Class GEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BubbleEvent, ResolveReferencesEvent, SinkEvent

public abstract class GEvent extends Object implements IPostEventProcessing
This class is the base class for all events.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details


      public static final int PROP_ATTR_CHANGED
      Event ID for property attribute changed event.

      It is a bubbling event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.PropAttrEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_VALUE_CHANGED
      Event ID for property value changed event.

      It is a bubbling event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.PropValueEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_ADDED
      Event ID for property added event.

      It is a bubbling event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.PropCnrEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_REMOVED
      Event ID for property removed event.

      It is a bubbling event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.PropCnrEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_RENAMED
      Event ID for property name changed event.

      It is a bubbling event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.PropNameEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_DISPOSED
      Event ID for property disposed changed event.

      It is a bubbling event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.PropDisposeEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_MOVED_FROM
      Event ID for property moved from container event. This event is triggered when the property already has been moved from the original container, and to the destination. This event is sent from the moved container and send upwards in the property hierarchy.

      It is a bubbling event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.PropMoveEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_MOVED_TO
      Event ID for property moved to container event. This event is triggered when the property already has been moved from the original container, and to the destination. This event is sent from the moved property already located in the moved-to-container and send upwards in the property hierarchy. Thus a property listening for move events should process this Moved-To event and not the Moved-From event.

      It is a bubbling event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.PropMoveEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_REORDERED
      Event ID for property container reordered.

      It is a bubbling event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.PropReorderEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_CNR_ADDED
      Event ID for property container added.

      This is a sinking event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.ParentCnrAddedEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_CNR_RENAMED
      Event ID for property name changed event of a container.

      This is a sinking event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.PropNameEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_CNR_MOVED
      Event ID for a property container move to another container event. This event is triggered when the property container already has been moved from the original container, and to the destination.

      This is a sinking event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.ParentCnrMoveEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_FOCUS
      Event ID for component focus.

      This is a bubbling event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.PropFocusEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_CNR_FOCUS
      Event ID for container focus.

      This is a sinking event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.PropCnrFocusEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_RESOLVE_REFERENCES_DIRECT
      Event ID for resolve references.

      This is a sinking event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.ResolveReferencesEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_PROJECT_RENAMED
      Event ID for project renamed.

      This is a sinking event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.ProjectNameEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_QUERY_DESIGNER_PROPS
      Event ID to query properties for references.

      This is a sinking event.

      Event class: com.iizigo.event.QueryDesignerPropEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_DESIGNER_VIEWER_UPDATE
      Event ID for property update for the Eclipse Common Navigator viewer (only in the Designer).

      It is a bubbling event.

      Event class: com.iizigo.event.CommonDesignerEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_DESIGNER_VS_REFERENCE
      Event ID for VSReference resolving in conjunction with VSRelativeReference (only in the Designer). The event is fired when a VSReference is resolved or broken, causing VSRelativeReference instances to re-check their state.

      It is a sinking event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.VSReferenceEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_DESIGNER_ASSET_CHANGED
      Event ID for Asset files changes in conjunction with AssetReference (only in the Designer). The event is fired when a file property container notices a change of the file or if it removed, to re-check their state.

      It is a sinking event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.AssetEvent.

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_DESIGNER_JAVA_CLASS_CHANGED
      Event ID for Java Class changes in conjunction with ClassReference (only in the Designer). The event is fired when a Java source has been compiled and parsed, or if it has been reconciled. All annotations are up-to-date when the event is received.

      It is a sinking event.

      Event class:

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_DESIGNER_JAVA_METHOD_RENAMED
      Event ID for Java Method renamed in conjunction with ClassReference (only in the Designer). The event is fired when a Java source has been compiled and parsed, or if it has been reconciled. All annotations are up-to-date when the event is received.

      It is a sinking event.

      Event class:

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_DESIGNER_KSTRING
      Event ID for KString event.

      It is a sinking event.

      Event class:

      See Also:

      public static final int PROP_REFRESH
      Event ID for a RefreshEvent.

      It is a sinking event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.RefreshEvent.

      See Also:
    • REMOTE

      public static final int REMOTE
      Event ID for Remote Property Event.

      It is a bubbling event.

      Event class: com.iizix.event.RemoteEvent.

