Class CheckboxTreeViewerEx

All Implemented Interfaces:
IViewerToolTip, ICheckable, IInputProvider, IInputSelectionProvider, IPostSelectionProvider, ISelectionProvider

public class CheckboxTreeViewerEx extends CheckboxTreeViewer implements IViewerToolTip
Checkbox tree viewer with tooltip support.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • CheckboxTreeViewerEx

      public CheckboxTreeViewerEx(Tree tree)
      Creates the checkbox tree viewer for a tree, initialized with the content, label and tooltip provider for properties, then input set to the properties.

      Make sure to have created at least one tree column before calling this method, otherwise empty text contents is shown in the label provider.

      tree - The tree.
  • Method Details

    • getViewerRow

      public ViewerRow getViewerRow(Point point)
      Returns the viewer row at the given widget-relative coordinates. Overridden to make public. As it's for tooltip support this will work just fine.
      Specified by:
      getViewerRow in interface IViewerToolTip
      getViewerRow in class ColumnViewer
      point - The widget-relative coordinates of the viewer row.
      ViewerRow the row or null if no row is found at the given coordinates.