Package com.iizigo

Class Preference

public class Preference extends AbstractPreferenceInitializer
Class used to initialize default preference values.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

    • P_ROOT

      public static final int P_ROOT
      See Also:

      public static final int P_DESIGNER_GENERAL
      See Also:

      public static final int P_NAME_SPACE
      See Also:
    • isLocalHost

      public boolean isLocalHost
      Indicates iiziServer runs on localhost.
    • host

      public String host
      The iiziServer host name/address.
    • portNumber

      public int portNumber
      The iiziServer port number.
    • wsPort1

      public int wsPort1
      The Web Socket start port.
    • wsPort2

      public int wsPort2
      The Web Socket end port.
    • doShowVSWizard

      public boolean doShowVSWizard
      Always show wizard for creation of VS fields.
    • doCreateVSFields

      public boolean doCreateVSFields
      Create VirtualSpace fields automatically.
    • doResolveVSFieldNameCollisions

      public boolean doResolveVSFieldNameCollisions
      Resolve name collisions automatically for VirtualSpace fields.
  • Constructor Details

    • Preference

      public Preference()
      Construction of the class.
    • Preference

      public Preference(int page)
      Constructs a new preference class with defaults for a page.
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static Preference getInstance()
      Gets the instance.
      The single instance of the preferences.
    • getDefaultPanelValue

      public static Object getDefaultPanelValue(String name)
      Gets the default value for a panel preference.
      name - The value name.
      An object: Boolean, Integer or Long.
    • getDesignerParameters

      public PropCnr getDesignerParameters()
      Gets the designer parameters property container.
      The property container with the designer properties.
    • initializeDefaultPreferences

      public void initializeDefaultPreferences()
      Initializes the preferences store for all the terminal preferences.
      Specified by:
      initializeDefaultPreferences in class AbstractPreferenceInitializer
      See Also:
    • saveToStore

      public void saveToStore(int page)
      Saves a "page" to the store.
      page - The page.
    • getStarredAdaptiveSettings

      public String getStarredAdaptiveSettings()
      Gets the settings for the StarredAdaptive class.
      The string for the "StarredAdaptive" class.