry specification for the classpath.
The enumeration for the ClasspathEntry type.
The Class Reference property class hold the reference to a Java class.
The Class Reference property editor consists of a simple entry field.
The clear-button.
Class used to handle communication with the client part, i.e.
The main class for an Client session running in the Server.
The JavaScript client end point constructor.
Handles the client host screen information and its synchronization between the server and the client.
The Client image data.
The client class for communication with a remote server over (secured) WebSocket using the IIZI reconnectable transactional processing.
Class to manage clients connections.
Class used to hold the information for the client parameters and to parse the Query string in the Client WebSocket URI.
This client property is a container that holds everything a client/server needs in order to establish communication with the other party, and information about themselves (such as environment).
The Client Session Gyro instance.
Client session property.
Class for client-side editor.
The TransactionProcessor contains all the code required to process transactions with the application being run for a single client reconnectable connection.
The clip board helper class is used to interface with the clip board in Eclipse/SWT with the Properties.
Java 7's try-with-resource closes the client before the future is completed.
Fixes a problem with multiple Terminal projects by closing one.
The String Array property class holds the property name, string array and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The code item implementation.
Class to help with JS code modification in order to match the app settings.
Codepage class for the Latin1 (West European) codepage.
Codepage class for the Latin2 (East European) codepage.
Codepage class for the Latin3 (South European) codepage.
Codepage class for the Latin4 (North European) codepage.
Codepage class for the Cyrillic codepage.
Codepage class for the Arabic codepage.
Codepage class for the Greek codepage.
Codepage class for the Hebrew codepage.
Codepage class for the Latin5 (Turkish) codepage.
The class is the actual "doer" for the CodepageMapper class.
Codepage class for the USA/Canada(Bilingual/French)/Netherlands/Portugal/Brazil/Australia codepage.
Codepage class for the Multilingual Cyrillic (Bulgaria/Bosnia/Herzegovina/Macedonia-FYR) codepage.
Codepage class for the Latin-5 (Turkey) codepage.
Codepage class for the Open Edition US EBCDIC codepage.
Codepage class for the Iran(Farsi)/Persian codepage.
Codepage class for the Iran (Farsi)/Persian codepage.
Codepage class for the Latvia/Lithuania codepage.
Codepage class for the Estonia codepage.
Codepage class for the Ukraine codepage.
Codepage class for the USA/Canada(Bilingual/French)/Netherlands/Portugal/Brazil/Australia + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the Austria/Germany + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the Denmark/Norway + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the Finland/Sweden + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the Italy + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the Spain/Catalan/Latin America (Spanish) + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the United Kingdom/Ireland + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the France + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the EBCDIC 500V1 (Belgium/Canada/Switzerland) + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the Iceland + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the Multilingual Latin-2 (Serbia) + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the Multilingual Cyrillic (Bulgaria/Bosnia/Herzegovina/Macedonia-FYR) + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the Latin-5 (Turkey) + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the Latvia/Lithuania + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the Estonia + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the Ukraine + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the Windows Eastern Europe (Latin-2) codepage.
Codepage class for the Windows Cyrillic codepage.
Codepage class for the Windows Western Europe (Latin-1) codepage.
Codepage class for the Windows Greek codepage.
Codepage class for the Windows Turkish codepage.
Codepage class for the Windows Hebrew codepage.
Codepage class for the Windows Arabic codepage.
Codepage class for the Windows Baltic codepage.
Codepage class for the Windows Vietnamese codepage.
Codepage class for the Austria/Germany codepage.
Codepage class for the Denmark/Norway codepage.
Codepage class for the Finland/Sweden codepage.
Codepage class for the Italy codepage.
Codepage class for the Spain/Catalan/Latin America (Spanish) codepage.
Codepage class for the United Kingdom/Ireland codepage.
Codepage class for the France codepage.
Codepage class for the Arabic codepage.
Codepage class for the Hebrew codepage.
Codepage class for the United States/Australia/New Zeeland/South Africa codepage.
Codepage class for the EBCDIC 500V1 (Belgium/Canada/Switzerland) codepage.
Codepage class for the Greek codepage.
Codepage class for the Baltic codepage.
Codepage class for the Thailand extended SBCS codepage.
Codepage class for the Latin-1 codepage.
Codepage class for the Latin-2 codepage.
Codepage class for the Cyrillic codepage.
Codepage class for the Turkish codepage.
Codepage class for the Latin-1 + Euro codepage.
Codepage class for the Portuguese codepage.
Codepage class for the Icelandic codepage.
Codepage class for the Hebrew codepage.
Codepage class for the Canadian French codepage.
Codepage class for the Arabic codepage.
Codepage class for the Nordic codepage.
Codepage class for the Russian codepage.
Codepage class for the Pakistan codepage.
Codepage class for the Modern Greek codepage.
Codepage class for the Multilingual Latin-2 (Serbia) codepage.
Codepage class for the Iceland codepage.
Codepage class for the Thai codepage.
Codepage class for the Greek (New) codepage.
Codepage class for the Pakistan (Urdu) codepage.
Codepage class for the Latvia/Lithuania codepage.
Codepage class for the Estonia codepage.
All codepage classes implements this interface.
Maps ASCII to/from Unicode, EBCDIC to/from Unicode, Ansi to/from Unicode.
Codepage class for the Windows Thai codepage.
Exception when certificate resolver is not present due to Java reflection calls that fails.
The collapse all action.
Property used by UI styles that has 4 settings/values for color, such as the border color (top/bottom/left/right).
The overridden JColorChooser class.
The color dialog to choose an ARGB color.
Color preference.
The "color" property class holds the property name, value as a GColor object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The Color property editor.
The color selection widget is a toolbar drop-down button that displays the color selection.
The column listener for sorting.
The UI combo builder.
Field text builder sub-operation.
The Common Actions are Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All, Rename.
Static class for common builder routines.
Common Designer event for the event ID PROP_DESIGNER_VIEWER_UPDATE.
The common handler check for valid handled state and enabled state for the common action handlers.
Class implementing common jobs in a non-Eclipse environment.
Common Navigator with extension for filtering and synchronized References.
Common native settings for Android and iOS that are potentially openable on the client device using the IOpenNativeSettings interface.
Common text actions in the KString editors.
A little extended Common Viewer for 3.8+/4.2+ Eclipse and drag-drop enhancement.
The Complex operation can bundle advanced combination of operation between property containers.
The component printer class will print a "frame" window or a component inside a "frame".
Compressor class to compress CSS and JavaScript.
Interface describing compressor classes.
Enum for compression of JS.
Configures the project to an IIZI Module project.
Configures the project to an IIZI Terminal project.
The connection attachment interface is used for a server receiving new connections using the WebSocketAcceptor interface.
The font dialog to choose the font.
Connection profile property editor.
A single connection profile setup that is used to establish a JDBC connection.
Container with all connection profiles setup's by name.
The base exception class for connectors.
Console class with colors.
Class to handle redirection of stdout and stderr to the logger.
This class is used to hold an integer property that has constraints imposed on it.
The event listener for the edited "real" containers.
Container participant class in the ComplexOperation.
Class for selection in tree before or after operation.
The IIZI Explorer using Common Navigator.
Use content provider option.
The adapter for the IContextMenuAction interface.
Adapter for contributions to the menu for Editor parts, when registerViewer or createMenu in the Editor part is called.
The ContextMenuData is the layout data for components in a container with ContextMenuLayout.
The context menu editor in the Panel folder.
The content describer for the property files of context menus, having the same file extension as panels.
The Add Item class for a DesignerProp class.
Menu specific layout manager.
The reference to a UI context menu.
The continent codes and associated country code.
Handles routines that deals with deployment properties and configuration in the the Java Control Panel.
Control validator class for dialog boxes.
The Copy property handler.
Copy files and folders operation with undo support (added context support).
Create column data used when creating a column or table.
Opens the IIZI JavaDoc that is included with the "com.iizigo.javadoc" plugin in the default external browser or in the same internal browser with the ID "com.iizigo.javadoc".
Recovers a missing folder if accidentally removed.
Wizard page for connection/creation of VirtualSpace.
Class used to create resources from properties, with undo support.
Create BIRT Classic Models Sample database and connection profile.
Creates a VirtualSpace Field from a data provider plug-in (e.g.
Composite for cannot display wrapped elements.
CSS file references in the assets module folder.
The class names property is basically a StringProp that hold the class names separated by space or commas used for UI components.
The CSS font definition containing all the icons.
The font icon definition that resides in CSS.
Class holding information for a single Custom CSS resource that should be preloaded to the client cache when the application starts.
Class used to hold a single definition of a CSS style, e.g.
Customized Execute action providing VS Field variables, and fixing command execution.
Copy and modification of org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.sqlbuilder.views.execute.ParameterMarkerPage.
A helper class that takes a SQLStatement as input and substitute the parameter markers with value by invoking the ParameterWizard dialog.
Copy and modification of org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.sqlbuilder.views.execute.ParameterWizard.
Customized patterns s dialog.
A SashForm that allows hide/restore controls on sash.
Customized UI Component of SQL Query Builder content editor.
Custom action bar contributor, copied from SQLBuilderActionBarContributor, hooking all run methods in the actions.
Customized SQL source viewer for undo/redo, etc, to be well-integrated with IIZI.
The Cut property handler.
The Database transaction Action Actor.
Settings property container.
Action Actor Designer Prop.
Database actor implementation for a TXP node.
Class for the DesignerProp for all DataBase property classes in the Designer.
The Database Editor part.
Tag class for plug-in ID.
This database property container holds database service definition.
The reference to a Database transaction.
This class implements the cryptographic interface for the client/server communication.
The date/time dialog to choose a date and/or time.
The date/time property can hold a date and/or a time with optional time offset with a GDateTime property value.
The GDateTime property editor.
Class containing information about app to load in the server from its database.
Database functions are placed in this class.
Class containing the database functions for the Load Balancer.
The database function to perform.
The database function to perform.
Derby network database server state.
The utilities class is used e.g.
Class that holds the default KString information provider and Locale information for the Designer or the Server.
The standard color swatch chooser, enhanced with remembering recently used swatches.
The default grid content provider.
The default table filter uses either a string for filtering cells on columns with filtering option defined.
Class used to process an input stream and fill a table with the data.
The clear-button.
The Delete property handler.
Delete/Cut dialog box.
Fixes a problem with the file name by deleting the file.
Fixes a problem with the file name by deleting the property.
Quick-fix helper class to "delete errored rectangle" in the corresponding Editor to e.g.
Class containing Derby client data and optionally to start/stop the database server.
Plug-in descriptor used for the Server to load the plug-in's XML schema and get the appropriate class loader.
Plug-in descriptor used for the Server to load the plug-in's XML schema and get the appropriate class loader.
Plug-in descriptor used for the Server to load the plug-in's XML schema and get the appropriate class loader.
Font manager to handle installed fonts for Designer and DesignViewer.
The designer property extensions are located in this class, delegated from the original designer property classes in order to have one piece of code.
Special Designer property container that is private.
Interface used by the Designer to process Designer-specific tasks that should not be available in the Server or Client.
DesignerProp tester for IIZI Module project, and others.
The destination server to contact.
Class used to hold information from a Google Translate Detect Language operation.
Class holding the developer signature of an iiziApp.
The IIZI Development Server delegate launcher.
IIZI Development Server launch configuration tab used to edit/view attributes of a specific type of launch configuration.
Defines the tabs to use for the IIZI Development Server launch configuration.
Called when the IIZI Development Server is launched using the Launch Shortcut.
Device auto-sign in information secure device parameter.
The Device dialog to choose the devices to show.
Class holding the location of a device.
Matches devices for Selectors.
Class that loads an external XML file for device matching.
Class used to send parameters between the server and the client.
The states for this DeviceParameter instance.
The "device" property class holds the property name, value as a GSimpleDevice object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
Device parameters container available only for iiziRun.
Class used to generate a 2048 bits key for password transport over unsecured HTTP transactions.
Handles the 3270 display session.
The drag-drop helper for properties and tree/table viewers.
DOM Element property container used to keep information of the created UI item and its internal DOM structure.
The Double property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
Value object class to handle the Double datatype.
Assist the CommonDragAdapter by providing new TransferTypes and the logic to handle setting up the transfer data.
Component acting as a drag-drop adapter when dragging non-UI components into the JavaScript Panel Editor.
The drag-drop container used to hold information about drag-drop items for communication between Eclipse and JavaScript.
Used by the org.eclipse.ui.navigator.navigatorContent/navigatorContent/commonDropAdapter extension point to carry out pluggable drop operations.
Class used as helper for toolbar drop-down items.
Class holding information about the drop from the JavaScript client.
Drop shadow dialog designer.
The (filter) Drop Shadow String property editor.
The drop shadow validator.
A size with double's.
The duration dialog to edit a Long Millisecond duration.
Class implementing the Format pattern for a duration format partly using Joda PeriodFormatter.
The Duration property editor that uses a Long value for the duration in milliseconds.
Value object class to handle the Duration datatype.
Setup layout data for a component in a container with absolute layout.
Setup data for the absolute layout.
Setup data for the absolute layout.
Setup layout data for a component in a container with accordion layout.
Accordion layout.
The axis for the chart.
Chart axis 2D component setup data.
Setup layout data for a component in a container with border layout.
Setup data for the border layout.
Setup data for the border layout.
Layout data for calendar list and its calendar events.
The Editor version of a map marker.
Setup data for a calendar event.
Map layout.
Eclipse part of the application distributor.
The Eclipse file wrapper.
The Eclipse folder wrapper.
The Eclipse directory reference using an IPath.
The Eclipse file reference.
The Eclipse project wrapper as a directory.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle.
Setup layout data for a component in a container with context menu layout.
Context menu layout.
Class to handle editable properties.
Class used to handle the edited property for property editors.
The Editor version of class container for associated action actors of a VSAction.
The container for an active terminal session for the terminal monitor of each client end-point.
Configuration setup for property editor.
The container for active terminal sessions for the terminal monitor of each client end-point.
The Editor version of the Application property container that holds all the Module projects as EditorModuleProjectPropCnr children.
The Designer version of the Class Reference property class hold the reference to a Java class.
Client session property for end-points.
Editor version of a single connection profile setup that is used to establish a JDBC connection.
Editor class for a connection profile setup.
Editor class container with all connection profiles setup's by name.
Editor class container with all connection profiles setup's by name.
Custom Java-based Action Actor as provided by a user class.
Settings property container.
Setup for the database action actor.
The Editor database properties.
Editor class for database props.
An end point property.
An end point property.
The VirtualSpace Field Actor reference property holds the reference, and the annotation values for implementing Operations, and Source and Target classes for Conversion.
The Editor version of class container for associated field actors of a VSField.
This folder settings property hold settings for a folder, typically a Selector and a description.
Edit class for the Folder settings.
Font face style definitions property container for the Editor.
Edit class for the FontFace container.
Font icon files property container for the Editor.
Edit class for the Font Icon Definition property container.
Font icon files property container for the Editor.
Edit class for the Font Icon Definition property container.
Font icon definition property container for the Editor.
Edit class for the Font Icon Definition property container.
Font icon definitions property container for the Editor.
Edit class for the Font Icon Definition property container.
Actor for history backward operation for a client session.
Editor version of the Settings property container.
Actor for history forward operation for a client session.
Editor version of the Settings property container.
This Image Definition part property container for the Editor.
Edit class for the Image Definition property container.
This Image Location has the location of the image part.
Edit class for the Image Location property container.
This Image Resolution has the file reference and the device pixel ratio.
Edit class for the Image Resolution property container.
This multiple Images Definition property container for the Editor.
Edit class for the Images Definition property container.
This Images Resolution hold a file reference for multiple images and a resolution in device pixel ratio.
Edit class for the Images Resolution property container.
This Images Style property has a multiple-image file for a style.
Edit class for the Images Style property container.
This Image Style property container has a style for a single image definition and an asset file reference.
Edit class for the Image Style property container.
This Image Styles Location has a style and location.
Edit class for the Image Style Location property container.
This Image Styles Resolution has the file reference and the device pixel ratio.
Edit class for the Image Styles Resolution property container.
Property container used to transport information, typically between server and monitor, where the information typically is a "snapshot" of properties.
Editor version of the input Properties that ties the input to the execution of an SQL query statement to VirtualSpace.
Editor class for input properties.
Editor version of the Input Variable connects a VSField with an input variable or parameter to an SQL query statement.
Editor class for input variable.
Custom Java-based Action Actor as provided by a user class.
Settings property container.
Editor version of an JSON element wrapper for a JSON element, used to process the output of a Web Service reply.
Editor class for a JSON wrapped element.
Editor version of the RESTful URL Encoded input for the request of a Web Service transaction.
