Interface IValidateValue

public interface IValidateValue
The validation interface used by connectors that wish to validate a VirtualSpace Field.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    validate(Object connector, VSField field, boolean previousValidation)
    Validates a VirtualSpace field with all connectors present.
    validateReferences(Object connector, VSField field, boolean previousValidation)
    Validates the references of the VirtualSpace Field once it has been converted into a Raw Value followed by the validate method.
  • Method Details

    • validate

      boolean validate(Object connector, VSField field, boolean previousValidation)
      Validates a VirtualSpace field with all connectors present. Validation of connectors are always done for all connectors. This method is called first to check each individual field. The validateReferences is then called.
      connector - The connector instance being called.
      field - The VirtualSpace Field being validated.
      previousValidation - The previous validation result from a connector, or true if this is the first connector.
      true for successful validation, false otherwise.
    • validateReferences

      boolean validateReferences(Object connector, VSField field, boolean previousValidation)
      Validates the references of the VirtualSpace Field once it has been converted into a Raw Value followed by the validate method. Validation of connectors are always done for all connectors. This method is called first to check each individual field. The validateReferences is then called.
      connector - The connector instance being called.
      field - The VirtualSpace Field being validated.
      previousValidation - The previous validation result from a connector, or true if this is the first connector.
      true for successful validation, false otherwise.