Class BaseReferencePropEditor

All Implemented Interfaces:
IThemeListener, IEditedPropControllerOwner<AbstractReference<IPropCnr>,ReferenceString>, IEditedPropertyEntry<AbstractReference<IPropCnr>,ReferenceString>, IEditedPropertyEntryMultiProp<AbstractReference<IPropCnr>,ReferenceString>, IPropertyDefined, IDisposedPart

public class BaseReferencePropEditor extends ReferencePropEditor<IPropCnr>
The Base Reference property editor consists of a simple entry field.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • BaseReferencePropEditor

      public BaseReferencePropEditor()
      Default constructor called before createControls.
  • Method Details

    • setup

      protected void setup()
      Override to provide user settings.
      setup in class ReferencePropEditor<IPropCnr>
    • getSelectionBaseProp

      protected PropCnr getSelectionBaseProp(PropCnr pc)
      Gets the base property reference to use as selection root for a property container. This could be e.g. from getPropBaseReference() or the VS parents for VS relative references.

      Override as required.

    • getLookupPropReference

      protected String getLookupPropReference(String name)
      Creates the reference string to look-up from the ReferenceString. Override this method for e.g. Base or Fixed Relative referencing.
      getLookupPropReference in class ReferencePropEditor<IPropCnr>
      name - The reference name.
      The property reference string to look-up.
    • setLookedUpReference

      protected String setLookedUpReference(String name)
      Sets the reference found that also has been validated. This method gives the opportunity for a subclass to remove e.g. the Base or Fixed Relative reference from the string start.
      setLookedUpReference in class ReferencePropEditor<IPropCnr>
      name - The full reference.
      The reference to set in this property as ReferenceString.