Class PropCnrEditorProperties


public class PropCnrEditorProperties extends Object
The definition of the properties to edit for a property component.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • PropCnrEditorProperties

      public PropCnrEditorProperties(PropertyEditorSetup pes, Object[] setup)
      Creates the instance of the EditProperties for a property component.
      pes - The setup data for the Designer or the Plug-in.
      setup - This array contains the name of the property followed by a "required flag".
    • PropCnrEditorProperties

      public PropCnrEditorProperties(PropertyEditorSetup pes, Object[] setup, String itemAppender)
      Creates the instance of the EditProperties for a property component.
      pes - The setup data for the Designer or the Plug-in.
      setup - This array contains the name of the property followed by a "required flag".
    • PropCnrEditorProperties

      public PropCnrEditorProperties(PropCnrEditorProperties existing, Object[] setup)
      Creates the instance of the EditProperties for a property component from an existing definition that can receive additional setup.
      existing - An existing instance to add new data to.
    • PropCnrEditorProperties

      public PropCnrEditorProperties(PropCnrEditorProperties existing, boolean useGroupButtons)
      Creates the instance of the EditProperties for a property component from an existing definition that can receive additional setup.
      existing - An existing instance to add new data to.
      useGroupButtons - Flag to use group buttons or not.
    • PropCnrEditorProperties

      public PropCnrEditorProperties(PropCnrEditorProperties existing, PropCnr parent, PropCnrEditorProperties pes)
      Create a new instance and adds the definitions from another edited property container.
  • Method Details

    • getOriginalSetup

      public Object[] getOriginalSetup()
      Returns the original setup data.
      The original setup data, null if not present.
    • useGroupButtons

      public boolean useGroupButtons()
      Gets the flag for group buttons.
    • setUseGroupButtons

      public void setUseGroupButtons(boolean on)
      Sets the flag for group buttons.
    • getPropertyEditorInfos

      public ArrayList<PropertyEditorInfo> getPropertyEditorInfos(PropCnr pc)
      Gets the PropertyEditorInfo array for the property editor for a single property.
    • getPropertyEditorInfo

      public PropertyEditorInfo getPropertyEditorInfo(Atom atom)
      Gets a PropertyEditorInfo from a property Atom.
      atom - The atom.
      An instance of PropertyEditorInfo if the atom is found, null otherwise.
    • getEmptySettingsMessage

      public String getEmptySettingsMessage(PropCnr property)
      When the group is not editable, this message is shown.
    • getEmptySettingsImage

      public Image getEmptySettingsImage(PropCnr property)
      When the group is not editable, this image is shown.
      null for none.