Editor version of the JSON reply document contains information that identifies the reply transaction and maps the structured data into VSFields and VSTables (or columns).
Editor class for JSON reply document.
Editor version of the container that holds the required settings for the server to operate and initialize itself with.
Edit class Let's Encrypt domain settings.
Editor version of the container that holds the required settings for the server to operate and initialize itself with.
Edit class Let's Encrypt domain settings.
The Designer version of the Method Reference property class hold the reference to a Method that is in a Java class.
The Designer version the Method Reference "2" property class hold the reference to a Method that is in a Java class.
The Editor version of the Module project property container.
Editor version of the Output Column connects a table column from the reply output with a VSTable column.
Editor class for output variable.
Editor version of result set property that ties a result set from the execution of a web service transaction to VirtualSpace.
Editor class for result set.
Editor version of result set property that ties a result set from the execution of a web service transaction to VirtualSpace.
Editor class for output table.
Editor version of the Output Variable connects a reference variable from the reply output with a VSField.
Editor class for output variable.
Editor version of result set property that ties a result set from the execution of a web service transaction to VirtualSpace.
Editor class for result set.
Editor version of the container that holds the required settings for the server to operate and initialize itself with.
Edit class for policy settings.
Editor Property Container, i.e.
Class for Push Notification Designer Prop.
Container that holds the required settings for the Push Notification of an app in the Editor.
Setup data for the Push Notifications.
Class for Progressive Web App (PWA) Designer Prop.
Container that holds the required settings for the PWA in the Editor.
Setup data for the Progressive Web App (PWA).
Editor version of the Input Properties that ties the input to the execution of a RESTful Web Service transaction request to VirtualSpace.
Editor class for input properties.
Editor version of result set property that ties a result from the execution of an SQL query statement to VirtualSpace.
Editor class for result set.
Editor version of the result set Column property that connects the column name in a result set with a VSColumnHeader.
Editor class for result set column.
Editor version of result set property that ties a result set from the execution of an SQL query statement to VirtualSpace.
Editor class for result set.
Class for Application Distribution Designer Prop.
The Eclipse Job to create an iiziRun for an app.
The iiziRun Builder property page.
Container that holds the required settings for the runtime builder.
This Screen Action Group property container for a terminal host screen property.
This Screen Action property container for a terminal host screen property.
This Screen Actions property container for a terminal host screen property.
This Screen Field Group property container for a terminal host screen property.
This Screen identification property container for a terminal host screen property.
This Screen Fields property container for a terminal host screen property.
This Screen identification property container for a terminal host screen property.
This Screen identification property container for a terminal host screen property.
This Screen property container holds the screen identifications and fields for a terminal host screen.
This Selector property container for the Editor.
Selector Expression used in the Designer.
The SelectorReference property class hold the reference to a Selector that defines if the owner of this reference should be selected or active, or if it should be inactive.
Editor version of the container that holds the application configuration.
Edit class Server settings.
Editor version of the container that holds the required settings for the server to operate and initialize itself with.
Edit class Server configuration environment.
Editor version of the property container for the configuration of a plug-in for a Server configuration environment.
Editor version of the property container for the configuration of a plug-in for a Server configuration environment.
Editor version of the container that holds the server properties.
Editor version of the container that holds the required settings for the server to operate and initialize itself with.
Edit class Server settings.
The main class for an Editor session running in the Server.
Client session property for end-points.
This Sessions property container holds the terminal properties.
Class holding definitions for the Property Editor for Screen Actions property container.
Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Editor version of the Settings property container.
Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Editor version of the Settings property container.
Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Editor version of the Settings property container.
This Styled Image Definition part property container for the Editor.
Edit class for the Styled Image Definition property container.
Style ranges used in Editors.
This Styles property container for the Editor.
Edit class for the Styles container in all UI components and in StylesCnr.
SVG definition property container for the Editor.
Edit class for the SVG Definition property container.
Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Editor version of the Settings property container.
Set-up class for property editor.
This Terminal property container holds terminal settings.
Class holding definitions for the Property Editor for Screen Actions property container.
This Selector property container for the Editor.
Edit class for the Selector container.
The translation engine: two current translators are provided: Google and Bing, but the interface allows others.
Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Editor version of the Settings property container.
Editor version of the RESTful URL Encoded input for the request of a Web Service transaction.
Editor class for input variable.
Editor version of the Input Variable connects a VSField with an input variable or parameter to a web service transaction request.
Editor class for input variable.
Editor version of the property container used for Virtual Monitor data and communication.
The Editor VirtualSpace property class.
Edit class for the EditorVirtualSpace container.
The Editor VirtualSpace Action property class.
Edit class for the EditorVSGroup container.
The Editor VirtualSpace Column property class.
Edit class for the EditorVSColumnHeader container.
The Editor VirtualSpace Field property class.
Edit class for the EditorVSField container.
Focus reference is used to set a reference to a focusable VSComponent.
The Editor VirtualSpace Group property class.
Edit class for the EditorVSGroup container.
OnFocus reference is used to set a reference to a focusable VSComponent.
The Editor version of this class is a child of the VirtualSpace and contains the participants in the VirtualSpace.
Edit class for the EditorVSTable container.
The Editor VirtualSpace Row property class.
The rows property class that only allows VSRow children properties.
The Editor VirtualSpace Field property class.
Edit class for the EditorVSTable container.
Editor version of the property container for the configuration of a Port "group" of the web server.
Editor version of the property container for the configuration of a Port "group" of the web server.
Custom Java-based Action Actor as provided by a user class.
Settings property container.
Setup class for property editor.
Editor version of the Web Service property container holding the definition of a web service transaction.
Edit class for the input data container.
The Edit page in the Preferences for the Terminal screen.
Loads the EE field from the EE screen file.
Loads the EE file consisting of at least one screen.
Loads and handles a step of logic of the EEMaster file.
Load the EEM file and appropriate EE files.
Handles all logic assigned to a EE(M) file in a "live" session.
Loads the EE screen from the EE file.
Class for a capture session.
Class holding definitions for the Property Editor for Capture Field property container.
Flex layout data.
Flex layout.
Flex layout setup data.
Grid layout data.
Grid layout.
Grid layout setup data.
Setup layout data for a component in a container with heading layout.
Heading layout.
Setup layout data for a component in a container with (mobile) list layout.
List layout.
Setup data for the list layout.
Class holding definitions for the Property Editor for Recording Logic property container.
Class holding definitions for the Property Editor for Recording Logic item property container.
Layout data for maps.
Map layout.
The Editor version of a map marker.
Setup data for a map marker.
Map markers container for the designer.
Setup data for map markers container for the designer.
Setup layout data for a component in a container with menu bar layout.
Menu bar layout.
Setup layout data for a component in a container with menu layout.
Menu layout.
The Editor version of a default list item.
The Editor version of a default list item.
Mobile list items group container for the designer.
Setup data for Mobile list items group container for the designer.
Mobile list group layout.
List component.
Setup data for Mobile list component.
Layout data for a component in a container with (mobile) list layout.
Mobile list layout.
The Editor version of a mobile list items group container.
The setup data of a mobile list items group container.
The empty host session peer.
Heading container.
Heading container setup data.
Editor class for UISimpleDialog.
Editor class for UISimpleDialog.
List item setup data.
Mobile switch UI component.
Mobile switch UI component setup data.
Tab bar container.
Tab bar container setup data.
Class for enabled items.
The String Encoding property editor.
An end-node text filter for Viewers used by the search engine.
An end point property.
An end point property.
Enum used for entry field types.
Class that converts an Iterator to Enumerator interface, i.e.
This client property is a container that holds everything a client/server needs in order to establish communication with the other party, and information about themselves (such as environment).
Capabilities of a Client.
Setup layout data for all panels.
The plot for the chart.
Chart axis 2D component setup data.
The errors property is used in the designer and files to store error and its values for a container.
Class holding definitions for the Property Editor for Screen Size property container.
Class holding definitions for the Property Editor for Screen Field property container.
Class holding definitions for the Property Editor for Screen Fields property container.
Class holding definitions for the Property Editor for Screen Actions property container.
Class holding definitions for the Property Editor for Screen Field property container.
Class holding definitions for the Property Editor for Screen Fields property container.
Class holding definitions for the Property Editor for Screen Fields property container.
Class holding definitions for the Property Editor for Screen Identification property container.
Class holding definitions for the Property Editor for Screen Identifications property container.
Edit class for the Selector container.
The Series for the chart.
Chart series component setup data.
The Series value for the chart.
Data series value for the chart.
Setup layout data for a component in a container with tab layout.
Swap layout.
Setup layout data for a component in a container with tab bar layout.
Tab bar layout.
Setup layout data for a component in a container with tab layout.
Tab layout.
Accordion container.
Accordion container setup data.
Button component.
Button component setup data.
Calendar component.
Calendar component setup data.
Calendar list component.
Calendar list component setup data.
Chart component.
Chart component setup data.
Checkbox component.
Checkbox component setup data.
Checked menu item component.
Checked menu item setup data.
Combobox component.
Combobox component setup data.
Base class for the setup of the property editor of the component.
Editor class for UIComps.
Editor class for UIComps.
Editor class for UIContainer.
Editor class for UIContainer.
Context menu container.
Context menu container setup data.
Date/Time UI component.
DateTime component setup data.
Editor class for UIDialog.
Editor class for UIDialog.
Empty component.
Editor class for UIEmpty.
Gauge component.
Gauge component setup data.
Image component.
Editor class for UIImage.
Image component.
Editor settings class for EUIImage2.
Label component.
Editor class for UILabel.
Map component.
Map component setup data.
Media component.
Media component setup data.
Menu container.
Menu container setup data.
Menu bar container.
Menu bar container setup data.
Menu item component.
Menu item setup data.
Menu separator component.
Menu separator setup data.
Label component.
Editor class for UIOutput.
Editor class for UIPanel.
Editor class for UIPanel.
Editor class for UIPanel.
Editor class for UIPanel.
Editor class for UIContainer.
Editor class for UIContainer.
Progress component.
Progress component setup data.
Radio button component.
Radio button setup data.
Radio menu item component.
Radio menu item setup data.
Slider component.
Slider component setup data.
Spinner UI component.
Spinner component setup data.
Swap container.
Swap container setup data.
Tab container.
Tab container setup data.
The Table "component" (really a container).
Tab container setup data.
The Table Column component.
Menu item setup data.
Setup layout data for a component in a container with tab layout.
UI Table layout.
Text component (entry field).
Text component (entry field) setup data.
Text area component.
Text area component setup data.
Group container.
Group container setup data.
Helper class to add Java-related tooltips and create actions for VirtualSpace and panels along with their respective Editor actions.
A listener interface that all events should extend.
A class which implements efficient and thread-safe multicast event dispatching for generic events.
Composite to display a failure in form of an exception.
A dialog to display one or more errors to the user, as contained in an IStatus object.
The expand all action.
Wizard to export an iiziApp using Application Distribution.
Wizard to export an iiziRun Builder configuration to create the install.
Export session wizard.
Class used to find circular references for the Extends Framework.
The boolean property editor consists of a simple check box.
The Extends Name "property" editor consists of a simple entry field.
Class to handle external web pages with embedded Jetty.
Class to handle external web pages with embedded Jetty.
Dialog used for text table externalize strings for KStringProp's and TooltipProp's.
The external web server property validator.
The Facebook service.
OAuth2 Facebook example, with response parsing of JSON.
Class used to handle a failed client session reconnection to the server and dispose of it in a nice way by sending the close code of CC_DISPOSED.
The VirtualSpace Field Actor property holds the reference, and the annotation values for implementing Operations, and Source and Target classes for Conversion.
Class container for associated value actors of a VSField or VSColumnHeader.
This class is used to check for file modifications of the file time stamp and/or the file size.
Class used to process file changes to create a collection of added, removed or renamed/moved files from a list of folders upon a change in the file system.
File extensions for IIZI Module projects.
A PropCnr that can refer to an IFile object can be loaded and saved as well as checked for modification from last time.
The Saveable implementation for a FilePropCnr.
A PropCnr that can refer to an IFile object can be loaded and saved as well as checked for modification from last time.
File Uniform Resource Naming (URN) instance class, holding a file name referencing a resource type with an identifier.
The File URN provider depends on the URNResourceType and an identifier, where the identifier is either a String for URNResourceType.
The file URN provider.
The fill dialog to choose an ARGB color and the stroke.
The "fill" property class holds the property name, value as a GFill object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The Fill property editor.
Class used to control a filter entry field that is used to filter out e.g.
A little extended Common Viewer for searching used in the Designer dialogs and parts, as well as a drag-drop enhancement.
Finder class used to locate the JavaDoc on the classpath for JavaDoc help in IIZI Projects.
The Fixed Virtualized Abstract Reference property class hold the reference to another property.
Flags a property for update in a structured viewer.
This Flashlight or torch property is a container that holds information about client devices flashlight availability, state and intensity.
A button that behaves like a flat button should do, i.e.
The FlexData is the layout data for components in a container with FlexLayout.
FlexLayout is a layout manager.
Value object class to handle the Float datatype.
The focus event that is fired when focus changes for an engine.
Focus exception event when focus cannot be changed.
Focus veto exception event when focus was rejected by a focus veto capable party.
The root container folders in the IIZI Module project.
A PropCnr that can refer to an IFolder object can be loaded and saved as well as checked for modification from last time.
Folder settings editor launching.
This folder settings property hold settings for a folder, typically a Selector and a description.
A PropCnr that can is a "directory" and can contain FileURIPropCnr's.
Class representing a consumed font.
Class for Font Designer Prop.
The font dialog to choose the font.
The font faces property container holds information about font face(s) that are available in the application.
The font faces editor in the Styles folder.
The content describer for the property files of font faces, having the same file extension as styles.
The FontFamily property editor for styles.
Container for all font icon files used in a FontIconsDefintion.
A viewer filter for extends properties.
Class holding information for a single Asset resource that should be preloaded to the client cache when the application starts.
Container for all font files used in a FontIconsDefintion.
Available font formats.
The definition of a single font icon and how it represent itself in the various states, e.g.
The Font Icon Definition property container that contains an installable font using @FontFace CSS and contains several icons that can be displayed in any square size.
Font information class for the UI.
The Font page in the Preferences for the Terminal screen.
The "font" property class holds the property name, value as a GFont object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The Font property editor.
Verifier for CSS font size.
The VirtualSpace reference processor used for the @FullVSRef annotation.
Annotation for a name space reference.
This is a data holder class for annotations in resource source files.
A badge holds a short text with a color and font size.
Specifies the color of the badge.
The location of the badge relative the component.
User close codes for WebSockets used between IIZI Server and Client.
This is a data holder class for color, typically an RGB(A) color for a component.
Class that holds static constant values used by various parts in the system.
The date and/or time property value is either a LocalTime, OffsetTime, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime or ZoneId and is used for the DateTimeProp property.
The type.
The Designer page in the Preferences for the Panel Designer.
The General page in the Preferences for the Terminal screen.
Internal Atom class, maps required method calls to override the Atom ones.
Class used to generate a keystore for use with e.g.
Generic callback functional interface with a single parameter.
Class to handle generic listeners in a thread-safe manner.
Geographical location data object used to retrieve a location from GeoProps.
The free "" service provider for region location information.
This Geographical property is a container that holds information about client position and an API to work with geographical location services.
This is a data holder class for property errors.
The error source.
The error types.
Gets the JavaDoc for an IMember using parts of the internal Eclipse class JavadocHover.
This class is the base class for all events.
Operations enumeration when sending the from the GProp.onEvent method.
Abstract class to defines how to fill a shape.
The fill type.
Gradient fill for a shape with a close relation to dojox/gfx.LinearGradient and dojox/gfx.RadialGradient.
Pattern fill for a shape with a close relation to dojox/gfx.Pattern.
Solid fill using a single color to fill a shape.
A font specifies the properties for a Font used in text operations.
This is a data holder class for gradient.
Inner class for a Swatch in a gradient.
Management transaction constants.
The Google service.
Test class for Google Translate.
The Editor version of the Google Translate translator implementation.
Google Translate translator implementation to get supported Languages, detect language(s) and perform translations.
An abstract Quick-fix helper class to "go to a property" in the corresponding Editor to e.g.
The generic property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
Class used to set a gradient on a composite.
Gradient dialog designer.
The "gradient" property class holds the property name, value as a GGradient object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The Gradient property editor.
Class to transpose a Graphics2D onto an SWT Graphics Context (GC).
Simple immutable rectangle class for multiple use accepting negative width and height.
The GridData is the layout data for components in a container with GridLayout.
GridLayout is a layout manager.
Class holding information about user groups for the server.
Group name property used for component grouping.
