Interface IELayoutMgr<LAYOUT_PROP extends LayoutProp>

All Superinterfaces:
IAdaptable, IEUICompBase, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, ILinkCapable, IPropCnr, IPropDesigner, ITransferContainerProps, IUIBuilderFromVSLinkEnabler
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EAbsoluteLayout, EAccordionLayout, EBorderLayout, ECalendarLayout, EContextMenuLayout, EFlexLayout, EGridLayout, EHeadingLayout, EListLayout, EMapLayout, EMenuBarLayout, EMenuLayout, EMLGroupLayout, EMListLayout, ESwapLayout, ETabBarLayout, ETabLayout, EUITableLayout

public interface IELayoutMgr<LAYOUT_PROP extends LayoutProp> extends IEUICompBase, IUIBuilderFromVSLinkEnabler, ITransferContainerProps
Interface implemented by layout managers.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup

      Object[] getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup()
      Gets the layout data settings for a component.
      The layout additional objects, or null for none.
    • createDefaultLayoutProp

      LAYOUT_PROP createDefaultLayoutProp(UIComp uiComp)
      Creates the default LayoutProp to use for a new component that is inserted directly into the UIComps container.
      uiComp - The component requesting the default layout property.
      A new instance of the layout data of this layout manager.
    • getCompsCnr

      UIComps getCompsCnr()
      Gets the container associated with this layout manager and the UI container.
      The UI components container.
    • getUIComps

      UIComp[] getUIComps()
      Gets all components for the container of the layout manager.
      The components in the container for the layout manager.
    • getLayoutDataClass

      Class<LAYOUT_PROP> getLayoutDataClass()
      Gets the layout data class.
    • isCNVisible

      default boolean isCNVisible()
      Checks if a property should be included in the view or if it's hidden or filtered out.
      Default is false, override to display in tree.
    • isReplaceable

      default boolean isReplaceable()
      Checks if this layout manager is replaceable by another.
      By default, the layout managers are not replaceable, so this method must be overridden.
    • layoutNewComponents

      default IStatus layoutNewComponents(List<UIComp> components, ComplexOperation op)
      Called to perform layout of the newly added components.
      components - The new components.
      op - The complex operation.
      Status of the operation.