      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GEvent

      public GEvent(GProp<?> source, int eventID, boolean isRemoteInduced)
      Constructs the generic event with specified originator without progress monitor.
      source - The source object.
      eventID - The event ID, see GEvent.PROP_*.
      isRemoteInduced - Flag indicating this change is induced from a remote party.
      NullPointerException - If source is null.
    • GEvent

      public GEvent(GProp<?> source, int eventID, IPropProgressMonitor monitor)
      Constructs the generic event with specified originator that has a progress monitor and is not remote induced.
      source - The source object.
      eventID - The event ID, see GEvent.PROP_*.
      monitor - The progress monitor, null for none.
      NullPointerException - If source is null.
    • GEvent

      public GEvent(GProp<?> source, int eventID, boolean isRemoteInduced, IPropProgressMonitor monitor)
      Constructs the generic event with specified originator.
      source - The source object.
      eventID - The event ID, see GEvent.PROP_*.
      isRemoteInduced - Flag indicating this change is induced from a remote party.
      monitor - The progress monitor, null for none.
      NullPointerException - If source is null.
  • Method Details

    • getEventName

      public static String getEventName(int eventID)
      Gets the name of an eventID.
    • setProgressMonitor

      public void setProgressMonitor(IPropProgressMonitor monitor)
      Sets the progress monitor if not already done. This method has no effect if the monitor is already set.
    • getEventID

      public final int getEventID()
      Gets the event ID.
    • getEventName

      public String getEventName()
      Gets the name string of the event. Same as GEvent.getEventName(event.getEventID()).
      A string representation of the event ID.
    • getSource

      public final GProp<?> getSource()
      Gets the source of the event.
      The Generic Property for the event, the source, or originator.
    • getEventTarget

      public GProp<?> getEventTarget()
      Gets the event owner. The owner is the one the message relates to e.g. the property for value change or the property being added or removed for property container events.
      The Generic Property for the event, the source, or originator.
    • isRemoteInduced

      public final boolean isRemoteInduced()
      Flag indicating this change is induced from a remote party.
    • getOperation

      public GEvent.Operation getOperation()
      Gets the current operation.
    • setOperation

      public void setOperation(GEvent.Operation operation)
      Sets the current operation. This method should not be called, it is intended for GProp.onEvent.
      NullPointerException - If operation is null.
    • isConsumed

      public final boolean isConsumed()
      Checks if this event has been consumed.

      Consumed events are still propagating, so this flag is more of informational purpose.

      true indicates event is consumed, false indicates event is not yet consumed.
    • consume

      public final void consume()
      Consumes this event.

      Consumed events are still propagating, so this flag is more of informational purpose.

    • isCancelled

      public final boolean isCancelled()
      Checks if this event has been cancelled.
      true indicates event is cancelled, false indicates event is not cancelled.
    • cancel

      public final void cancel()
      Cancel even propagation of this event.
    • getOperations

      public abstract GEvent.Operation[] getOperations()
      Gets the Operations order describing what Operation the property that receives the event should process. This Operations order defines e.g. if the event is bubbling, sinking or just private.

      Subclasses must implement this Operations order. They should NOT use both Sinking and Bubbling Operations, this will cause an infinite loop or stack overflow due to recursion.

      The order of the Operations, per Event-implementing class dependent, normally a static final array.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this component and its values.
      toString in class Object
      A string representation of this property.
    • paramString

      protected StringBuilder paramString(StringBuilder buf)
      Returns the parameter string representing the state of this event. This string is useful for debugging. Super classes adds extra information to the string by preceding it with a comma followed by the extra information.
      buf - The StringBuilder to append the string to.
      The StringBuilder, i.e. the buf input parameter.
    • send

      public final void send(GProp<?> sender, EventListener listener)
      Sends this event to the event listener in question, with "safe" processing, i.e. that potential exceptions are caught and logged.

      This method is intended to be called from GProp.onEvent(event). Do not call this method.

      This event's operation, retrieved by getOperation() is set to LISTENERS.

      sender - The sender property.
      listener - The event listener.
    • send

      public final void send(GProp<?> sender, GProp<?> receiver, GEvent.Operation operation, int operationIndex)
      Sends this event to the property in question, with "safe" processing, i.e. that potential exceptions are caught and logged.

      This method is intended to be called from GProp.onEvent(event). Do not call this method.

      sender - The sender property.
      receiver - The receiving property.
      operation - The Operation.
      operationIndex - The current index in the Operation array provided by this event's getOperations() method.
    • sendSelf

      public final void sendSelf(GProp<?> senderAndReceiver, GEvent.Operation operation, int operationIndex)
      Sends this event to the property itself in question, with "safe" processing, i.e. that potential exceptions are caught and logged. The method called for the property (that might be altered using getAlternateDestination) is onEventSelf rather than onEvent.