The group name validator for radio buttons.
Panel used for the Group in the VirtualSpace.
The series value that can be simple, X/Y, Bubble or OHLC.
Class for a simple panel device, i.e.
Simple immutable size class for multiple use accepting negative width and height.
A stroke defines stylistic properties that are used when drawing a path.
Specifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked.
Specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths or basic shapes when they are stroked.
Line style.
This is a data holder class for UI themes, specifying UI type (desktop/mobile) and the themes that are selected or possible.
This is a data holder class for a unit "px" for pixels, "dlg" for dialog, "em" for the size of the current font, "ex" for the size of the "x" character of the current font, "pt" for point size (1/72 of an inch), and "%" for percent of the parent component size.
Exception class used by GUnit.
The gyro transaction class is used to record all changes in a property container for commit/rollback operations.
Modified version of Java's GZIPOutputStream to perform BEST compression!
The memory Jar URLStreamHandler.
The XJar URLStreamHandler.
Hardware identifications that are used to build up the license.
Hardware information class using "OSHI".
The HeadingData is the layout data for components in a container with HeadingLayout.
Header specific layout manager.
Filter to hide the Java classpath for Viewers.
Action Actor to perform a History Backward action.
Settings property container.
Action Actor to perform a History Forward action.
Settings property container.
Class used to handle history requests across time.
This class holds the definition of a the host fields on the screen of the terminal connector.
Contains the result of a cell in a host field column, typically used for list boxes and business graphics.
All host fields of a screen are accessed using this class.
Key event for Host, like Java AWT's KeyEvent, i.e.
The host name and/or IP address, used to look-up region location information.
A host name and/or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) that has region location information.
This class identifies pop-up windows on a host screen.
This class does everything required for a host screen.
Interface used to listen to changes in the terminal screen in order to reflect it to the listening parties.
Handles conversion of H-L-L-A-P-I send keys to indexed values defined in this class.
The 3270 or 5250 (or EE) host session.
The 3270 host session peer.
The 5250 host session peer.
The interface that is used to listen to any kind of changes in the host session using the helper class RemoteHostSession.
The EE host session peer.
The 3270 or 5250 host session owner interface.
Handles the connection for an end point that uses multiple connections to a terminal host, Mainframe (3270), AS/400-iSeries (5250) and EE (Emulator-Emulator, recorded 3270/5250 sessions with a little screen logic).
The 3270 or 5250 host session owner interface.
The interface for 3270 or 5250 host sessions.
This property handles communication between the server and client in full duplex using Transaction's.
This class is used to get the text to display in the status bar for the host terminal session.
A hot deploy app that defines what is included for hot deploy to check for changes.
Abstract class that is used to parse data of a line on the screen to create hot spots such as function keys (or other send keys) and links.
The Hotspots colors page in the Preferences for the Terminal screen.
Table for HTML character entities.
Class that compresses given HTML source by removing comments, extra spaces and line breaks while preserving content within <pre>, <textarea>, <script> and <style> tags.
Class that stores HTML compression statistics
Class that stores metrics about HTML documents.
The HTML source information.
The manager for HTML sources.
Utility routines for HTML text.
An implementation of Encrypted Content-Encoding for HTTP.
Handles hot spots of type "http://nnn" and "ftp://nnn".
Hyperlink text dialog box.
Action Actor interface used for TXP runnable's.
Interface for the settings of the property container for the Action Actor Settings.
Interface implements by an Action Actor that wishes to receive the Settings container.
The activation code interface.
Interface called by the extensions frameworks at activation, both window and part.
Interface for adding actions and contribution items.
Additional information to retrieve for history entries.
Interface used to provide information about a UI component to fill in the wizard or to perform auto-creation of VS components.
Interface used to add the user location when received from the client session.
Tagging interface used by the AnnotationType's to handle reference look-up, validation and refactoring.
The license system interface used when building apps registering the app in the license system.
Mapping interface used for progress monitor
Interface to listen to app changes such as App Load or Hot Reloaded, and/or App Dispose.
The application history instance, one per application session, common for all client sessions.
Interface used to perform specialized backward operations for the application session history.
An entry in the application history.
Interface used to perform specialized forward operations for the application session history.
Callback interface used to inform the caller when the operation has completed to handle potential unlocking of the application and/or client session.
The Server Application Loader interface, used by the Server but also the Distribution compiler.
Interface implemented by the application owner to perform various session or application specific functions, such as to get the class loader, etc.
Interface a property can implement to be informed of closure of application session.
Interface used to provide advanced focus processing for the application.
The interface used to access the Application Session Gyro.
Interface that can be implemented by a property container that has an AssetReference.
Interface that can be implemented by a property container that has an AssetReferences.
Interface holding data for the "authenticated" user.
Provider interface to retrieve an authenticated user for a client or application session.
Tagging interface used to tag an option for axes that can be retrieved or set.
The listener for background mode changes for the location service.
Interface to implement for classes holding e.g.
Details stored in the server database as details for a user.
A tag interface that is used to bind POJO's (Plain Old Java Objects) to various other parts, e.g.
Interface that must be implemented for Client Certificates when they are not loaded (e.g.
Tagging interface used to tag an option for axes that can be retrieved or set.
The chart container interface is tagging the Axis, Plot and Series container instances.
Type of chart container.
Chart properties.
Interface used to find circular references.
A parent container can tag itself with this interface to cause ClassReference to instantiate the runtime instance object associated in the class reference when the class reference is resolved.
Interface used to listen to class path changes with the Java Manager.
Class reference listener for Java Class to reference implementor.
Interface implemented by a property container that holds a ClassReference instance, used to resolve references for MethodReferences, e.g.
Interface implements by a property container that contains ClassReference's in order to be notified that a change in class occurred that could require re-checking/validation.
Called from the ClearButton when pressed.
Interface to implement by layout managers that supports Clear-And-Delete component action.
Interface used to provide a mechanism to cache resources on the client side when the application starts.
Interface used for client caching of resources, to support downloading before application starts or to cache the resource the first time it's found to be loaded from local storage next time, unless the resource is modified.
Interface used to listen to changes in client connection states.
Interface used to create the client preference page with its validation.
Interface used to listen to new client session connections and their disposal.
Interface a property can implement to be informed of closure of client session.
The interface used to access the Client Session Gyro.
The client transaction processor extends the normal transaction processor with support for user authentication.
Interface for Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete/Select-all used by e.g.
The common code interface.
A code with an item that is used for comboboxes or spinners.
Interface implements by containers that can contain String elements of some kind.
Interface implemented by the owner of the code items.
Interface implemented by the owner of the code items.
Color selection change interface for the color selection widget.
Interface used to listen to Refactoring Commit events for Module projects.
Interface used to create the common job instance for Eclipse or stand-alone for a command line process, typically the RemoteBuilder.
Interface used for common jobs.
Common Servlet interface used to intercept GET/POST/...
Interface for the complex operation located in the Designer.
Interface implemented by the owner of the complex operation.
Interface for all sub-operations in the complex operation.
The IComponent is the base interface for UI components in IIZI.
Interface used to listen to events in edited property containers to reflect changes of a property by atom name in this container when value is changed, property added or changed, and the error state changed.
The data content interface used to carry information about an item.
Content item property container using with the content provider framework.
Generic interface of content providing.
Extends the generic interface of content providing with an API to add/remove items by means of API.
The API as an interface with default code that easily is added to a container to provide the general code.
Interface used to call the Add Item executor.
Contributes to the menu for Editor parts, when registerViewer or createMenu in the Editor part is called.
Contributes to the menu for Editor parts, when createMenu in the Editor part is called.
Interface a property can implement to handle preparation of the copy information for clipboard.
Utility to create an ICO file from transparent PNG files (or opaque JPG files).
Class used to create a value from a VS row.
Interface for creation of connected VS Fields.
Interface providing a storage mechanism of custom values on various objects and properties over the system.
Interface that a property container can implement in order to provide the valid datatypes that can be specified for the value.
Interface used to retrieve a connection from a connection pool.
Database flavors.
Interface to implement for a class that proxies the connection pool of the server internal database.
Interface used to provide values of various types used by the property editors.
Interface used to provide values of various types used by the property editors.
Interface used to provide values of various types used by the property editors.
Interface a property can implement to handle a delete operation that is invoked by the user.
The license system interface.
Interface to invoke a runnable at a later stage in the SWT thread.
Interface used to detect the browser format.
Callback functional interface invoked when the device parameters has completed refreshing by the client.
Interface implementing isDisposed() method.
Interface to fix selection event to be postponed due to initial dragging selection.
Menu initializer for the drop-down list.
The ID validator.
Interface a property can implement to change it's properties dynamically during editing.
Interface for edited image location.
Interface implemented by property editors.
Interface implemented by property fields to handle the property dialog.
Interface implemented by properties able to act as multi-property editors.
Interface used by IEditedPropertyEntry that supports has multiple values.
Editor version of Action Actor interface used for TXP runnables.
Interface used for an Action Provider to instantiate the Editor version of the Action Actor of the provider flavor.
Editor interface for the Settings containers for Actions in the Designer.
Interface implemented by all Editor classes for Image, typically for Common Navigator info.
Interface implemented by all Editor classes for Image, typically for Common Navigator info.
The reply processor for the Designer.
Additional Editor interface for the translator.
Interface implemented by layout data properties that can accept a fixed size of a component.
Image preview interface for the Designer components/containers implementing image preview.
Interface implemented by layout managers.
Interface implemented by layout managers that support drag-drop in the panel designer.
Simple DND layout manager that handles ordering of components in a straight array.
Interface used for Editor layout properties (layout data).
Interface implements by containers that can contain elements of some kind.
Interface for Server End Points.
The type of end-point.
Interface for plug-ins used to create a new end point.
Interface used in the server to listen to creation of new end points.
The IEntry interface is used for entry-capable components (such as entry field, multiple-line entry field, combobox and spin button).
The entry validator, typically for entry fields.
Interface used by enum's to retrieve the "id" and the "fallback" strings when formatting values to locale String's and KString's.
Interface used by enum's to retrieve the "id" and the "fallback" strings when formatting values to locale String's.
Interface implemented by all Editor UIComp and their extended classes.
Interface implemented by all Editor UIComp and their extended classes.
Common code to both components and containers that must be placed in a separate interface to be able to use default code.
Interface used by e.g.
Interface implemented by all Editor UIContainer and their extended classes.
Interface implemented by panels in the Designer.
Interface implemented by the Editor versions of the VSComponent's.
Executes the Web Service.
Filter used when expanding tree items.
Filter used when expanding tree items.
The extends framework selection interface used to select possible extends property reference.
Page interface for external browsers.
Interface to implement when a wizard completes creating a new file in order to be able to set e.g.
Interface used by data containers in FilePropCnr's that need to listen to changes in file contents.
Interface used to resolve URL's to files for the Designer.
Interface used for the URN resource provider in the server.
Filter interface implemented by the filter component.
Filter listener interface.
The flashlight/torch interface when supported, currently only in iiziRun using Cordova.
The asynchronous operations.
Callback interface used for notifications of flashlight/torch states and return code.
Flat button pressed.
Interface providing tooltip and context menu support for the flat toolbar button.
Interface implemented by components or properties that supports receiving focus.
Interface implemented by the focus engine.
Interface implemented by parties that can return a focus engine that is appropriate.
The focus listener interface that is called when the focus engine changes focus component.
The veto focus listener interface that is called when the focus engine changes focus component.
The change listener for folders and files.
Interface implemented by a potential font consumer class.
Style interface for font icons with styles.
Interface for the font information class for the UI.
Resolver interface to get font information from a component.
Interface used for Eclipse to resolve an URL to a file.
The generic license system interface.
Interface to the generic property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
Formatter for the label after the group text prompt for edited values in the property.
Interface to call the Gyro instance at focus change.
Interface implemented by Host Field Action provider.
Interface to implement for custom classes for the field processing used to getting/setting host field and providing conversion/mapping/translation support.
The interface to an interface of a directory.
The interface to an interface of a file.
Called when the image info changed.
Location interface for images where multiple images are using a single image resource.
Methods for styled image base properties.
Interface for the image definitions or the parts returning the size of the image.
Style interface for images with styles.
Interface implemented by Image properties that can be referenced.
Interface used for the Image URN provider in the server.
Interface for information providing for the device matcher.
Interface for framework properties that need to be initialized by the loader Property Manager.
Initializes the component with sample data.
Interface that any Java class that is hooked into the framework can implement.
The interface to an interface of a resource (file or directory).
Methods to get the URL from the Jar or memory Jar file, its stream handler and the byte array data of an Zip (Jar) entry.
Handler interface common for XJarFile and MemoryJarFile Handler's.
Interface that must be implemented by a Java Action Actor used when a VirtualSpace Action is fired.
Interface implemented by a property container that holds a ClassReference instance where the implementation of the class is attached to e.g.
Interface implemented by a property container that holds a ClassReference instance where the implementation of the class must implement an interface, used for advanced "hooks" in various parts, such as the database result row processor, web service request processor.
Data holder class for each item.
The link enabler for a Java method using the MethodReference class (not MethodReference2).
Interface for Java source file parsers.
Interface implements by containers that can contain String elements of some kind.
Interface required to be implemented by properties holding a KStringHolder.
Interface for all HTML hyperlink tags.
Interface for all HTML hyperlink tags to process a remot event depending on the type.
Hyperlink types and their processors.
Provider of information required by KString's when converted to HTML.
Interface to retrieve the KString information provider.
Interface that can be implemented by a property container that contains KStringProp's in order to send the KString's as HTML or plain text to the remote party.
Interface for all Text tags, for HTML and Plain Text.
Interface containing default code for the KString holder, KString information provider and externalizable KString support.
Interface used to get the last verified image instance.
Interface used by layout data to indicate that the component should be assumed to have a height due to the UI design setting "Assume height".
Interface used by layout data to indicate that the component should be assumed to have a width due to the UI design setting "Assume width".
Interface for tagging layout data to mark it as horizontal align capable.
Interface for tagging layout data to mark it as vertical align capable.
Called when layout is needed due to e.g.
Interface implemented by a layout property that supports component height.
Interface implemented by a layout property that supports component width.
Interface that the listener can use to interact with the license system connected server.
Interface the license system calls back for events.
The license code interface.
Provided at initialization of the licensing system to be able to display messages.
Interface used to inform of the login result.
Interface used to listen to license server events in order to perform visual feedback or just logging.
Interface used for license Login or Sign Up.
Interface used to provide listener to errors if e.g.
Interface that property container can implement indicating that they are capable of interacting with the drag-drop link system, Link or Paste-link menu items.
The link operation contains the information required to identify the link operation to perform, potentially present what should be done to the user for his/her selection.
Interface used to return the link wizard information that needs to be shown for an operation to complete.
The link wizard page.
Helper to format a message with parameters for a class in the appropriate String form.
Interface implemented to perform localized text string look-up's.
Helper to format a message with parameters for a class in the appropriate String form.
Callback interface used in the location service ILocationService and for GeoProps.
Interface used to process location updated from the client devices.
Service responsible for accessing the geolocation of a user or a specific device.
Interface used to handle locking and unlocking of the application session, with potential message and progress indicator.
Interface providing Lock UI API support used by UI and VirtualSpace actions.
Class handling logging for a module in the system, also maybe with specific settings in regards to log levels and log redirectors.
The LoggerRedirector interface is used by the logger to redirect a log event to a source, e.g.
The server log history listener interface.
Interface used for geolocation with longitude and latitude.
Interface used for geolocation with longitude, latitude and altitude.
Single image definition property container.
The Image Definition Editor part.
ImageDefinition filter that enables to choose a bitmap or icon image.
Class for Image Defintion Designer Prop.
Class sorting images.
The content describer for the property files of images/font icons, having the same file extension.
A viewer filter for bitmap image file assets.
Class to create a tooltip for images in the Assets directory.
Image helper to read an image from file, from a byte array, and perhaps convert it into a JPEG/PNG file.
The image info used by the image editor components.
This Image Location property container.
Enumeration class for the orientations of the image.
Image preview property for use with any UI component or container.
The Image Reference property class hold the reference to an image definition implementing IImageTarget that in turn has images for various states and resolutions.
The Image Reference property editor consists of a simple entry field and a more button.
The Image Registry holds information about Image Descriptors and Image instances.
This Image Resolution property only holds the image reference for an additional Device Pixel Ratio.
The multiple images control that shows locations and can edit them.
The Images Definition property container for multiple icons/images and multiple states and resolutions.
The Images Resolution property holds the image reference for an additional Device Pixel Ratio and contains ImagePartLocation properties.
This Images Style property container has the state for several images.
This Image Style property container holds the image types, asset reference, and other settings.
