Class NullValueAllowedPropEditor

All Implemented Interfaces:
IThemeListener, IEditedPropControllerOwner<BoolProp,Boolean>, IEditedPropertyEntry<BoolProp,Boolean>, IEditedPropertyEntryMultiProp<BoolProp,Boolean>, IPropertyDefined, IDisposedPart, EventListener, SelectionListener, SWTEventListener

public class NullValueAllowedPropEditor extends BoolPropEditor
The boolean property for "null value allowed" of a component that can be connected to a VS field. When it is connected to a VS field, the value is synchronized with VS. The synchronization is handled by the component in question. This editor merely disables the choice when a VS connection is present. The component owning this property must implement the interfaces IUINullableValueComponent and extend UIComp.
Christopher Mindus