Class ModuleFolderPropCnr

All Implemented Interfaces:
IPropDesigner, ISynchronizeEclipseMarkers, EventListener, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr, ISelectorExpression, ISynchronizeMarkers, Cloneable, IAdaptable

public class ModuleFolderPropCnr extends FolderPropCnr
The module root property container.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • ModuleFolderPropCnr

      public ModuleFolderPropCnr()
      Default for clipboard/drag-drop.
  • Method Details

    • getModel

      public ModuleModel getModel()
      Gets the model.
    • getRoot

      public ModuleRootPropCnr getRoot()
      The root.
    • getModuleFolder

      public ModuleFolder getModuleFolder()
      The folder.
    • getProject

      public IProject getProject()
      Gets the project.
      The project.
    • setAttachment

      public void setAttachment(String name, Object object)
      Assigns a named attachment to this container.
    • getAttachment

      public Object getAttachment(String name)
      Gets a named attachment of this container.
    • getAttachments

      public Object[] getAttachments()
      Gets all named attachments.