Class GUnit

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GUnit extends Object implements Cloneable
This is a data holder class for a unit "px" for pixels, "dlg" for dialog, "em" for the size of the current font, "ex" for the size of the "x" character of the current font, "pt" for point size (1/72 of an inch), and "%" for percent of the parent component size.

Dialog units use font metrics as: 1/4 maximum character width, 1/8 maximum character height (+ external & internal leadings). This is a heritage from the Windows.

Two different unit types exist: integer values and decimal values. The type "px" only supports integer values. Integer values can range from -536870911 (-0x1FFFFFFF) to 536870911 (0x1FFFFFFF). Decimal values can be from -536870911.ddddddd (-0x1FFFFFFF.ddddddd) to 536870911.ddddddd (0x1FFFFFFF.ddddddd) where "ddddddd" is the decimal part with a maximum of 7 digits. A unit can be a combination of several other units, e.g. "90%-10px+1pt". This type is called FORMULA.

Christopher Mindus
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final GUnit
    An empty "NONE" unit, i.e.
    static final int
    The unit type "dialog" or "dlg" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size of the current font or "em" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size of the "x" character of current font or "ex" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type for complex values with a formula.
    static final int
    The unit type size of the notch BOTTOM side safe size in pixels or "nb" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size of the notch LEFT side safe size in pixels or "nl" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size of the notch RIGHT side safe size in pixels or "nr" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size of the notch TOP side safe size in pixels or "nt" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size of the maximum notch LEFT/RIGHT side or WIDTH safe size in pixels or "nw" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size for percentage of parent or "%" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size for percentage of parent height or "%h" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size for maximum size of percentage of parent width and height or "%max" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size for minimum size of percentage of parent width and height or "%min" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size for percentage of parent width or "%w" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type in points, i.e.
    static final int
    The unit type "pixels" or "px" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size special value string, set as the formula.
    static final int
    The unit type size for percentage of viewport height or "vh" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size for maximum size of percentage of viewport width and height or "vmax" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size for minimum size of percentage of viewport width and height or "vmin" for short.
    static final int
    The unit type size for percentage of viewport width or "vw" for short.
  • Constructor Summary

    Creates a unit object to 0 (zero) in pixels.
    GUnit(double value, int unit)
    Creates a unit object with the specified value in pixels.
    GUnit(int value)
    Creates a unit object with the specified value in pixels.
    Creates a unit object from a transaction.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Appends the unit object to a transaction.
    Clones this instance.
    static GUnit
    createCSSGUnit(String value, String... specialValues)
    Creates a GUnit object from a String.
    static GUnit
    createGUnit(String expr0, String... specialValues)
    Creates a GUnit object from a String.
    equals(GUnit unit)
    Checks if two unit objects are equal.
    Checks if two unit objects are equal.
    Gets the unit as a CSS value.
    getPixelValue(UIComp comp, boolean isHorz)
    Calculates the unit into a pixel value using the font information.
    Returns the script engine manager.
    Gets the String representation of the bounds as "value type".
    Gets the type of the unit (0-19), one of the values: UT_PX (pixel), UT_DLG (dialog), UT_EM ("em"), UT_EX ("ex"), UT_PT (point), UT_PC (percent), UT_PCW (percentage of parent width), UT_PCH (percentage of parent height), UT_PCMIN (minimum size of percentage of parent width and height), UT_PCMAX (maximum size of percentage of parent width and height), UT_VW (percentage of viewport width), UT_VH (percentage of viewport height), UT_VMIN (size for minimum size of percentage of viewport width and height), UT_VMAX (size for maximum size of percentage of viewport width and height), UT_NL (size of the notch LEFT side safe size in pixels), UT_NR (size of the notch RIGHT side safe size in pixels), UT_NW (size of the maximum notch LEFT/RIGHT side or WIDTH safe size in pixels), UT_NT (size of the notch TOP side safe size in pixels), UT_NB (size of the notch BOTTOM side safe size in pixels), UT_FORMULA (formula) or UT_VALUE (special value).
    Returns the double value for the unit.
    Returns if this value is dependent on the container size, i.e.
    Checks if the unit is "locked" from user change in the GUI design editor.
    Checks if this is a valid CSS pure unit, e.g.
    Checks if the unit is zero.
    protected String
    Returns the parameter string representing the state of this event.
    setLocked(boolean on)
    Sets the lock state of the unit.
    Returns a string representation of this class instance.
    Validates an expression formula.
    static void
    validateCSSGUnit(GUnit unit, String... specialValues)
    Validates a GUnit object.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • NONE

