Class EAbsoluteLayout

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILinkCapable, IUIBuilderFromVSLinkEnabler, IELayoutMgr<EAbsoluteData>, IELayoutMgrDND<EAbsoluteData>, IEUICompBase, IReplaceLayoutData, IScrollbarsValidation, IPropDesigner, ITransferContainerProps, ITooltipPropList, EventListener, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr, Cloneable, IAdaptable

public class EAbsoluteLayout extends AbsoluteLayout implements IELayoutMgrDND<EAbsoluteData>, IReplaceLayoutData, IScrollbarsValidation
Setup data for the absolute layout.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • EAbsoluteLayout

      public EAbsoluteLayout()
      Creates the property container without a name. The name must be set in all cases using the setPropertyAtom call.
    • EAbsoluteLayout

      public EAbsoluteLayout(Atom propertyAtom)
      Creates the property container with the specified name. All system-reserved names for components begins with "$".
      propertyAtom - the name of the component, unique within it's parent.
  • Method Details

    • getLayoutDataClass

      public Class<EAbsoluteData> getLayoutDataClass()
      Gets the layout data class.
      Specified by:
      getLayoutDataClass in interface IELayoutMgr<EAbsoluteData>
    • isCNVisible

      public boolean isCNVisible()
      Checks if a property should be included in the view or if it's hidden or filtered out.
      Specified by:
      isCNVisible in interface IELayoutMgr<EAbsoluteData>
      Default is false, override to display in tree.
    • getDesigner

      public UILayoutDesignerProp getDesigner()
      Gets the Designer Extension for Properties.
      Specified by:
      getDesigner in interface IPropDesigner
      The instance of the Designer Extension.
    • getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup

      public Object[] getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup()
      Gets the layout data settings for a component.
      Specified by:
      getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup in interface IELayoutMgr<EAbsoluteData>
      The layout additional objects, or null for none.
    • getCNImage

      public Image getCNImage(boolean isMobile)
      Gets the image for the Common Navigator.
      Specified by:
      getCNImage in interface IEUICompBase
      isMobile - The mobile theme flag.
      Image or null if there is no image.
    • getCNDescriptionType

      public String getCNDescriptionType()
      Provide a type description for the status bar view, if available.
      Specified by:
      getCNDescriptionType in interface IEUICompBase
      Specified by:
      getCNDescriptionType in interface ITransferContainerProps
      A type description for the status bar view, or null if not available.
    • clone

      public EAbsoluteLayout clone()
      Clone must be overridden.
      clone in class AbsoluteLayout
    • isReplaceable

      public boolean isReplaceable()
      Checks if this layout manager is replaceable by another.
      Specified by:
      isReplaceable in interface IELayoutMgr<EAbsoluteData>
      By default, the layout managers are not replaceable, so this method must be overridden.
    • createDefaultLayoutProp

      public EAbsoluteData createDefaultLayoutProp(UIComp uiComp)
      Creates the default LayoutProp to use for a new component that is inserted directly into the UIComps container.
      Specified by:
      createDefaultLayoutProp in interface IELayoutMgr<EAbsoluteData>
      createDefaultLayoutProp in class AbsoluteLayout
      uiComp - The component requesting the default layout property.
      A new instance of the layout data of this layout manager.
    • getTransferProps

      public Object[] getTransferProps()
      Returns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
      Specified by:
      getTransferProps in interface ITransferContainerProps
      The list of String's or Atom's that are transferable, null for none.
    • verify

      public boolean verify(PropVerification verification)
      Verifies this property container. The check performed is the extension of classes and that no circular reference is present.
      Specified by:
      verify in interface IGProp<GProp<?>[]>
      verify in class PropCnr
      verification - The property verification class.
      true if verification should proceed, false if disposed of and verification should not take place.
    • checkReplaceLayoutData

      public void checkReplaceLayoutData(ComplexOperation op, UIComp comp)
      Perform check of the component layout data and replaces it if required.
      Specified by:
      checkReplaceLayoutData in interface IReplaceLayoutData
      op - Complex operation for undo/redo, null when operation should be done directly on property.
      comp - Component to replace the layout data in.
    • onDrop

      public UIComp[] onDrop(DropInfo di)
      Performs a drop from JavaScript in this layout manager with the specified properties and the layout manager specific transaction data.
      Specified by:
      onDrop in interface IELayoutMgrDND<EAbsoluteData>
      di - The drop information instance.
      The created components that will be selected, or null for aborted operation or failure.
    • convertLayout

      public void convertLayout(ComplexOperation op, UIContainer cnr, LayoutMgr<?> oldLayout)
      Called to convert one layout to another when the layout has been dropped into a container. The conversion must apply to all components in the container, e.g. that all components gets the GridData instead of AbsoluteData.
      Specified by:
      convertLayout in interface IELayoutMgrDND<EAbsoluteData>
      op - The complex operation instance.
      cnr - The container.
      oldLayout - Old layout, already removed from the container and disposed of, null if none previously existed.
    • onBeforeAdd

      public void onBeforeAdd(UIComp component, LayoutProp layout, int index, IComplexOperation op) throws PropException
      Called prior to adding the new component to the layout in order to adjust the layout data.
      onBeforeAdd in class LayoutMgr<AbsoluteData>
      component - Component about to be added.
      layout - The layout data of the component, can be cast to the appropriate value for the layout manager.
      index - The index of the component.
      op - The complex operation, null for none.
      PropException - for property errors.
    • layoutNewComponents

      public IStatus layoutNewComponents(List<UIComp> components, ComplexOperation op)
      Called to perform layout of the newly added components.
      Specified by:
      layoutNewComponents in interface IELayoutMgr<EAbsoluteData>
      components - The new components.
      op - The complex operation.
      Status of the operation.
    • getTooltipPropertyList

      public List<TooltipItem> getTooltipPropertyList()
      Gets the list of property names that should be displayed.
      Specified by:
      getTooltipPropertyList in interface ITooltipPropList
      The list, or null for no tooltip.