This Image Style Location property container has the state for several images.
This Image States Resolution property holds the image reference for an additional Device Pixel Ratio and contains ImagePartStateLocation properties.
The image selected by a user type enumeration.
Image Uniform Resource Naming (URN) instance class, with optional scaling along with options for square or circle display, all processed and cached on the server side.
Image provider for IIZI URN's.
The file URN provider.
The match routine.
Matches and gets the description.
The match routine used for cached Device Detection matching.
The match routine used for cached Device Detection matching.
The message box API enables showing a message box for a specific client session for user interaction.
The enum's for icons.
The message box reply callback.
Interface used to listen to invocation of the action button.
Interface used to listen to invocation of the item arrow action.
The listener for checkbox list items.
The minimum content provider interface for MList.
The content provider interface for MList that includes API functions to add and remove items.
Icon provider interface for list items connections to a VS table use the default content provider where its icon methods are not overridden.
The listener for radio button list items.
The listener for switch list items.
An immutable version of the XMLGregorianCalendar.
If a plug-in implements this interface in its (Plugin)Activator, it will be informed when a Module project is disposed of.
Interface implemented by the Module owner to perform various session or application specific functions, such as to get the class loader, etc.
Called during creation of the IIZI Module perspective to the plug-ins giving them an opportunity to add views, place holders, etc, to the IIZI Module perspective, i.e.
Provides access to the Module properties even from a runtime-style code.
Interface used to listen to changes in resources, when they are added, renamed or removed.
Import session wizard.
Import session wizard.
Import session wizard.
Interface implemented by the Common, Android and iOS settings.
Interface used for the Common Navigator framework.
Tooltip support for the viewers.
The information required by the VS component wizards.
Class to extract build information from a HTML file used to launch an application.
Loads and handles retrieval of data in a file such as SERVER.INI with [sections] and "item=data".
Input Properties that ties the input to the execution of an SQL query statement to VirtualSpace.
The Input Variable connects a VSField with an input variable or parameter to an SQL query statement.
Insert text dialog box.
Dialog box to insert or edit a text ID tag of a KString.
Dialog box to insert or edit a VirtualSpace tag of a KString.
The Integer (32-bit) property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
Property used by UI styles that has 4 settings/values for an integer, such as the border style (top/bottom/left/right).
Class mimicking the behavior of ArrayList with Integer without collection support.
The integer property editor consists of a simple check box.
Value object class to handle the Integer datatype.
The Jetty integrated web server class in iiziGo Designer.
The Designer page in the Preferences for the Internal Database.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle for the Internal Web Server using Jetty.
The internal web socket for the server side.
Integer preference.
The Integer property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The integer property editor consists of a simple entryfield.
The IntRange validator, options[0] is "from:[to]", or not specified (accepts all integer values the property can set).
Helper class to invoke a Runnable in the SWT thread after a while, once.
The OAuth (1.0a or 2.0) authentication callback provider to show an URL to the user in order to be accepted.
Interface used to listen to authentication completion, successfully or not.
Enum for the authentication codes.
Interface implemented by the authentication service.
Interface used to open native device settings when the client is iiziRun based.
Functional interface used for failure callback when a setting is attempted to be opened on the client side.
Functional interface used for success callback when a setting is opened on the client side.
Operation interface used when creating the compiled application.
Interface used to process an output table in a Web Service reply.
Interface used to convert individual variables used in the reply output connected to a VS Field.
Completes the wizard and its pages.
Interface used to listen to changes in the panel part reference.
Workbench part required to be implemented for parts by actions, and other items.
A pattern property owner that returns the value type.
Tagging interface used to tag an option for axes that can be retrieved or set.
Plug-in descriptor used for the Server to load the plug-in's XML schema and get the appropriate class loader.
Callback interface the Designer calls when initializing is required.
Interface implemented by a Jetty ServerConnector for a port in order to control it from the server administration.
The state enumeration of the connector.
Interface for a post processing of events.
Interface that is called just prior to sending the host session properties to the other party.
Provides the theme information for use with image previews.
Very small print output redirector.
The private storage interface is used in components in order to provide a programmatic storage that lives with the component it is attached to.
Interface used by plug-ins that wish to listen to resource changes in the workspace starting from a project.
This interface is used to bind POJO's (Plain Old Java Objects) to Properties.
Interface for the property container class holds the container property name, a value as a GProp array and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
Interface for a generic number setting for a property container implemented by enum classes.
Interface implements by a property container supporting setting as choices, numbers,
Interface used to tag an option for generic options that can be retrieved or set.
Interface implements by a property container supporting setting as choices, numbers,
Interface for a generic color setting for a property container implemented by enum classes.
Interface implements by a property container supporting setting for colors.
Interface used for the property editor.
Interface for a generic fill setting for a property container implemented by enum classes.
Interface implements by a property container supporting setting for fill's.
Interface for a generic font setting for a property container implemented by enum classes.
Interface implements by a property container supporting setting for colors.
Interface for a generic integer setting for a property container implemented by enum classes.
Interface implements by a property container supporting setting as choices, numbers,
Interface for a generic KString setting for a property container implemented by enum classes with validation support.
Interface implements by a property container supporting setting as KString's.
Interface for a generic number setting for a property container implemented by enum classes with validation support.
Interface implements by a property container supporting setting as strings.
Interface for a generic string setting for a property container implemented by enum classes with validation support.
Interface implements by a property container supporting setting as strings.
Interface for a generic stroke setting for a property container implemented by enum classes.
Interface implements by a property container supporting setting for strokes.
Interface for property containers for iiziGo Designer that supports file reference to an IFile object, the modification stamp, an exception, used when loading files as well as checking for possible refresh.
Interface used to extend the property editor of a single edited property item.
Interface to implement on a PropCnr instance used to provide extensions in iiziGo and its property editors.
Interface that can be implemented by a property container in order to make all its children read-only in the property editor without actually have the read-only state on the property container.
The generic property item error.
Called from the PropertyDefinedButton when pressed.
Controller interface that provides functions for property editing such as undo/redo.
Interface used for the Property Extender engine for the Extends Framework.
Interface used by the Designer to process Designer-specific tasks that should not be available in the Server or Client.
Interface implemented by the information provider in the Property Manager.
Interface used to implement the Property Manager Owner actions.
A simple interface to the Eclipse IProgressMonitor.
Interface used as notifier for a property reference listener, see the com.iizix.prop.PropReference class for more information.
The reference type for properties with locale support.
Enumeration for reference change events.
The reference types.
Interface used as notifier for a property reference listener, see the com.iizix.prop.PropReference class for more information.
Interface used to indicate a property can be renamed.
Interface implemented by PropCnr's that are root properties.
Interface used to implement undo context support for workbench parts as well as property containers.
Interface used for undo/redo operations in properties.
The Common Navigator has changed.
The proxy edit controller that is used in proxied property containers and undo transactions when the proxied end-point updates properties inwards.
Interface to implement by a proxy property container implementor that wishes to select what properties are proxied.
The Interface used by Proxy Properties.
Interface used to listen to if a proxy source container is removed.
The "" service provider for region location information.
The push notification interface.
The subscription interface.
The free "" service provider for region location information.
Interface implemented by a Result Set processor for database transactions executing an SQL query statement that produces a result set.
Interface for a quick-fix that is used to add a quick-fix to a marker.
Quick-fix interface needed by a quick-fix private object to integrate with Eclipse.
Interface the quick-fix for a marker implements to resolve it's and possibly others of the same type.
Interface used to listen to changes in references.
Interface used for instances having references.
Interface used by property containers to redirect a direct reference to its main property container to a reference property that is used by the referencing framework.
Interface implemented by an owner of the property reference that refers into a container that has a ReferralsHolder.
Reply from a host with region location information, or error code is handled with this interface.
Interface that the framework session uses to perform functions on the client side.
Interface used by the framework to listen to remote control events.
Functional interface use to listen on PropMgr to complete processing of incoming remote read transactions.
Interface to implement by layout managers that supports replacing layout data from other types, e.g.
Interface for processing of the reply content.
Reply processor interface for the Web Service output.
The request content interface used to format the request appropriately depending on what is being sent.
Interface used by the content encoding input.
Interface used to process the reply received from the remote party of a Web Service transaction, once the data has been stored e.g.
Interface implemented by a class providing variable input to the Web Service request.
Interface implemented by a Result Set processor for database transactions executing an SQL query statement that produces a result set.
Interface used by a Result Set Row Processor.
Interface for send transaction.
The runtime creation builder interface implemented by the runtime builder plugin.
The runtime image cache interface.
The runtime image cache interface with code implementation, except the cache map instance.
Interface used to gets a reference for runtime use to get the reference of an item.
The runtime resolver instance.
Interface implemented by an Editor part that needs additional information saved, e.g.
Panel interface to save settings before disposal.
The screen designer interface hooks the paint and mouse functions.
Interface used to listen to screen orientation changes.
Interface for screen rectangles.
Interface used to listen to screen size changes.
Validates the settings for scroll bars Atom.HSCROLL and Atom.VSCROLL.
Interface that can be implemented by an Editor to handle the selection enabler processing instead of the default.
Implementation of the SelectorExpression resolver.
Interface implemented by components that can be selected or unselected dependent on a client connection.
Interface that can be implemented by a property container that contains property references.
Interface used for sensitive parameter encoding and decoding with keys exchanged between the server and the client.
The interface to the Server instance, whether running in a JakartaEE Application Server or stand-alone using another web server and/or WebSocket implementation.
Error enum used when validating an App ID with locale support.
States of the server.
Interface for a listener used for the Server Admin functionality.
Interface implemented by the principal plug-in properties to provide information for a Server configuration of the application.
Interface for the Server Application Setup Property Containers used to initialize the application at load time and the application instances.
Interface implemented by the principal plug-in properties to provide information for a Server configuration of the application.
The listener interface for changes in the ServerConfigFile.
The server connector interface associated with the web server request being handled.
Listener for the server dispose events.
The license system interface.
Interface that the server uses to redirect a request of a client to another server using the load balancer.
Interface implemented by a server module that wish to implement an end-point and act as a remote party accepter.
The server settings interface.
Interface that an end point must return in case communication is accepted.
Interface used to create the actual instance of the authentication service.
Interface used for the session statistics.
Interface normally used by the {@link SessionTransMgr}, but also used by the test client.
Displays the source code associated with a UI or VS component.
The interface for sockets or server sockets to implement for processing events.
Source file resolver to change paths starting with $nnn$ to the resolved root in question.
Interface to handle the SSL Settings composite.
Listener used to process when the user taps the status bar in iiziRun.
Interface implements by containers that can contain String elements of some kind.
Methods for multiple image base properties.
Filter for properties of a property container.
Interface implemented by file, folder and module project properties to perform synchronization of Eclipse markers for error properties.
Interface implemented by file, folder and module project properties to perform synchronization of Eclipse markers for error properties.
Synchronized state listener used to listen to when the auto-building is complete and the properties state is synchronized with resources.
Interface for the UITable content provider.
Interface for the UITable content provider.
Filtering option enum.
Class wrapping an item for viewers, so that it can be shown using the IIZI LabelProvider with a specific text and image.
Interface implemented by the Screen, Capture and Recording editors.
Terminal instance listener interface.
Terminal operations.
Interface to listen to state changes for the TerminalComposite when connected to a host session.
State listener for a TerminalHost.
Interface implements by properties containing KString's that can contain externalizable text.
Interface for text table references.
Functional interface used when the theme has been changed and that some form of re-colorization is needed, typically for colors in ApplicationUI, but also images.
Internal interface used by the timeout engine implementation.
Interface used for timeout processing.
An interface for a registered timeout task that can be queried for timeout or canceled.
The timer engine handles timeouts and scheduled events.
Base interface for registered timeout or scheduled task that can be queried for timeout or canceled.
The toast API is available for both IClientSessionGyro (the device) and IAppSessionGyro (the session).
Definition of the direction for the show animation.
Definition of the available position where to display the toast.
Type of message style: message, warning, error of fatal.
Interface implemented by a property container that wishes to output a simple list of properties as they are defined, perhaps with String formatting.
Interface used to format a value of a property when creating the tooltip using the ITooltipPropList interface.
Transaction interface for read and send transactions.
Interface implemented by write cache holder classes.
Interface implemented by the party processing incoming transactions.
Interface to send transactions to the client side.
Interface implemented by for properties supporting transfer of properties between instances of the same type.
The translation engine interface.
Interface to implement to receive a translation reply from the translation engine, as requests are handled asyncrhonously.
The translation request can hold one or several translation operations in the same source and target language.
The translator interface.
The ITXPCoordinator interface.
ITXProcess ID Interface.
This is an interface for TXP transaction logging.
TXP Management interface NOTE: UNDER DESIGN!!
Holds the management info for a process.
The ITXPNode interface abstracts a unit of work in a transactional process.
State enum for a ITXPNode.
Generic policy action that should be interpreted by the coordinator in a certain context.
The TXPProcess interface abstracts a transactional process.
The process state.
Interface implemented by action items.
Interface implementation for a property container that holds the IUIAction information that is used for e.g.
The indexed selection is used for e.g.
The interface for a selection component supporting index-based selections.
The boolean selection is used for components that can be selected or unselected, e.g.
The boolean component supports an on/off or selected/unselected state only.
Interface implemented by components in the Designer to return the pixel bounds.
The base interface used for UI builders.
The interface used for UI builders from VirtualSpace.
The UI builder link enabler can be assigned to the UIContainer implementing class and is also used for the UIComps container and layout managers in order to produce the same result when e.g.
The cell selection is used for grids with cell selection enabled.
Interface implements by components that process cell selection and emits cell selection events.
Components with check state implement this interface without third state possibility.
Components with check state implement this interface.
Interface implemented by a UI property container that holds a ClassReference instance, used to resolve references for MethodReferences, e.g.
The interface for the UIComp class is the basic implementation of a single user interface component.
Interface used to create the UI component in order to fill in the wizard or to perform auto-creation of VS components.
Link interface implemented by UIComponents.
Tagging interface for UI components that can be referenced by AbstractUICompRelativeReference, e.g.
The interface for the UIContainer class is a standard simple container for components.
Interface that can be implemented by an owner of a context menu in order to be notified upon reference resolving.
Interface implemented by VS components VSAction, VSField, VSTable, VSGroup used for UI creation when VS components are dropped in a UI container, UIComps or layout manager.
Date time interface for common routines in UIDateTime and MLDateTime.
Interface implemented by value supporting components with a date/time value.
Interface implemented by Date value supporting components with a date/time value.
Interface implemented by value supporting components with a double value and a range.
Interface implemented by value supporting components with a double value.
Focus component for the UI components.
Interface implemented by containers that separate grouping of components (radio buttons).
Interface supporting the Hint API functions.
Interface implemented by HTML string supporting components such as the UI Label.
Listener for changes in the UIImage2 property class, e.g.
The indexed selection is used for e.g.
The interface for a selection component supporting index-based selections.
Tagging interface for UI components that can be "Label for" another component, e.g.
The media component UI listener for event in the media player.
Interface implemented by value supporting components with a double, integer or date/time nullable value.
Interface providing the API to manipulate panel animations when panels are replaced by another.
The animation direction.
The animation speed.
The animation type.
The panel owner is an interface implemented by top level components that are either the panel itself or e.g.
Interface implemented by plain string supporting components such as the UI Text and Text Area components.
Interface implemented by plain string supporting components such as the UI Text and Text Area components.
Interface implemented by components that can be grouped together using a group name, e.g.
The selection interface tag.
Interface implements by components that process selection and emits selection events.
Interface for selection listeners.
The indexed selection is used for e.g.
The interface for a selection component supporting index-based selections.
Interface used to listen to UITable selection changes directly.
Interface implemented by text supporting components.
Interface implemented by Time value supporting components with a date/time value.
The boolean selection is used for radio buttons and others when box type components (menu item) where the state can be checked, third state or unchecked.
Interface for tri-state based selection components such as a checkbox.
Interface implemented by value supporting components with a double, integer or date/time value.
Interface implemented by an Update Processor for database transactions executing an SQL update query statement, i.e.
Interface used to identify the destination of a URL that is published.
Interface used to map a URN string to an external URL string to use by a device, accessing the iiziServer or the iiziGo Designer web server.
Login result from the user authentication engine.
User authentication interface used for the login panel UI.
Feed-back to the user of what is going on.
The interface for the user location history.
Interface used to listen to changes in user location.
The request class for a User Profile Image.
The URN provider for user profiles.
The URN provider for user profiles.
Validation of selected item in an Object Dialog Tree.
The validation interface used by connectors that wish to validate a VirtualSpace Field.
Interface for messages in dialogs, wizard or pages.
Validation interface.