      public static final GUnit NONE
      An empty "NONE" unit, i.e. "0px".
    • UT_PX

      public static final int UT_PX
      The unit type "pixels" or "px" for short. Only integer values are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_PT

      public static final int UT_PT
      The unit type in points, i.e. 1/72 inch or "pt" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_EM

      public static final int UT_EM
      The unit type size of the current font or "em" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_EX

      public static final int UT_EX
      The unit type size of the "x" character of current font or "ex" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_DLG

      public static final int UT_DLG
      The unit type "dialog" or "dlg" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_PC

      public static final int UT_PC
      The unit type size for percentage of parent or "%" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_PCW

      public static final int UT_PCW
      The unit type size for percentage of parent width or "%w" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_PCH

      public static final int UT_PCH
      The unit type size for percentage of parent height or "%h" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_PCMIN

      public static final int UT_PCMIN
      The unit type size for minimum size of percentage of parent width and height or "%min" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_PCMAX

      public static final int UT_PCMAX
      The unit type size for maximum size of percentage of parent width and height or "%max" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_VW

      public static final int UT_VW
      The unit type size for percentage of viewport width or "vw" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_VH

      public static final int UT_VH
      The unit type size for percentage of viewport height or "vh" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_VMIN

      public static final int UT_VMIN
      The unit type size for minimum size of percentage of viewport width and height or "vmin" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_VMAX

      public static final int UT_VMAX
      The unit type size for maximum size of percentage of viewport width and height or "vmax" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_NL

      public static final int UT_NL
      The unit type size of the notch LEFT side safe size in pixels or "nl" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_NR

      public static final int UT_NR
      The unit type size of the notch RIGHT side safe size in pixels or "nr" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_NW

      public static final int UT_NW
      The unit type size of the maximum notch LEFT/RIGHT side or WIDTH safe size in pixels or "nw" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_NT

      public static final int UT_NT
      The unit type size of the notch TOP side safe size in pixels or "nt" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:
    • UT_NB

      public static final int UT_NB
      The unit type size of the notch BOTTOM side safe size in pixels or "nb" for short. Decimals are allowed.
      See Also:

      public static final int UT_FORMULA
      The unit type for complex values with a formula.
      See Also:
    • UT_VALUE

      public static final int UT_VALUE
      The unit type size special value string, set as the formula.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GUnit

      public GUnit()
      Creates a unit object to 0 (zero) in pixels.
    • GUnit

      public GUnit(int value)
      Creates a unit object with the specified value in pixels.
      value - The value.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the value is not in range of -0x1FFFFFFF to 0x1FFFFFFF.
    • GUnit

      public GUnit(double value, int unit)
      Creates a unit object with the specified value in pixels.
      value - The value.
      unit - The unit UT_* (excluding UT_FORMULA and UT_VALUE).
      IllegalArgumentException - For invalid value range.
    • GUnit

      public GUnit(ReadTransaction trans)
      Creates a unit object from a transaction.
      trans - The transaction.
  • Method Details

    • getScriptEngine

      public static ScriptEngine getScriptEngine() throws GUnitException
      Returns the script engine manager.
      GUnitException - If engine cannot be instantiated.
    • createGUnit

      public static GUnit createGUnit(String expr0, String... specialValues) throws GUnitException
      Creates a GUnit object from a String. The String must be in the formats:
        - [+|-] nnn [unit]
        - [+|-] nnn[.ddd] [unit]
        - formula consisting of characters "()+-/* 0123456789." and the unit characters
      expr0 - The expression string.
      specialValues - Accepted special values.
      GUnit the created unit.
      GUnitException - The error message.
    • createCSSGUnit

      public static GUnit createCSSGUnit(String value, String... specialValues) throws GUnitException
      Creates a GUnit object from a String. The String must be in the formats:
        - [+|-] nnn [unit]
        - [+|-] nnn[.ddd] [unit]

      All formats except "pixel" supports decimals ([.ddd] above).

      Formulas are not supported. The following units are supported:

      • px: pixel,
      • pt: point,
      • em: width of "M",
      • ex: width of "x",
      • %: percentage width of parent,
      • vw: viewport width,
      • vh: viewport height.
      value - The value string.
      specialValues - Accepted special values.
      GUnit the created unit.
      GUnitException - The error message.
    • validateCSSGUnit

      public static void validateCSSGUnit(GUnit unit, String... specialValues) throws GUnitException
      Validates a GUnit object.

