Class RunConfigurationWebServer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RunConfigurationWebServer extends Object implements IWebServerCompression
Web server that is used when Run Configuration is used, an optimized Jetty Server for "raw Jetty" web socket communication that is used to run one IIZI Module Project (that may refer to others, including Java projects).
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

    • server

      public Server server
      The Jetty Server instance.
  • Constructor Details

    • RunConfigurationWebServer

      public RunConfigurationWebServer(String root, IWSFileProviderServer fileProvider, IWSUploaderService uploaderService)
      root - The web server root.
      fileProvider - The external file provider, null for none.
  • Method Details

    • getPortConfigurations

      public PortConfig[] getPortConfigurations()
      Returns all the port configurations used for each request.

      Please note that this call will return null if the server never has been not started.

      All the port configurations used by the server, or null if the server never has been started.
    • getWebServerMapping

      public File getWebServerMapping(String mappedFile)
      Gets the map of web server mappings for files.
      mappedFile - The file to map.
      The mapping from String (such as "dojo.root" or "iiziRunDevel.root") to File Returns null if not found.
    • startWebServer

      public PortConfig[] startWebServer(IExternalBrowserPages extPages, WebSocketAcceptor acceptor, IServerSettings settings, Callable<Void> redirCallback, ICommonServletInterface... servlets) throws IOException
      Starts the web server.
      extPages - External pages implementor, null for none.
      acceptor - The acceptor for engine requests.
      settings - The settings.
      redirCallback - Callback when redirections are ready.
      servlets - Servlets interface(s).
      The port configuration array.
      IOException - For errors.
    • stopWebServer

      public boolean stopWebServer(long maxTime)
      Stops the web server.
      maxTime - Max time to wait for server to stop, <=0 is forever.
      true for success, false for timeout.
    • addFileRedirection

      public void addFileRedirection(String name, File file)
      Puts a compressed file name into the resource cache of the web server.
      Specified by:
      addFileRedirection in interface IWebServerCompression
      name - The file name, typically "iizi*-build.css" or "iizi*-build.js".
      file - The compressed CSS or JS file.
    • addFileRedirection

      public void addFileRedirection(File originalFile, File compressedfile)
      Puts a compressed file name into the resource cache of the web server.
      Specified by:
      addFileRedirection in interface IWebServerCompression
      originalFile - The original uncompressed file.
      compressedfile - The compressed CSS or JS file.
    • getStatistics

      public KString getStatistics()
      Gets the web server statistics as a plain HTML text string.
      The web server statistics formatted as Statistics:\n - item: _item1\n - item2: _item2..., i.e. no body, no div's. If web server is not started, \n\n*** Web server is not started *** is returned. A warning message may be displayed in the server log in case of statistics generation failures.