Interface to create a value object for the data type, or to convert to it.
Class implemented by the Viewer Comparator.
Tooltip support for viewers.
Callback used when the Virtualized Monitor property is created.
Interface to indicate that the property takes part of the server browser and can display information in the properties or the right panel part.
Class for Virtualized Monitor Designer Prop.
Interface used to look-up a reference from a virtualized container in an application.
Interface used to retrieve an instance of a look-up of reference from a virtualized container in an application.
The interface to the virtualized container that is exposed to the API and the Server.
The VirtualSpace focus engine.
Assigns a new panel component for editing.
The interface used to handle virtual threads in Java 21 (JEP 444), or when the Java option --enable-preview is set on the command line for Java 19 or 20.
Interface used to retrieve a VirtualSpace instance.
The interface for a provider of a VSActionReferenceAsActor property.
The link enabler for a standard VSAction in VSActionReference named Atom.ACTION or another name using IVSActionLinkEnabler.getLinkVSActionName(LinkData).
Interface used to listen to VS action events.
Tagging interface used by Action Actors being part of the VSAction list of actions.
Interface call when the VSAction TX process completes.
Interface implemented by a VirtualSpace property container that holds a ClassReference instance, used to resolve references for MethodReferences, e.g.
Interface used to listen to VS table column events.
Interface used to listen to VS table column events.
The common VS interface for the VirtualSpace and the VSComponent's such as VSField, VSTable, VSAction, etc.
Base interface used to listen to VS component events.
Interface used to provide the type of VS component reference supported.
Base interface used to listen to VS component events, defines the State enumeration.
Enum of field states that are notified as changes.
The link enabler for a standard VSAction in VSFieldReference named Atom.VSFIELD or another name using IVSFieldLinkEnabler.getLinkVSFieldName(LinkData).
Interface used to listen to VS field value events.
An interface used for advanced processing of focus mappings when the standard engines cannot be used.
Generic VS component listener interface used to listen to VS component events other than VS Action, Column, Field or Table, i.e.
Interface providing support for VirtualSpace or VS component linking upon drag-drop-link or paste-link.
The message support for a VS component.
Interface implemented by a container being a participant in the VirtualSpace.
The VSLinkEnabler for a standard VirtualSpace connection using VSParticipant named Atom.VIRTUALSPACE.
Interface used to verify whether focus scope should be verified or not.
Interface implements by a property container that holds a VSTableColumnReference to provide the VSTable instance.
Interface used to listen to VS table events.
The listener interface for table selection changes.
Interface used to listen to the completion of the loading of the website logo.
Interface used for dynamic web server compression when an HTML file is mangled into a certain configuration and results in a single CSS and JS source rather than multiple files.
Interface for the configuration of a Port "group" of the web server.
Simple interface that can be added to interact with a URL in order to produce a very simple reply to a servlet request.
The Web Service engine provider.
Interface to class that handles the WebSocket protocol.
The interface for the WebSocket engines for the different implementations such as Grizzly, Jetty.
Interface used to listen to the completion of the loading of the thumbnail.
Interface used to listen for window closure.
Validator interface for the ValidatorWizardDialog.
Workbench part required to be implemented for parts by actions, and other items.
Timeout interface for the Worker, used by e.g.
Interface for a wrapped element.
Helper interface used to verify if an instance of an interface is assignable to a class and also to cast it to the requested class without throwing an error.
Interface used to hold a file for a file provider.
Interface used to hold information for file download into a file provider.
The interface is used to provide files to the web server for various contexts: Server session, Per application (and version), Per user (all sessions), Per application session (on user basis), Per client session.
The file provider server.
Interface all Designer Props of the Web Service must implement.
Interface used to handle uploads to the server from a client, e.g.
Interface that handles accepting uploads of files.
Interface used to handle uploads to the server from a client, e.g.
Interface that gets the signing certificates of a class of a bundle in Eclipse.
Annotation for a method or class.
The customized CCombo class to create a customized drop-down.
The CCombo class represents a selectable user interface object that combines a text field and a list and issues notification when an item is selected from the list.
The IIZI classpath container for the Core and Plug-in libraries that dynamically adjust the classpath for the plug-ins used.
The type of container.
This extension point allows clients to contribute custom classpath container initializers, which are used to lazily bind classpath containers to instances of org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathContainer.
The IIZI classpath container page allows the user to create a new or edit an existing classpath container entry.
"Copy" of Eclipse FillLayout but with addition of maximum width and height as the FillLayout class is "final"!
Class used to create a filter entry field that is used to filter out e.g.
The Menu drop-in replacement in iiziGo that does not consume handles, i.e.
The Menu drop-in replacement in iiziGo that does not consume handles, i.e.
Method declaration class.
Zoom capable components implement this interface.
OperationHistoryActionHandler implements common behavior for the undo and redo actions.
RedoActionHandler provides common behavior for redoing an operation, as well as labeling and enabling the menu item.
Resolves container runtime classpath entries in the context of a launch configuration or Java project for the IIZI Libraries.
A submenu item information holder that can be added to the main menu together with a set of actions in order to be able to save an array of item in an Object [] for fast construction or appending to menus while in about-to-display state.
A TableCursor provides a way for the user to navigate around a Table using the keyboard.
The tooltip text class.
The tooltip implementor class controlled by IzToolTip.
Enhances the tooltip with additional information when creating a tooltip for a DesignerProp.
A type declaration for a class or interface.
UndoActionHandler provides common behavior for performing an undo, as well as labeling and enabling the undo menu item.
The JakartaEEServer is the iiziServer Shell running the JakartaEE environment.
This class handles one Jar or several Jar file(s) (already loaded), typically XJarFile or MemoryJarFile's.
Class holding an IJarFile and a path inside the Jar file for the JarClassLoader.
Helper class to sign a Jar file.
Annotation for tagging classes that are Java Action Actors.
Custom Java-based Action Actor as provided by a user class.
Settings property container.
Support for multiple definitions of the JavaActionActorAnnotation POJO class tag.
Annotation used to define a Java Action Actor parameter that will be provided in the settings property at runtime.
Type of parameter.
Support for multiple definitions of the JavaActorParam POJO class tag.
The Java Class holds listeners to changes, performs class validation and is hooked into Eclipse Refactoring via its owner ModuleClasses.
Event ID used to broadcast an event of a Java Class file change, sent from the ClassReference parent in a sinking way to all children.
The Code Completion for Java code that handles String's and Annotations.
The Java compilation participant for all Java projects that could potentially be used in an IIZI Module.
The Java directory wrapper.
Processing of text hovers in the Java Editor.
Class used to create an ILinkCapable instance of a Java class.
The Java file wrapper.
Helper methods for Java.
Class used to listen to workspace changes file in any Java project.
Event ID used to broadcast an event of a Java Class file change, sent from the ClassReference parent in a sinking way to all children.
Abstract class for errors produced in the Annotation and Type/Method parsers.
The Java project class.
Root property container for Java projects.
The property reference class subclassing the PropReference to provide special functions for Java files.
Property container used to store properties of Java files in a project.
Class handling a Java Source.
The Java source types.
Abstract class for parsing a Java source file to perform syntax-check and reference validation of Java source code to the IIZI property tree as well as refactoring of the Java source code when properties are changed.
Derby instance for iiziGo and iiziServer.
The client class for communication with a remote server over (secured) WebSocket using the IIZI reconnectable transactional processing.
Server using Jetty to serve a Run Configuration launch of an application from Eclipse.
Helper class for different JFace routines.
Main class for the iiziGo Designer JavaScript plug-in used to hold the file required for browser and JavaScript on disk outside of Jar plug-in files to be accessed directly as file:/ or http[s]:// URI's.
A JSON element wrapper, used to process the output of a Web Service reply.
RESTful JSON Encoded input for the request of a Web Service transaction.
Class for a JSON reply.
The JSON reply document contains information that identifies the reply transaction and maps the structured data into VSFields and VSTables (or columns).
The Keyboard colors page in the Preferences for the Terminal screen.
The keyboard remapper that maps KeyEvents to Send Keys.
The key augmentation maps a key with the shift, control and alt keys to a particular send key.
Handles hot spots for function keys and other special keys.
Key preference: 64=none, 1=shift, 2=ctrl, 4=alt (or bitmask).
The KString outputs a text string of a type.
The type of string.
The KString refactoring event that indicates that the KString has been refactored and needs updating the KStringProp property with a new KString.
The operation enum.
Exception class used for KString.
Helper class used to maintain a KString for its dynamic tags with references, i.e.
Class for the dynamic HTML tags in the string, i.e.
Class for the dynamic HTML hyperlink A tag that refers to an external source when the user clicks on a hyperlink in HTML text.
Class for the dynamic HTML hyperlink A tag that refers to a Resource when the user clicks on a hyperlink in HTML text.
Class for the dynamic HTML hyperlink A tag that refers to a Panel when the user clicks on a hyperlink in HTML text.
Class for the dynamic HTML hyperlink A tag that refers to VirtualSpace when the user clicks on a hyperlink in HTML text.
Class for the dynamic HTML image IMG tag that refers to an image in the application.
Class for the HTML tag entry in the string.
Class for the dynamic HTML tag IZ that refers to the text table.
Class for the dynamic HTML tag IZ that refers to VirtualSpace text.
Adapter to provide information required by KString's when converted to HTML.
Exception class used for KString parsing errors.
Abstract class used by the PLAIN TextTable, VirtualSpace and Connector tags.
Class for the text table tag for KString that is of type PLAIN.
Class for the VirtualSpace tag for KString that is of type PLAIN.
The "KString" property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The KString property editor consists of an icon describing the string value, an entry field.
Styles KString used for parsing in the Editor to provide StyleRange's.
Controller class for editing a KString as a styled string.
The style range for a KString.
Base class for Tags (HTMLTag and PlainTag) in KString.
The types.
Test of KString and its format method.
Value object class to handle the KString datatype.
KTooltip is the invariant data holder for a TooltipProp.
The Label For Reference property class hold the reference to another property in the same base container.
The IIZI general purpose label provider.
List of languages and their language codes for the Google Translate API.
List of languages and their language codes for the Azure Cognitive Services API.
Language selection composite.
A language exception is thrown when a request is made to retrieve some data for a particular language code that is not available in the current app configuration for languages and text tables.
Class used to get information for a language defined by Google Translate.
Language match class.
Data for last verification of an image.
The bounds text formatter.
LayoutMgr is the class that handles layout of UIComp's in a UI container.
Layouts out the components added in the build data after creation.
The LayoutProp is the generic property for layout managers using properties to layout it's components.
The iiziServer Let's Encrypt implementation for SSL certificates.
The reply code.
Class used to hold information of a certificate request.
The type of ACME challenge.
Property container holding information about a Let's Encrypt domain with automatic certificate renewal in the server.
Class used to create or renew the certificate for a domain in the server.
Class to hold a license agreement in various languages.
Methods for license agreements ---
The license exception.
Exception used when serialization fails.
Instance used to load the license system.
The root page in the IIZI preferences.
Class used to hold information about licensing history, i.e.
A single entry in the license history.
License system event types used in the LicensingHistoryEntry.
Line preference.
Draws a vertical or horizontal line.
The Link property handler.
Data for the link operation, i.e.
The LinkedIn service.
Test LinkedIn login to get the email and the light profile information with profile pictures.
The link wizard.
The link wizard operations handles all operations that should run.
The ListData is the layout data for components in a container with ListLayout.
List container specific layout manager.
Routine to list the colors used by the mobile themes Android, iOS and Windows used to build the light themes and custom themes.
The Load Balancer running as an iiziServer Module.
The Load Balancer end point web socket connection.
Value object class to handle the LocalDateTime datatype.
Value object class to handle the LocalDate datatype.
The LocaleInfo class contains information of the system-global or client session specific Locale, Currency, NumberFormat, date and time format.
The LocaleString enum that hold strings in various languages.
The Localized String Prop editor consists of a simple entry field where all the localized languages are placed, the default language first, followed by the other languages, as a "comma" separated String.
Value object class to handle the LocalTime datatype.
The manager for locations used for background updated from devices posted using HTTP(S).
Class used to provide inaccurate geolocation from e.g.
Performs static binding to IIZI implementation of SLF4J when the LogServiceProvider ServiceLoader failed loading and instantiating the class.
The log entry.
The Logger factory of IIZI for SLF4J.
Interface for LoggerNIO to redirect low-level debug/verbose routines for Android.
The class that manages all ILog instances in the process and it's threads or thread groups.
The recording logic item property container.
The recording logic property container.
The service provider for the IIZI implementation for SLF4J.
Input stream redirector class to the IIZI log.
The Long property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The Long property editor consists of a simple entryfield.
The LongRange validator, options[0] is "from:[to]", or not specified (accepts all Long values the property can set).
Value object class to handle the Long datatype.
The link operation assigning the VirtualSpace to a participant, e.g.
The link operation linking VSAction using a VSActionReference for a property container that implements IVSActionListener.
The link operation linking any of VSTable, VSColumnHeader, VSField or VSAction.
The link operation linking VSField using a VSFieldReference for a property container that implements IVSFieldListener.
Creates a new mail to send.
Container holding mail settings.
The mail sender can send emails directly or queued, with a reply callback.
Main starting class for the stress client tool for iiziServer.
Exception thrown when the URN is invalid.
The layout data for all mobile list components or containers, i.e.
Layout manager for maps.
The marker for the map consists of a location, text and attributes.
The marker content provider for the Map component.
The property container for map markers.
The map marker container contains markers placed on a map that comes from a VirtualSpace table or by means of the API.
The Media Reference property editor consists of a simple entry field and a more button.
The method tree item navigator presentation providing tooltips for the Java members.
"Adapter" class that converts a property container to the Eclipse org.eclipse.ui.IMemento.
Memento supporting property container.
Extends the normal Jar file for processing files with various character case, and mixture of forward and backslashes.
This interface is used to decrypt each entry in the ZIP/JAR file (along with the manifest if required).
Extends the JarURLConnection to handle in-memory loaded MemoryJarFile instead of JarFile.
This class installs the iiziLink file system URL stream handler allowing files to be cached in-memory and not locked on the local file system.
The MenuBarData is the layout data for components in a container with MenuBarLayout.
Menu bar specific layout manager.
The MenuData is the layout data for components in a container with MenuLayout.
The UI Button builder.
An action builder sub-operation.
Menu specific layout manager.
The message box is a container to display a message box on the client side and wait for the user reply.
Class to handle localized messages.
Class to handle localized messages for the server.
The message type for logging from the license system
The methods for a RESTful Web Service transaction.
Return value for a method look-up.
The Method Reference property class hold the reference to a Method that is in a Java class.
The Method Reference "2" property class hold the reference to a Method that is in a Java class.
The Method Reference property editor consists of a simple entry field.
The class used to provide an MFA authentication using a TOTP based QR code.
Enum to define valid hashing algorithms.
Microsoft identity platform service can be used for a specific tenant or the default "common" tentant.
OAuth2 Microsoft identity platform example, with response parsing of JSON.
The checkbox list item class.
ComboBox is a value field that will show a overlay widget to select its value from.
The mobile list item content provider for the mobile list component.
Date/time input in form of a pop-up to input a date and/or time in various forms.
The property container for default mobile list items.
Designer properties for mobile list, groups and items.
The mobile list item group contains mobile list items placed inserted into a list that comes from a VirtualSpace table or by means of the API.
Layout manager for mobile list groups.
Mobile list item UI component.
The layout data for all mobile list components or containers, i.e.
Layout manager for all mobile lists.
The list item for the mobile list.
The property container for mobile list items.
The mobile list item types.
The radio button list item class.
The simple list item class.
Slider is a component that accepts any user input (sliding selection on a numeric value).
Spinner is a value field that will show a drop-down widget to select its value from.
The switch list item class.
Text entry is a text box that accepts any user input, with the additional specification of text type to show a special keyboard (e.g.
This Module Applications settings that defines the behavior of the application and contains its settings.
Edit class for the ModuleApp property container.
The IIZI Module Application property page.
The module folder is a separate directory in the module project that stores property containers in files with a predefined file extension, and that only has directories with names that end with the same file extension (in order not to have name collision with properties, i.e.
The module root property container.
The IIZI Module Model.
The IIZI Module Project Nature.
Creates the IIZI Module Perspective, an extension of the Java perspective, generating the initial page layout and visible action set for a page.
Class used to load an IIZI Module project from a directory for the Server when running as an Eclipse Run Configuration.
The module root property container.
Class used to wrap the property container for Module Settings.
The module root property container.
Validator for the "Include Modules" entry.
Module settings editor launching.
Value object class to handle the MonthDay datatype.
The Move property handler.
Implements refactoring move action with do/undo.
