Interface IEditedPropControllerOwner<PROP extends GProp<?>,PROP_VALUE>

All Known Implementing Classes:
BadgePropEditor, BaseEditor, BaseReferencePropEditor, BoolPropEditor, BoxShadowPropEditor, ClassReferencePropEditor, ColorPropEditor, ConnectionProfilePropEditor, ContentProviderPropEditor, DateTimePropEditor, DropShadowPropEditor, DurationPropEditor, EncodingPropEditor, FillPropEditor, FontFamilyPropEditor, FontPropEditor, GradientPropEditor, ImageReferencePropEditor, IntChoicePropEditor, IntPropEditor, KStringPropEditor, LocalizedStringPropEditor, LongPropEditor, MediaReferencePropEditor, MethodReferencePropEditor, MultiPropCnr, NullValueAllowedPropEditor, NumberPropEditor, PanelAnimationPropEditor, PasswordPropEditor, PatternPropEditor, PKCS12IdentityPropEditor, ReferencePropEditor, SessionConfigPropEditor, SizePropEditor, StringMapPropEditor, StringPropEditor, StrokePropEditor, StylesReferencesPropEditor, StylesStatesPropEditor, TextShadowPropEditor, ThemesPropEditor, TooltipPropEditor, TransformPropEditor, UIDateTimeTypePropEditor, UnitPropEditor, UnitsPropEditor, ValuePropEditor, ValueTypePropEditor, VAPIDKeyPropEditor, VSActionActorParticipantEditor, VSParticipantEditor, VSReferencePropEditor, VSRelativeReferencePropEditor, VSTableColumnReferencePropEditor, WrapStringPropEditor

public interface IEditedPropControllerOwner<PROP extends GProp<?>,PROP_VALUE>
Interface implemented by property editors.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Formats a value to a String, used to show a tool-tip in the editor.
    Gets the current input string when it applies.
    Gets the default value for a property.
    Initializes a newly created property (e.g.
    onError(String input, String message, int severity, boolean isMultipleValueWarning, boolean isChildError)
    Called when the property is updated due to an error.
    onReadOnly(boolean on)
    Called when the read-only state changes.
    Called when the property is undefined.
    Called when the property is updated without errors, with a new value.
  • Method Details

    • formatValue

      String formatValue(PROP_VALUE value)
      Formats a value to a String, used to show a tool-tip in the editor.
    • initialize

      void initialize(PROP prop) throws PropException
      Initializes a newly created property (e.g. a reference property for accepted classes, etc).
      prop - The newly created orphan property.
      PropException - For property errors.
    • getDefaultValue

      PROP_VALUE getDefaultValue()
      Gets the default value for a property.
    • onUpdate

      void onUpdate(PROP_VALUE value)
      Called when the property is updated without errors, with a new value.
    • onUndefined

      void onUndefined()
      Called when the property is undefined.
    • onError

      void onError(String input, String message, int severity, boolean isMultipleValueWarning, boolean isChildError)
      Called when the property is updated due to an error.
    • onReadOnly

      void onReadOnly(boolean on)
      Called when the read-only state changes.
    • getCurrentInput

      String getCurrentInput()
      Gets the current input string when it applies.