      This method is intended to be called from GProp.onEvent(event). Do not call this method.

      senderAndReceiver - The sender and received property.
      operation - The Operation.
      operationIndex - The current index in the Operation array provided by this event's getOperations() method.
    • getSender

      public final GProp<?> getSender()
      Gets the current sender of the event.
    • getAlternateDestination

      protected EventListener getAlternateDestination(GProp<?> destination, GEvent.Operation operation, int operationIndex)
      Gets the alternate property destination for an event about to be sent. The default is to return the same destination, but subclasses can choose to return another property that would be "more suitable" to receive the event, i.e. the property that would really do the processing. This enables performance enhancements to be done for a particular event.

      This method also enables an event to skip sending the event to a property by returning null in this method.

      Subclasses can override this method to provide fine-tuned behavior.

      destination - The destination property.
      operation - The Operation.
      operationIndex - The current index in the Operation array provided by this event's getOperations() method.
      destination by default. If null is returned, this event will not be sent.
    • isEventProcessed

      public boolean isEventProcessed(GProp<?> property, GEvent.Operation operation, int operationIndex)
      Checks if this Operation at specified index should be processed or not by the specified property.

      An event can fine-tune event distribution with this mechanism, thus improving performance.

      This method is intended to be called from GProp.onEvent(event). Do not call this method.

      property - The property processing the event in GEvent.onEvent(event).
      operation - The Operation.
      operationIndex - The current index in the Operation array provided by this event's getOperations() method.
      true by default. If false is returned, an event could cause e.g. the CHILDREN operation processing to be skipped for certain properties.
    • isClearCacheEvent

      public boolean isClearCacheEvent()
      Returns the state for a property container if this event is received in the onEventSelf method as a helper for it would need to clear the property container cache.
      true if the event would require the property container to clear its cache.
    • isVerifyEvent

      public boolean isVerifyEvent()
      Returns if this event is a verify event for a container that processes verification.
      true if the event should trigger container verification, false otherwise.
    • addPostProcessor

      public void addPostProcessor(EventListener postProcessor)
      Adds a post-event processor that will be called when the event has completed its notification process. This method can be called at any time during the event notification phase, but calls to this method when post-processing is executing is not going to change the post-processors, thus will the postProcessor not be called.

      Note: the post-processors are called no matter if the event has been canceled, so the processor may have to check the cancel state.

      Calling this method with the same postProcessor more than once does not add it again.

      Specified by:
      addPostProcessor in interface IPostEventProcessing
      postProcessor - Processor to add.
      NullPointerException - If the postProcessor is null.
    • setInitialProperty

      public void setInitialProperty(GProp<?> initialDispatcher)
      Assigns the initial sender property that should perform post processing of events. This method should only be called from the initial GProp that sends the event the first time. This is done from the GProp.onEvent method and should not be called elsewhere.
      Specified by:
      setInitialProperty in interface IPostEventProcessing
      initialDispatcher - The initial dispatcher.
    • getPostProcessors

      public EventListener[] getPostProcessors(GProp<?> dispatcher)
      Gets the post-processors.
      Specified by:
      getPostProcessors in interface IPostEventProcessing
      dispatcher - The property retrieving the post-processors, null for none.
      An array of the post-processors to call after all normal event notification, null for none.
    • isPropertyChange

      public boolean isPropertyChange(IGProp<?> property)
      Checks if the event is a property value change.
      property - The property.
      true if the property just got changed in the container due to this event, false otherwise.
    • isPropertyChange

      public boolean isPropertyChange(PropCnr pc, Atom name)
      Checks if the event is a modification change of any property in the specified container.
      pc - The property container.
      name - The property name to check for change.
      true if the property just got changed in the container due to this event, false otherwise.
    • isPropertyChange

      public boolean isPropertyChange(PropCnr pc, String name)
      Checks if the event is a modification change of any property in the specified container.
      pc - The property container.
      name - The property name to check for change.
      true if the property just got changed in the container due to this event, false otherwise.
    • isPropertyChangeIn

      public boolean isPropertyChangeIn(PropCnr pc)
      Checks if the event is a modification change of any property in the specified container.
      pc - The property container.
      true if a property just got changed in the container due to this event, false otherwise.
    • getTrigger

      public IGProp<?> getTrigger()
      Returns the trigger of this event, if any.
      Trigger property of this event, null for none.
    • isPropertyChangeInTree

      public boolean isPropertyChangeInTree(PropCnr pc)
      Checks if the event is a modification change of any property in the specified container or any of its children.
      pc - The property container.
      true if a property just got changed in the container tree due to this event, false otherwise.
    • isRefreshEvent

      public boolean isRefreshEvent()
      Returns true if this is a refresh event.
      true if this is a RefreshEvent, false otherwise. Always false if not overridden, e.g. by RefreshEvent.