Dialog used for moving properties within all open projects.
Move files and folders operation with undo support (added context support).
Class used to move property resources in an Undoable operation.
Header UI container.
Simple mobile popup dialog.
Mobile switch UI component.
Tab bar UI container.
The types of tab bars.
The GUnit property editor.
The GUnit property editor.
The multiple index-based selection state used by e.g.
The multiple property class holds the property name, a common value or an array of different properties (typically 4 for e.g.
Class used to handle properties in a multi-prop editor.
The property editor that edits either a single property group, or individual items.
Class used to display multiple property values.
Class used as selection provider for a part consisting of multiple types of components that would support the selection interface.
The GUnit multi-property editor.
The unit's multiple-property editor.
Thrown when a named parameter is not found.
The input properties parameter statement for JDBC that is prepared and filled with the parameters from the named host variables as specified in the Database connector com.iziix.db.prop.InputProps with the com.iziix.db.prop.InputVariable's containing mappings to VSField's.
The component name creator with it's VS Field.
This Flashlight or torch property is a container that holds information about client devices flashlight availability, state and intensity.
Navigator label provider with tool-tip support.
The nearby class with locations and distance.
Wizard to open or create an application distribution configuration file.
New Capture Wizard
First page for new capture.
Wizard to create a new Context Menu.
Wizard to create a new Database.
The connection profiles for the database transaction wizard.
Wizard to create a new Folder.
Wizard to create a new FontFaces.
Wizard to create a new Image Definition.
New method name dialog box, checking name validity and that method name is not already taken.
Wizard that creates the IIZI Module Project that extends a Java project.
Simplified New IIZI Project Wizard creating panels for requested targets and text tables with automatic translation of language texts.
Class for the new text tables with languages wizard page.
Class for the new text tables with languages wizard page.
Wizard to create a new Panel.
New Project Wizard
First page for new session: the name and session type.
New Recording Wizard
First page for new recording.
Wizard to create a new Reply Processor.
Wizard to open or create an iiziRun Builder configuration file.
Wizard to create a new Terminal Screen.
The second page in the New Screen Wizard.
Wizard to create a new Selector.
Wizard to open or create a Server configuration file.
Wizard to create a new Server.
Handler implementing the New Terminal Session.
New Session Wizard
The second page for an EE session, the application file name.
Host page for new 3270/5250 sessions.
First page for new session: the name and session type.
The page for a 3270 session, the terminal type, codepage and keyboard.
Wizard to create a new Style.
Wizard to create a new SVG Definition.
The composite used to display the composite to create new text files with languages.
Creation of text tables that use translation engine and derives from a base table.
Wizard to create a new Text Table.
Wizard to create a new VirtualSpace.
Creation of VS Table Column wizard page.
New VS Component wizard.
Creation of VS Field wizard page.
Creation of VS Table wizard page.
Wizard to create a new Web Service transaction.
Wizard to create a new IIZI files, e.g.
The page common page for the new IIZI file wizard.
Available Namespace IDentifiers (NID) for IIZI resources.
Exception thrown when the Naming ID (NID) fails parsing.
Class emulating a non-UI client.
The No-Selection.
The not found exception is thrown when an object by reference or name is not found.
The no-value data point used e.g.
Exception thrown when the Name String Specification is in error for an URN.
The possible Resource NSS prefixes.
A Null or Do-Nothing "property-based" progress monitor.
The boolean property for "null value allowed" of a component that can be connected to a VS field.
JavaScript optimized Number property.
The Number property editor.
The NumberRange validator, options[0] is "from:[to]", or not specified (accepts all Number values the property can set).
Base class for Number values.
Browser in dialog used to show the OAuth (2) client authentication.
The OAuth (2) authentication engine.
The OAuth 1.0a or 2.0 session that handles authentication.
Value object class to handle the OffsetDateTime datatype.
Value object class to handle the OffsetTime datatype.
The OHLC series value with Open, High, Mid, Low and Close values where Mid is optional.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive UI Action events.
Support for multiple definitions of the UI OnUIAction POJO method tag.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive UI Back events that is fired when the user presses the Back button.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive UI Connect event.
Support for multiple definitions of the UI OnUIConnect POJO method tag.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive UI Create events.
Support for multiple definitions of the UI OnUICreate POJO method tag.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive UI Destroy events.
Support for multiple definitions of the UI OnUIDestroy POJO method tag.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive UI Focus events.
Support for multiple definitions of the UI OnUIFocus POJO method tag.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive UI Selection events.
Support for multiple definitions of the UI OnUISelection POJO method tag.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive UI text change events.
Support for multiple definitions of the UI OnUITextChange POJO method tag.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive UI value change events.
Support for multiple definitions of the UI OnUIValueChange POJO method tag.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Action events.
Support for multiple definitions of the OnVSAction POJO method tag.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Change events.
Support for multiple definitions of the VS OnVSChange POJO method tag.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Create events.
Support for multiple definitions of the VirtualSpace OnVSCreate POJO method tag.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Destroy events.
Support for multiple definitions of the VirtualSpace OnVSDestroy POJO method tag.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Field events, i.e.
Support for multiple definitions of the OnVSField POJO method tag.
Support for multiple definitions of the OnVSFieldStatic POJO method tag.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Field events, i.e.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Focus events.
Support for multiple definitions of the VS OnVSFocus POJO method tag.
Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace State events.
Support for multiple definitions of the VS OnVSState POJO method tag.
The Open property handler.
Opens the browser to the iiziGo localhost:portnumber or to iiziServer localhost:portnumber.
Opens the online documentation of BIRT Classic Models Sample database in an external browser.
Opens the IIZI JavaDoc that is included with the "com.iizigo.javadoc" plugin in the default external browser or in the same internal browser with the ID "com.iizigo.javadoc".
A quick-fix to open the property reference in an editor.
Errors that can occur when opening a setting.
Package to retrieve system information from the OS.
Basic OS and JVM information class.
Detailed information class.
The history entry information.
Creates an outlined composite.
The Output Column connects a table column from the reply output with a VSTable column.
Output property that ties a result set from the execution of a Web Service request to VirtualSpace.
Output stream reader class.
The Output Table connects a table from the reply output with a VSTable.
The Output Variable connects a reference variable from the reply output with a VSField.
Output property that ties a result set from the execution of a Web Service request to VirtualSpace.
The Panel animation chooser dialog.
Panel animation property editor for the panels and UI actions.
The panel layout data.
The panel editor.
Class holding a grid layout and components or indexes for the grid operations.
Interface for a Panel View to handle "debug" mode using external browser as editing window along with potential connections.
The content describer for the property files of panels.
The reference to a UI panel part.
The composite for the client preferences.
Custom settings for the panel, only used in the Designer.
Event used to send to all children of an added container in a sinking non-bubbling form.
Event used to send to all children of a moved container in a sinking non-bubbling form.
The event that indicates that a property container name has been changed.
Class used for Parsed Java Source type.
Property container for a Java source.
A part action is an action that is registered globally for the part in the action bars, but is retargeted for a group of controls.
Extensions framework for part in IZ.
Class used to handle password policies.
The password failed policy validation.
Result of the password policy checking.
Enum of possible values of the result.
The Password property class hold a password that is encrypted when stored to media.
The String property editor consists of a simple entry field.
The Paste property handler.
The Paste After property handler.
The Paste Before property handler.
Paste feed-back.
Specialized class for validation "paste" where drop could take place in multiple places, e.g.
The Paste-Link property handler.
The font dialog to choose the font.
The pattern combo helper.
The patterns manager supporting Value patterns for formatting and parsing.
Class for the value type category containing the patterns.
The pattern property class extends a KStringProp.
The pattern property editor.
Value object class to handle the Period datatype.
The PKCS#12 Identity Property used for SSL communication or code signing.
The PKCS#12 Identity property editor.
A Plain version of KString allowing a string to contain tags.
The "PlainKString" property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
A chart series is either created in the Designer or constructed at runtime and added to the chart.
The Plot2D color settings for fonts.
The Plot2D fill settings for the plot.
The Plot2D font settings the can be set or retrieved.
The Plot2D integer settings the can be set or retrieved.
The placement of the labels varies with the different chart plot types along with their default values.
The Plot2D number settings the can be set or retrieved.
The Plot2D boolean settings the can be set or retrieved.
The option for radial gradient in a pie: NATIVE, LINEAR or FAN.
The Axis2D strings settings the can be set or retrieved.
The Plot2D stroke settings for axis and various ticks the can be set or retrieved for the axis.
The Plot2D type of the chart.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle.
The Plug-in ApplicationUI instance holds the various images loaded from Image Descriptors and can be used as SWT Images directly, as well as other SWT allocated object such as colors.
The Plug-in ApplicationUI instance holds the various images loaded from Image Descriptors and can be used as SWT Images directly, as well as other SWT allocated object such as colors.
The Plug-in ApplicationUI instance holds the various images loaded from Image Descriptors and can be used as SWT Images directly, as well as other SWT allocated object such as colors.
The plug-in descriptor for an iiziGo Designer plug-in.
The plug-in loader class checking for plug-in dependencies in a Module project.
The plug-in handler is the manager class for IIZI plug-ins, using the Eclipse OSGi bundle framework.
Class used to initialize default preference values.
Class used to initialize default preference values.
Class used to initialize default preference values.
Container holding policiy settings.
Test case: Bug 480318 - SWT Menu does not fire Selection Event when touch display is enabled -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- swt.Menu does not work under windows under Windows 10 with Touch Display, no selection event is raised.
Class used to hold information of the started port.
A position with integers.
The post processor implementation.
Class used to initialize default preference values.
Class used to initialize default preference values.
Class holding information for a single resource that should be preloaded to the client cache when the application starts.
Utility functions to produce locale'd strings for durations and distances.
Test of utility functions to produce locale'd strings for durations and distances.
The Preview page in the Preferences for the Terminal.
A PrintStream adds functionality to another output stream, namely the ability to print representations of various data values conveniently.
The private property class is used on the client as a dummy property in order to keep the structure of properties with the indexes as the server does, apart from that a private property can replace a property container.
Class for profile picture.
Class holding profile picture information either in a URL or as InputStream in case of OAuth 2.0 requirements to load the URL in an authenticated session.
The progress indicator delay.
Filter for viewers to show only Projects and Folders.
The Project Manager manages all IIZI projects, handles job scheduling, notification, referencing, etc.
The event that indicates that a property name has been changed.
Component to display plug-ins to choose for a project as check boxes.
The project root property container.
The event that indicates that a property attribute has been set for the first time or when it has been changed.
The PropertyBinder class is used to bind a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) to properties, and vice versa.
The property container class holds the container property name, a value as a GProp array and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The definition of the properties to edit for a property component.
Event indicating a property container has had a property added or removed.
The focus event send to the property receiving losing and focus, its listeners and the parents respectively.
Event indicating a property has been copied from one parent to a new one.
Event indicating a property has been disposed of.
The abstract Property Editor part used by the Editors in iiziGo.
Class used to hold errors for a property.
The event that indicates that a property error attribute has been set for the first time or when it has been changed.
Class holding information about an error for the Property Editor in the Designer.
Class used to hold both a property and a property error item.
Class holding information about an error for the Property Editor in the Designer.
The transfer class for properties in clip board or for drag-drop.
The Property Editor implemented as an SWT composite.
Grouped group information class that is used to place groups into button-selectable properties.
Class used to map property name to texts.
Class used to hold information about an edited item during creation.
Options for the property editor information of an item.
Class holding information in a plug-in of the Property Classes and how to set up their Editors.
Exception thrown when a property is set and doesn't validate correctly.
Class used to Extend property container to each other.
The factory that creates an instance of the Property Extender in the Extends Framework.
This class handles definitions of available properties, available as predefined or plug-in classes extending the GProp class.
The focus event send to the property receiving losing and focus, its listeners and the parents respectively.
Helper class for properties.
Property label class.
The property marker is a class that holds error/warning/information about a property that is stored in a file.
The property manager handles creation of generic properties and contains routines to serialize them to or from a transaction.
Abstract adapter for the Property Manager Information Provider.
The event that indicates that a property container has been moved to another container.
Used to define an Object Member connection to a Property Name.
The event that indicates that a property name has been changed.
Class wrapping a property for the References viewer.
The progress monitor implementation.
Adapts the Eclipse IProgressMonitor to the "property-based" progress monitor.
Used to define a property reference to a class field or local variable.
This class is used to hold a reference to a property by the reference name for an owner property.
Event indicating a property container has had its children properties reordered.
Used to define a property reference to a class or interface.
Exception thrown when a property is set and doesn't validate correctly with the value Object type.
Abstract adapter for interface used for undo/redo operations in properties.
Exception thrown when a property is set and doesn't validate correctly.
The event that indicates that a property has been set for the first time or when it has been changed.
Class used to hold information about errors of the property container verification process.
Class used to hold information about a verification error of a property container.
The severity levels.
Implementation of the proxy from a source container to a target container.
The proxy property container class extends the standard property container and allows it to synchronize property states so that several clients can use the "same" property container and the communication mechanism.
Implementation of the proxy from a source container to a target container.
Push notification event generated when a push notification state changes, e.g.
Push notification handler class used for the web server.
Push notification interceptor class used for the web server.
The enum used for push notification parameters and if they can be omitted.
The state of a push notification event.
Container for Push property container for the application.
The Push property page for the application.
The Push properties for the application.
Push server for VAPID, Firebase and APNS messages.
The urgency of the notification.
Class holding custom HTML for an app and potentially a language.
Container for Progressive Web App's (PWA).
The Progressive Web App (PWA) property page.
The Progressive Web App (PWA) properties.
The "firebaseConfig" object parsed from JSON.
The FirebaseScriptTag class.
The imported JavaScript files class.
Event ID used to query for references in a broadcast event sent to all properties from the Module root container.
The type of message.
Class to wrap a property for the Query References message.
Class to define a reference to a property for the Query References message.
Queries the workspace for references.
Class used in Eclipse to defined a possible Quick-Fix for a property.
The quick-fixes adapter class to Eclipse.
Class that handles all quick fixes.
The quick-fix processor for IIZI.
The boolean on/off (or selected/unselected) selection state.
Raw text editor composite, showing optional toolbar for insert text fields/images/convert format.
Raw text editor dialog box, showing optional toolbar for insert text fields/images/convert format.
Pattern dialog that extends the raw text editor dialog.
Test method to read an SVG file and output it to screen (can be redirected to file).
This transaction class is used for all communication between the Server, Client and Remote Administration programs.
Class to trigger recompile of Java sources in a separate job.
Class for the CaptureScreenProp and CaptureFieldProp in the designer.
The Screen Capture "Editor", but nothing to edit.
This Recording property container holds the screens and logic.
This Recording Root property container holds the recording.
This Recording Screen property container holds the screen name.
This Recording Screens property container holds the screens.
Recovers the module settings file if accidentally removed.
Simple rectangle class for multiple use accepting negative width and height.
The Rectangle colors page in the Preferences for the Terminal screen.
The rectangle property class holds the property name, value as a GRect object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
Class used to specify a redirection server when the load balancer is enabled and a client connects to a server that should not process the request.
Utility class for refactoring: adding, removing and updating annotations and member value pairs.
Enumeration for Refactoring Groups.
Enumeration for refactoring operations.
The Reference property editor consists of a simple entry field and a more button.
Class holding information about direct or tree references for referencing properties, i.e.
The reference collection types.
Class containing result found during reference collection.
Reference collection return code.
The reference string object that also can contain a custom reference object.
The References View Part.
The Referrals Holder property container contains the properties that refer to the owner of this container.
Event indicating a refresh is required of a certain type, e.g.
The refresh types.
Region location information, originating from a host name or IPv4/IPv6 address.
Connection class holding information about the connection.
Currency class holding information about a currency.
Language class holding information about a language.
Class containing security-related data.
Class containing timezone information.
Region location service that is used to find the region location information from an IP address.
End point for the Remote Customized iiziRun Builder that transports a proxy of a RuntimeBuilderProps to build the app.
The Remote Customized iiziRun Builder constructor of end points.
A remote event is used to communicate between end-points property instances.
The host screen changes.
The Remote 3270 or 5250 host session listener interface to get compressed screen info.
The RemoteHostSession property class holds the property name, value as a RemoteHostSession object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The Terminal View Part shows one terminal session.
The Rename property handler.
Implements refactoring rename action with do/undo.
Rename dialog box.
Fixes a problem with the resource name by renaming the resource.
Exception class for HTTP request errors.
Event used to resolve references in a broadcast event sent to all properties from the root container.
Resource-based Designer Prop.
The IIZI component property page.
Resource tester for IIZI Module project, and others.
Input Properties that ties the input to the execution of a RESTful Web Service transaction request to VirtualSpace.
