Class HTMLSourcesManager


public class HTMLSourcesManager extends Object
The manager for HTML sources.

This class is used to handle e.g. iiziApp.html in the server in development mode or for iiziRun.

Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static HTMLSourcesManager getInstance(IWebServerCompression webServer, ISourceResolver resolver)
      Gets the instance of the run support.
    • getHTMLSourceInfo

      public HTMLSourceInfo getHTMLSourceInfo(File file) throws FileNotFoundException
      Gets the HTML source info for a file.
      file - The file to use.
      FileNotFoundException - If the file is not found.
    • compressHTMLFiles

      public void compressHTMLFiles(File root, IWebServerCompression webServer, boolean doCompress) throws IOException
      Compresses the specified HTML files and adds all files for redirection. The CSS files are all compressed into one, and so for the JS files. The redirected file for the compressed and converted HTML source is also added.
      root - The root directory of the web server.
      webServer - Web server compression implementor.
      doCompress - Compression flag.
      IOException - For I/O errors.
    • compressHTMLFile

      public void compressHTMLFile(File root, IWebServerCompression webServer, boolean doCompress, String fn, boolean isLocal) throws IOException
      Compresses the specified HTML files and adds all files for redirection. The CSS files are all compressed into one, and so for the JS files. The redirected file for the compressed and converted HTML source is also added.
      root - The root directory of the web server.
      webServer - Web server compression implementor, null for none.
      doCompress - Compression flag.
      fn - The HTML file name.
      isLocal - Flag for local file (iiziRun).
      IOException - For I/O errors.