      Formulas are not supported. The following units are supported:

      • px: pixel,
      • pt: point,
      • em: width of "M",
      • ex: width of "x",
      • %: percentage width of parent,
      • vw: viewport width,
      • vh: viewport height.
      unit - The unit as CSS value.
      specialValues - Accepted special values.
      GUnitException - The error message.
    • getType

      public int getType()
      Gets the type of the unit (0-19), one of the values:
      • UT_PX (pixel),
      • UT_DLG (dialog),
      • UT_EM ("em"),
      • UT_EX ("ex"),
      • UT_PT (point),
      • UT_PC (percent),
      • UT_PCW (percentage of parent width),
      • UT_PCH (percentage of parent height),
      • UT_PCMIN (minimum size of percentage of parent width and height),
      • UT_PCMAX (maximum size of percentage of parent width and height),
      • UT_VW (percentage of viewport width),
      • UT_VH (percentage of viewport height),
      • UT_VMIN (size for minimum size of percentage of viewport width and height),
      • UT_VMAX (size for maximum size of percentage of viewport width and height),
      • UT_NL (size of the notch LEFT side safe size in pixels),
      • UT_NR (size of the notch RIGHT side safe size in pixels),
      • UT_NW (size of the maximum notch LEFT/RIGHT side or WIDTH safe size in pixels),
      • UT_NT (size of the notch TOP side safe size in pixels),
      • UT_NB (size of the notch BOTTOM side safe size in pixels),
      • UT_FORMULA (formula) or
      • UT_VALUE (special value).
    • isLocked

      public boolean isLocked()
      Checks if the unit is "locked" from user change in the GUI design editor.
      The lock flag.
    • setLocked

      public void setLocked(boolean on)
      Sets the lock state of the unit.
      on - The lock flag.
    • getString

      public String getString()
      Gets the String representation of the bounds as "value type".
      A string in the form of value type.
    • isZero

      public boolean isZero()
      Checks if the unit is zero.
      true if the value is zero when not a UT_FORMULA or UT_VALUE string such as "fixed", false otherwise.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Checks if two unit objects are equal.
      equals in class Object
      o - another unit object. If null, the units are not equal.
      true if the object has the same type and value.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(GUnit unit)
      Checks if two unit objects are equal.
      unit - another size object. If null, the sizes are not equal.
      true if the object has the same type and value.
    • clone

      public GUnit clone()
      Clones this instance.
      clone in class Object
      As cloned instance of GUnit.
    • paramString

      protected String paramString()
      Returns the parameter string representing the state of this event. This string is useful for debugging. Super-classes adds extra information to the string by preceding it with a comma followed by the extra information.
      the parameter string of this unit object.
    • getValue

      public double getValue()
      Returns the double value for the unit.
      The value for PT, PX, %, DLG, EX and EM, or Double.NaN otherwise.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this class instance.
      toString in class Object
      A string representation of this class instance.
    • getCSSValue

      public String getCSSValue()
      Gets the unit as a CSS value. Formula and percent is NOT accepted and returns null along with a warning logging.
      The CSS value, or null if it's a UT_FORMULA.
    • append

      public void append(SendTransaction trans)
      Appends the unit object to a transaction.
      trans - The transaction.
    • validate

      public String validate() throws GUnitException
      Validates an expression formula.
      GUnitException - For validation errors.
    • getPixelValue

      public double getPixelValue(UIComp comp, boolean isHorz)
      Calculates the unit into a pixel value using the font information.
      comp - The component.
      isHorz - Flag indicating this is a horizontal value (significant only for % or DLG).
      The pixel value, or Double.NaN if the expression is invalid. Note: the Notch values always returns zero.
      IllegalStateException - If this is called outside of the Designer.
    • isPureCSS

      public boolean isPureCSS()
      Checks if this is a valid CSS pure unit, e.g. not DLG, Formula.
      true if it's a pure CSS unit, false if it is a calculated value and cannot be used in CSS declarations.
    • isContainerDependent

      public boolean isContainerDependent()
      Returns if this value is dependent on the container size, i.e. value is a percent value or a formula containing percent.
      true if the value is container dependent, i.e. a Percent value, or if it is a formula contains a percent value. false is returned if the value is not dependent of the container.