The class holding the reply from a RESTful request.
Class used to process a RESTful transaction for a defined Web Service transaction.
The result listener.
Result property that ties a result from the execution of an SQL query statement to VirtualSpace of type UPDATE, DELETE, etc.
The result set Column property that connects the column name in a result set with a VSColumnHeader.
Result set property that ties a result set from the execution of an SQL query statement to VirtualSpace.
Date/Time Formats (Full Date).
Rich text editor dialog box.
The root page in the IIZI preferences displays the license system information.
Class used to listen to a property container and to send events when required.
Class to round corner of an image.
Row data instance holding the values to process for a row.
Web server that is used when Run Configuration is used, an optimized Jetty Server for "raw Jetty" web socket communication that is used to run one IIZI Module Project (that may refer to others, including Java projects).
Run modes for IIZI.
The runtime application is a session instance bound application.
The runtime builder composite.
Perform the compression of JavaScript, CSS and HTML files of iiziRunCustom to produce the base files used in the Eclipse plugin and server to build a customized version of iiziRun.
Initial settings for a Runtime Builder setup.
Launches the iiziRun Builder with a file name.
The IIZI Application Distribution property page.
This iiziRun Builder properties for the server side to hold the build settings and handle the interprocess communication.
The IIZI Runtime Builder Server that processes remote building of customized iiziRun's from an iiziGo instance.
The build settings loaded from the property container.
The runtime image definition is used to provide images at runtime that are images located in other files than the asset files.
Constants required for the client, server and editor environments are placed in this class holding the schema file definitions along with the directory (package name).
This Screen Action Group property container for a terminal host screen.
This Screen Action property container for a terminal host screen.
Reference to a ScreenActionProp, used in the VSAction Action Actors for the back-reference.
This Screen fields property container for a terminal host screen.
The Screen colors page in the Preferences for the Terminal screen.
A simple screen compression using RLE algorithm.
Screen designer interfaces to the TerminalWindow to perform drawing of rectangles and to interface with the mouse and keyboard.
Class for the EditorScreenProp in the designer.
The Terminal Screen Editor part.
This Screen Field Group property container for a terminal host screen.
This Screen Field property container for a terminal host screen.
Property holding the reference to a screen field from inside the screen, used by screen actions.
This Screen Fields property container for a terminal host screen.
This Screen identification property container for a terminal host screen.
This Screen identifications property container for a terminal host screen.
Class for screen matching.
Enumeration for values used for screen orientation.
This Screen property container holds the screen identifications and fields for a terminal host screen.
Validator used for all screen properties by means of the options.
Class used to hold screen rectangles in the Screen Editor.
Screen rectangle info about positions, handles, etc on screen in pixels.
The Select All handler.
Dialog used for moving properties within all open projects.
Dialog used to display an Object in a tree.
A viewer filter for plain properties.
The enabler class processes selection changes from handlers, viewers, etc, and sets the state of the commands accordingly.
The selection handler enabling notification of selected properties and resources using various selection types.
The Selector class is used to enable or disable participants such as panels, text tables and translation tables, perhaps images.
Class for Styles Designer Prop.
The Style's Editor part.
The Selector Expression Parser.
Reference class holding the string reference and its location in the expression.
The token enumeration.
Tokens data class with token information, and positions (offsets) in the expression String.
The SelectorReference property class hold the reference to a Selector that defines if the owner of this reference should be selected or active, or if it should be inactive.
Dialog used to select a PKCS#12 identity.
Dialog used to select a predefined style.
Dialog used to display and select Module project(s).
Dialog used to display Extends Name selection.
A viewer filter for extends properties.
The self-signed server certificate dialog.
This transaction class is used for all communication between the Server, Client and Remote Administration programs.
A chart series consists of several series values properties in a defined order.
The Series color settings for fonts.
The Series fill settings to override the default for the plot for this series (and theme).
The Series font settings the can be set or retrieved.
The Series boolean settings the can be set or retrieved.
The Series stroke settings to override the default for the plot for this series (and theme).
The series type.
A series value property is a property container that can only contain NumberProp's.
Property container for the configuration of an App of the iiziServer.
Editor version of the container that holds the required settings for the server to operate and initialize itself with.
The Server Application Setup exception.
The izii Server Browser.
The Server's Client Session properties hold information relating to the current client session, i.e.
The Server Configuration composite displays a tree with the server configuration and a property editor for the properties.
Class for Server Configuration Designer Prop.
This configuration environment defines the configuration setup for the available plug-ins.
The ServerConfigEnvReference property class hold the reference to a Server configuration environment.
The Server configuration file container.
Launches the Server Configuration with a file name.
The Server Configuration View displays a tree with the server configuration and a property editor for the properties.
Static class holding constants used for the Server.
The server key that is used for encryption.
Class used to store server keys.
The server logger implementation.
The IIZI Server Monitor view part.
Property container for the configuration of a plug-in for a Server configuration environment.
This server property is a container that holds everything a client/server needs in order to establish communication with the other party, and information about themselves (such as environment).
This remote server part of the iiziRun Builder properties to hold the build settings and handle the interprocess communication.
The security manager keeps keys and other security information for the server.
The main class for an Server session running in the Server.
This property is a container that holds the required settings for the server to operate and initialize itself with.
The Server Shell.
The static holder of the ServerShell instance that the server calls to initiate the value with at start-up time.
The ServerSocketComm class is used to open a plain server socket with an optional bind address.
The state of the communication link.
The server socket communication listener.
This property container contains all properties required for a Server Socket (NIO) connection.
The server VSViewer property container.
Editor for session configuration that brings up the session configuration dialog.
Session connection statistics used on a connection basis.
The cloneable global values class for the server.
An end point property.
The session ID is used to identify a transaction session that can be used to pick up communication again after a broken link, and also to store additional information about a user and other settings to easy re-establishing a session.
This class contains information of the remote party and its connection, etc.
The Session Manager controls the open or dormant sessions and depending on server implementation, has a timer implementation or used the Java EE timers.
Session modes.
The Sessions page in the Preferences for the Terminal.
This Sessions property container holds the terminal properties.
Statistics of a transaction session, including all connections.
The Terminal Sessions View Part shows all currently running terminal sessions.
The Session Transaction Manager is used for keeping track of transaction that have been received or sent to a client on session basis so that a remote session may re-establish a broken communication link.
The User identifier class holds the information about a user or a returning user.
Action Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Settings property container.
Action Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Settings property container.
Action Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Settings property container.
Native settings for Android that are potentially openable on the client device using the IOpenNativeSettings interface.
Native settings for iOS that are potentially openable on the client device using the IOpenNativeSettings interface.
The settings composite for the text table.
The settings composite for the translation engine.
Settings property container, a "raw" PropCnr.
Wizard used when a UI component is about to be added.
Value object class to handle the Short datatype.
Sign in permissions class.
Enum for user sign in result.
The simple series value is a number.
Test class to run a single client.
The image control that can show the zoom level.
The single index-based selection state used by e.g.
As single-runner task that is run by a trigger and will run in the worker.
The Themes dialog to choose a single desktop and a single mobile theme.
Abstract class extending the base GEvent to set the event propagation to sinking, i.e.
A size with integers.
The size property class holds the property name, value as a GSize object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The GSize property editor consists of a simple entryfield.
The SocketComm class is used to open client sockets with a destination host with optional proxy (HTTP/SOCKS), secure socket (SSL/TLS), and atop WebSocket or Telnet as protocols.
The socket communication listener.
The SocketComm class is used to open client sockets with a destination host with optional proxy (HTTP/SOCKS), secure socket (SSL/TLS), and atop WebSocket or Telnet as protocols.
This property container contains all properties required for a Socket (NIO) connection using Proxy, WebSocket, SSL, etc, required by the SocketProp property.
Speech Recognition property for remote client execution.
Speech Synthesis property for remote client execution.
The IIZI splash screen handler.
Helper class for SQL data types.
The SSL SocketComm class is used to open client sockets with a destination host with optional proxy (HTTP/SOCKS), secure socket (SSL/TLS), and atop WebSocket or Telnet as protocols.
This property container contains all properties required for a SSL Socket (NIO) connection.
Composite to process SSL settings.
A stand-alone editor controller that can be used for the Property Editor.
The standard property page with a fix for the Apply button and changed-support with saving settings.
The iiziServer in standard mode.
Class used to star properties and to make them adaptive (most used).
The start-up class for UI processing.
The start-up class for the iiziRun Builder.
The start-up class for UI processing.
The start-up class for UI processing.
The start-up class for UI processing.
Class that is used to reschedule all manual or automatic build jobs except the ones IIZI requires.
The state of the communication link.
The statistics class is used to track information about what is going on in the server in terms of min/max/average values, I/O data amount and throughput, etc.
The status bar configuration class.
Enumeration for style.
Property used by UI styles that has 4 settings/values for a String value that can be a combination of single unit or multiple, such as the border radius (corners) where the value in pixels is not used for calculations, thus only for HTML, and can therefore be stored as a pure String.
The String Array property class holds the property name, string array and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
Class used to map a StringLiteral to a DesignerProp for the Java Editor hovers.
The String Map property class holds the property name, a map of strings consisting of string keys and string values.
A content provider for a StringMapProp.
Dialog used to edit a linked hash map of text entries directly in a styled text area.
The Duration property editor that uses a Long value for the duration in milliseconds.
Label provider for a string map property for a two-column table.
The "String" property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The String property editor consists of a simple entry field.
The String Set property class holds the property name and a set of unique strings.
String utilities.
Value object class to handle the String datatype.
The stroke dialog to choose an ARGB color and the stroke.
The "stroke" property class holds the property name, value as a GStroke object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The Stroke property editor.
Image States Definition property container when a single image file has one image in many states and possibly resolutions.
The Style's Editor part.
The content describer for the property files of Styles.
This styles property container holds the styles associated with a UI component.
Integrated the styles with the toolbar button in the properties editor.
Styles Container used to hold a Styles property instance for the Client used as a Class Name.
Class for Styles Designer Prop.
Dialog for Styles of a UI component.
The Styles References property class hold the references to zero or more Styles property containers.
The String property editor consists of a simple entry field.
The enum for the supported Styles States for UI components.
The state styles property editor.
SVG image Uniform Resource Naming (URN) instance class, holding the SVG data.
SVG provider for IIZI URN's.
The SVG Image Definition property container contains a reference to an SVG file in the Assets.
A viewer filter for SVG image file assets.
Information about the SVG and its contents for HTML.
The SwapData is the layout data for components in a container with SwapLayout.
Swap container specific layout manager.
Lays out a composite, arranging and resizing its components to fit in five regions: north, south, east, west, and center.
Indicates the region that a control belongs to.
Some SWT helpers.
Synchronization state class or Java in regards to refactoring.
Class for synthesized selection provider and clipboard selection routines of the Text control.
Class for CCombo widget.
Class for Combo widget.
Class for IZ_CCombo widget.
Class for Spinner widget: this widget doesn't really support selection in the same world as other text widgets.
Class for StyledText widget.
Class for Text widget.
Class loading and extracting data from the "iiziSystem.jar" app that contains default information among other things.
System configuration class.
The TabBarData is the layout data for components in a container with TabBarLayout.
Tab bar specific layout manager.
The TabData is the layout data for components in a container with TabLayout.
Tab container specific layout manager.
The table cell property.
The TableCombo is used for a cell in a table in conjunction with a content provider.
The text table sorter for multiple text tables.
Panel used to display a selected Table in the VirtualSpace.
The Table Row instance.
The Table Rows container instance.
Helper class to handle SWT table sorting.
The table cell contents that is used with the content provider.
Editing support for ID column and KStrings in columns with index larger than zero.
Class to handle the Telnet protocol for 3270 and 5250.
The Telnet communication listener.
This property container contains all properties required for Telnet 3270 and 5250 connections, and extends the SocketProp used for Socket properties.
Enum for temperature types.
The Terminal class displays the window of the emulator.
The Action Actor for the Terminal.
The terminal action actor settings.
Action Actor Designer Prop.
The terminal composite.
Class for the EditorScreenProp in the designer.
The terminal host implementation running a terminal of 3270, 5020 or EE type.
Keyboard handler for the Terminal window.
The terminal key definitions are defined statically in this class.
The Terminal Manager checks the workspace for new screen captures, etc...
The Terminal Model contains the routines required for a required Terminal Project where all screen captures are stored when the Terminal Plug-in is used.
The Alias page for Module projects.
The Terminal Model Settings property container.
Class for the Terminal plug-in for every Module model.
The IIZI Terminal Project nature.
Tag class for plug-in ID.
This property class instance contains all properties for the printer properties as POJO variables.
This property container contains all properties required for the terminal connector in terms of flags, colors, etc.
The terminal types.
The terminal session manager is a server environment instance running for a server that keeps track of the terminal sessions for all active sessions in that server environment.
This TerminalSettings property container holds all settings for a terminal session.
The status bar for the terminal window.
The Terminal View Part shows one terminal session.
This class creates and displays the terminal window inside a JComponent, typically a JFrame or JInternalFrame.
This class listens to the terminal window display changes in terms of entering character data and pressing send keys.
TemporalAccessor Value object base class, i.e.
TemporalAmountValue object base class, i.e.
Utilities class.
Tests all formatter classes in Basic.
Test for UserBarcodeURN.
Test translation engine for stand-alone Java application from command line without proxy.
Test translator class for Google Translate.
Test for TestImageURNs.
Test action actor not used anywhere.
Tests the region location service providers.
Test for UserProfileStringURN.
The UI text area builder.
Field text area builder sub-operation.
The UI text builder.
Field text builder sub-operation.
The label creator.
Class for a "text/*" reply used for plain or HTML text.
Text shadow dialog designer.
The Text Shadow String property editor.
The text shadow validator.
The text table property holds the text table items consisting of KStrings.
A content provider for a StringMapProp.
Class for Styles Designer Prop.
The Style's Editor part.
Label provider for a string map property for a column table with several text table and filters.
The Text Table property page.
The reference to a text table instance.
Composite used to define the panel type (desktop/mobile) and the themes supported by the panel, group of panels or module.
The Themes dialog to choose a type and themes.
The "themes" property class holds the property name, value as a GThemes object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The Themes property editor.
A class which implements three different kinds of borders:
- The raised bevel border,
- The lowered bevel border,
- The line border.
The inheritable thread data stored for each thread in the system.
A Thread dead-lock detector.
Enumeration indicating the type of thread group.
Class holding a start and end time.
The implementation of the interface for a registered timeout task that can be queried for timeout or canceled state.
Class that handles a timeout timer that can be started, retriggered, stopped.
The timer engine handles timeouts and scheduled events.
The time zone validator.
The chart title position.
The toaster property is always volatile.
Tooltip item class used to display a tooltip for a property container implementing the ITooltipPropList interface.
The tooltip property is a container that holds various information for the tooltip, e.g.
The tooltip property editor.
The table viewer with the interface for tooltip implemented.
Class to handle the Transaction protocol.
The Transaction communication listener.
The Transaction communication listener for direct data.
This property container contains all properties required for Transaction communication based on WebSockets.
The transaction processor for inbound connections from WebSockets.
Transform dialog designer.
Class used to transform a HTML source to a format.
The Transform String property editor.
The transform validator.
Internal angle unit class.
The animation transition type used by the swap container.
Translation class holding the information processed by the translation engine.
The translation engine: two current translators are provided: Google and Microsoft, but the interface allows others.
Exception thrown by a translator when it cannot complete a translation.
Translation queue object that holds the translations required from one language to another.
Action Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Settings property container.
Action Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Settings property container.
Action Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Settings property container.
Action Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Settings property container.
Action Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Settings property container.
Action Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Settings property container.
Action Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Settings property container.
Action Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
Settings property container.
Class wrapping an item for the filtered common viewer.
The tri-state selection.
Text table item with corrections for image bounds (bug fix for Windows).
A cell editor that manages a text entry field.
The Twitter service.
Basic and crude (for now) ITXPCoordinator implementation
This class implements Iizi's implementation of creating ITXPid's.
Implementation if the ITXPid interface.
A (for now) very basic and crude implementation of a TXPolicy
Basic and crude (for now) ITXProcess implementation
The Java annotations engine for properties.
Class parsing a Java source file to syntax-check and reference validation of classes and methods to the IIZI property tree as well as re-factoring of the Java source code when properties are changed.
Problems used by the TypeFileProcessor.
The container for all types.
Tags a POJO as being a UI class with event listeners.
Abstract list choice UI component used for combobox and spinner.
Accordion UI container.
The UI component Action Event.
The UI reference processor used for the @UIRef annotation.
The UI Back Event.
Base event for all events in the API.
Build data class.
The UI builder manager holding all possible UI builders.
The UI builder operation added to the build operations.
The UI build link operation that extends the normal link operation with information about the source so that they can be grouped.
Button UI component.
Calendar UI component.
Calendar List UI component.
Chart UI component.
Class for the UI chart children property containers in the designer (axis, plot and series).
Checkbox UI component.
Menu item UI component.
Combobox UI component.
The combobox creator with it's VS Field and table column for drop-down.
The UIComp class is the basic implementation of a single user interface component.
Class for the UI property components in the designer, specialized for UIComp class.
The UIComps class is the property container for all UIComp instances of the UIComps class.
Class for the UI property containers in the designer, specialized for UIComps class to handle layout data.
The UI Connect Event.
The UIContainer class is a standard simple container for components.
The combobox creator with it's VS Field and table column for drop-down.
Class for the UI property containers in the designer, specialized for UIContainer class to handle layouts.
Context menu UI container.
The UI component Create Event.
Date/Time UI Component.
The data types that are supported and mappings to the UIDateTimeType, i.e.
The date-time type of the component, i.e.
The UIDateTime type dialog.
UIDateTime property editor for the component type.
Class for the UI property containers in the designer.
The UI component Destroy Event.
Predefined UI devices list, device helpers and composite.
Desktop popup dialog.
Empty UI component.
A feed-back class for the license system that can operate in headless or in non-SWT environments.
The UI Focus Event is fired when the UI focus changes for a component, or when connected to the panel, for every child item in it.
Gauge UI component.
Image UI component.
Image Crop and Upload UI component.
Label UI component.
Class for the UI property containers in the designer, specialized for Layout Managers.
Map UI component.
Media UI component.
The UI Media Event is fired when the Media component for Audio or Video issues an event.
Class for a TimeRange.
Class for a TimeRanges value, used for "buffered" and "played" time ranges.
Enum for event type.
Menu UI container.
Menu bar UI container.
Class for the UI menu components in the designer, specialized for UIComp class, all menu components except menu separator.
Class for the UI menu containers in the designer except menu bar.
Menu item UI component.
Menu separator UI component.
Output (label) UI component.
Panel UI container.
The UI panel reference processor used for the @UIPanelRef annotation.
Base panel UI container.
Panel part UI container.
The UI panel part container.
Progress UI component.
Radio button UI component.
Menu item UI component.
Annotation for UI references.
The UI Selection Event is fired when the UI selection changes for a component, or when connected to the panel, for every child item in it.
Slider UI component.
Spinner UI component.
UI swap container.
UI tab container.
The table UI container.
The table column UI container.
The table column creator with it's VS Field and table column.
The table creator with it's VS Field and table column.
The table column data is the layout data for components in a UITable container.
UITable container specific layout manager.
Text UI component.
Text area UI component.
The UI Text Change Event is fired when the UI text changes for a component, or when connected to the panel, for every child item in it.
The UI Themes definitions and routines.
The names of available themes for the Client.
Title panel UI container optionally collapsable.
The UI Value Change Event is fired when the UI value changes for a component, or when connected to the panel, for every child item in it.
Class used to create transactions in the operations history.
Property used by UI styles that has 4 settings/values for a unit, such as the border size (top/bottom/left/right).
The "unit" property class holds the property name, value as a GUnit object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The GUnit property editor.
The UnitRange validator, options[0] is "0" to indicate that zero is allowed.
The GUnit's property editor that can handle multiple units as a single comma-separated string.
Exception thrown when the URN Naming ID (NID) is not recognized.
Helper that can be used from command line to copy the JDBC drivers directory to a destination directory.
Class to handle arrow up/down keys for e.g.
The uploader servlet.
Web Push Message Urgency header field values
A tokenizer class for the URI query string.
URL Uniform Resource Naming (URN) instance class, holding the URL.
URL provider for external URL's.
Content being encoded for "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", used by GET and POST methods.
RESTful URL Encoded input for the request of a Web Service transaction.
The Input Variable connects a VSField with an input variable or parameter to a web service request.
This URN class handles a IIZI Universal Resource Name generated from various {@link NID} with its required parameters, varying depending on the {@link NID}.
Base exceptions thrown for the URN's.
Factory used to keep track of various URL mapper's possible for the iiziServer and iiziGo Designer, e.g.
The URN NID location: local file, database or external URL.
The URN resource contains information of for local server environment from where it was originated.
The types of URN Resource Type.
Helper class to perform user authentication.
User authentication information with the authentication result.
User exception class used when a user is not permitted an action.
The User identifier class holds the information about a user or a returning user.
The base of user information in the database.
Additional information that is stored for history entries for server statistics.
Locale strings for operations dealing with a user.
Class holding the user with the latest location.
The implementation of the user location history.
The request class for a User Profile Image.
User Profile Image Uniform Resource Naming (URN) instance class, holding various User Profile Image of the requested type.
User Profile Image provider for IIZI URN's.
The URN User Profile Image Provider singleton class.
Possible type values for the {@link UserProfileImageURN}.
Class holding the User Profile information, when signing in externally typically for an OAuth(2) authentication service provider, or when signing up internally (and externally).
User Profile String Uniform Resource Naming (URN) instance class, holding various User Profile strings depending on the requested information.
User Profile String provider for IIZI URN's.
The URN User Profile String Provider singleton class.
Possible query values for the {@link UserProfileStringURN}.
The UserSessions contains information about all sessions being run by the same user.
This is a utility class containing static helper functions.
Sub operation for rename property.
Enum replies used with IGenericLicenseSystem.validate() for the Designer, the Server or the License Manager.
Overrides the Wizard Dialog to provide an extra Validate button.
Validation adapter.
Template validation dialog box for a large composite.
Very simple adapter to provide information required by KString's when resolving KString's for validation.
The validation "wizard".
First page for new session: the name and session type.
Validator callback to perform specialized validation.
Validator that manages several control validators on a wizard page.
This is the base class for all data values that are stored in VirtualSpace.
The enumeration of Categories.
The enumeration of Types.
Exception thrown when a Value in a VirtualSpace Field property runs into a conversion problem, e.g.
Panel used for the Value in the VirtualSpace.
The value property holds the VirtualSpace Value object.
The Value property editor for the VSField Value.
The Value Type property for the Value Type as a String, without Value.
The integer property editor consists of a simple check box.
The VAPIDKeyPropEditor property editor consists of a simple entry field (private key) along with a second (public key).
Helper class to generate VAPID keys for use with Push notification.
Class to sort nodes in a CommonViewerEx.
Compares resources and properties for the viewers.
A simple viewer toolbar class.
Tool-tip enables a column viewer.
Communication instance for any panel using web socket transaction to a panel view.
Data container for a virtualized property container.
Class for Virtualized Monitor Designer Prop.
End point for the Virtualized Monitor that transports a proxy of a VirtualsPropCnr of a client to a viewer or monitor.
The VirtualizedMonitor constructor of end points.
Property container used for Virtual Monitor data and communication.
The Virtual Property Container is a flat structure containing all items (property containers) that are virtualized.
This VirtualSpace property container holds the fields and tables in the VirtualSpace.
Class for the EditorScreenProp in the designer.
The VirtualSpace Editor part.
The Edit page in the Preferences for the Terminal screen.
Tooltip composite for VirtualSpace.
The Virtuals property container contains all the virtualized instances of a session divided into VirtualSpace, Panels, and other connectors.
The VirtualThreadGroup is used to manage native and virtual threads for an receiving end-point in the server, a server session with another server, an application session, a client session, or a VirtualSpace Viewer session for development servers.
Support for better concurrency support in IIZI by means of VirtualThreads Threads in the JVM.
Tags a POJO as being an VirtualSpace class with event listeners.
The VirtualSpace Action property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The VirtualSpace Action Actor Participant used by Action Actors.
The Action Actor Participant (reference property) editor.
Adapter for interface used to listen to VS action events.
An action builder sub-operation.
Class for VirtualSpace Action creation used in the wizards e.g.
The VirtualSpace Action Event.
The VirtualSpace Action Reference property class hold the relative reference to a VSAction instance.
Tooltip composite for VSAction.
The transaction process implementation for the VirtualSpace Actions.
The VS reference processor used for the @VSRef annotation.
Base event for all VirtualSpace events in the API.
Base event for all VirtualSpace events in the API.
VirtualSpace cell data used when setting an entire column in a table.
The VirtualSpace Change Event is fired when the VirtualSpace components is changed, after successful or unsuccessful validation.
Adapter for the interface used to listen to VS table column events.
Class for VirtualSpace Column creation used in the wizards e.g.
The VirtualSpace Column Header property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The VirtualSpace Table Column Reference property class hold the relative reference to a VSTable instance.
Tooltip composite for VSTable.
Base VS class used by VirtualSpace elements: VSField, VSTable, VSRow, VSColumnHeader, VSAction, VirtualSpace.
Class for VirtualSpace component creation used in the wizards e.g.
VS component reference implementation that calls the parent property when changes occurs in the resolved VS component when changes of the VS component (value or contents) occurs.
Class used to create connection to a VS field.
The VirtualSpace itself or its component Create Event.
The VirtualSpace itself or its component Destroy Event.
The VirtualSpace Field property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
Adapter for interface used to listen to VS field value events.
A field builder sub-operation.
Class for VirtualSpace Field creation used in the wizards e.g.
The VirtualSpace Field Value Event is a multi-purpose event that is used for validation and conversion of a value type between two native types, e.g.
Category for message.
The Virtual Field Event Operations.
VS Field reference implementation that calls the parent property when changes occurs in the resolved VS Field when changes of the VS field value occurs.
Tooltip composite for VSField.
The VirtualSpace Focus Event is fired when the VirtualSpace focus changes for a component.
Focus reference is used to set a reference to a focusable VSComponent.
The VirtualSpace Group property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The VirtualSpace Group Reference property class hold the relative reference to a VSGroup instance.
Tooltip composite for VSGroup.
Helper class for VirtualSpace.
Links a VSAction to a target component, or replaces an existing one.
Links a VSField to a target component, or replaces an existing one.
Class holding the setup for an individual link type and how to create it.
Links a VirtualSpace to a target component, or replaces an existing VirtualSpace.
Class containing mappings of a panel and its components to the VirtualSpace and the VSComponents.
Class to hold a reference to a VS Action (to invoke) or a VS component (for focus) when a UI component is "on"-something, such as "onClick".
The VirtualSpace participant property is a reference class to the VirtualSpace instance and interacts with the VSParticipantsHolder.
Class used to hold the VSParticipant that is being deleted and should later be deleted from a VSParticipantHolder.
The VirtualSpace Participant (reference property) editor.
The VirtualSpace Participant Reference handles references to the VirtualSpace participants that implements the IVSParticipant interface, such as panels.
This class is a child of the VirtualSpace and contains the participants in the VirtualSpace.
Annotation for VS references.
The VirtualSpace Reference property class hold the reference to a VirtualSpace.
Event ID used to resolve VSRelativeReferences in a broadcast event sent to all children of the container that has a VSReference instance.
Data holder class for the owner of a VS relative reference property for a column reference.
The VirtualSpace Reference property editor consists of a simple entry field.
The VirtualSpace Relative Reference property class hold the reference to a VirtualSpace.
The VirtualSpace Reference property editor consists of a simple entry field and a more button to perform a selection.
The VirtualSpace Row property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
The rows property class that only allows VSRow children properties.
The VirtualSpace State Event is fired when the VirtualSpace state changes for a component, or when connected to the VirtualSpace, for every child item in it.
Class used to hold sub-operations to execute, and optionally choose to create by the user in the dialog box.
The VirtualSpace Table property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
Adapter for interface used to listen to VS table events.
The VirtualSpace Table Column Reference property class hold the name of a Column in a Table.
The VirtualSpace Reference property editor consists of a simple entry field and a more button to perform a selection.
A content provider for a VirtualSpace Table.
Class for VirtualSpace Table creation used in the wizards e.g.
Label provider for a VirtualSpace Table.
The VirtualSpace Table Reference property class hold the relative reference to a VSTable instance.
Class holding the changed table row selection.
Tooltip composite for VSTable.
VirtualSpace "Variables" is a container that maps named Variables to VirtualSpace fields or columns/tables.
The main class for a VS Viewer session running in the Server.
The VirtualSpace Viewer end point constructor.
Class used to hold the information for the VS Viewer parameters and to parse the Query string in the VSViewer WebSocket URI.
The VSViewer property container used to view a VirtualSpace.
The VS Viewer session transaction communication listener.
The TransactionProcessor contains all the code required to process transactions with the application being run for a single client reconnectable connection.
Class used to handle manipulation with one or more VS components that in turn may contain others.
Class holding information about a logo of a website, typically "" or "", by trying various "smart" algorithms to extract the logo from the site.
Class holding all Website logos together and requesting only the ones needed.
Enumeration for the state of a Website logo.
Perform the compression of javascript and css files
Property container for the configuration of a Port "group" of the web server.
The Web Service transaction Action Actor.
Settings property container.
Action Actor Designer Prop.
Class for the DesignerProp for all Web Service property classes in the designer.
The Web Service editor.
The class used to hold the Web Service engine instance.
Tag class for plug-in ID.
Web Service property container holding the definition of a web service transaction.
The reference to a Web Service transaction.
The WebSocket server acceptor listener.
Client Endpoint for Jetty 12 WebSocket, with auto-demand for additional messages.
Class to handle the WebSocket protocol.
The WebSocket communication listener.
Class to handle the WebSocket protocol.
This property container contains all properties required for WebSocket communication.
The WebSocketException class.
The Web Socket Server of iiziGo inside Eclipse.
This class handles a Server Socket NIO implementation into a single-threaded Worker that accepts Socket connections in a non-blocking mode.
The state of the connection.
This property container contains all properties required for a WebSocket Server (NIO) connection.
Class holding information about a thumbnail of a Website, typically "" or "", such as can be viewed in a browser.
Enumeration for the state of a Website thumbnail.
Class holding all web thumbnails together and requesting only the ones needed.
Class to wrap the SelectionListener interface to a functional event.
Widget selection event functional interface, used to wrap selection events for lambda's.
Class used to hold the Window options when opening a pop-up window on the client side from a browser session.
The windows property container holds the windows for the application.
Filters file names like under Windows, with '?' being any character, '*' being any characters and '^' the escape character (the meaning of '?' and '*' becomes the actual character, and two escape characters for a single).
A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
Customized Wizard Dialog used when no progress bar is used.
The Worker is a class that handles all communication with "plain" sockets, received and sent (pending) messages to connectors, along with handling the session queue.
The Worker is a class that handles all communication with "plain" sockets, received and sent (pending) messages to connectors, along with handling the session queue.
The WorkerTask is something that requires processing in the Worker queue or some IO operations, etc.
Task states.
The WorkerTask ended callback interface.
A worker thread class for the server.
The workspace properties is used to save/restore states and settings for dialog boxes, etc.
The String property editor consists of a simple entry field with the option to open a dialog for multi-line editing with fixed font.
This class is used to handle writing strings to the cache used from the server to the client in transactions.
The web server page in the IIZI preferences.
Class used to hold information for file download into a file provider.
The class is used to provide files to the web server for various contexts: Server session, Per application (and version), Per user (all sessions), Per application session (on user basis), Per client session.
Engine to handle file providing for external web server files, typically images and other client resources that are fetched from the web server.
Helper class for common functions for Jetty.
The Resource for Jetty that refers to a JarEntry of file type inside an XJar or MemoryJar.
A Web Service parameter consists of a Parameter name and a Value.
The web server page in the IIZI preferences.
Class holding the part that is about a file to be uploaded in the web server.
The X.509 Certificates Property used for SSL communication.
This class is used for opening and reading files that are stored in OEM ASCII or Ansi character set.
Extends the normal JAR file for processing files with various character case, and mixture of forward and backslashes.
Extends the JarURLConnection to handle XJarFile instead of JarFile's.
This class installs the iiziLink file system URL stream handler allowing files to be cached in-memory and not locked on the local file system.
Class that compresses given XML source by removing comments, extra spaces and line breaks while preserving content within CDATA blocks.
Value object class to handle the XML Duration Schema 1.0 Part 2 datatype.
Value object class to handle the XMLGregorianCalendar datatype.
Class for a JSON reply.
XML Schema validator property class used to validate XML sources.
Helper class containing utility methods used when processing XML documents.
This class is used for creating and writing to files that are stored using Phantom Hurricane in OEM ASCII or Ansi character set.
The X/Y series value.
Value object class to handle the YearMonth datatype.
Value object class to handle the Year datatype.
Basic CSS compressor implementation using Yahoo YUI Compressor that could be used by HtmlCompressor for inline CSS compression.
Value object class to handle the ZonedDateTime datatype.