Interface IMListContentProvider

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public interface IMListContentProvider extends IContentProvider<MLItemProp,MLItem>
The minimum content provider interface for MList. This interface does not implement the API functions. To enable API functions, implement the IContentProviderAPI<MLItemProp,MLItem> interface as well.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getItemsContainer

      MLGroup getItemsContainer()
      Returns the items container.
      Specified by:
      getItemsContainer in interface IContentProvider<MLItemProp,MLItem>
      The container that stores the item properties. This method will return null if not yet initialized.
    • getIcon

      default IImageTarget getIcon(VSRow row, MLItem listItem, IImageTarget iImageTarget)
      Gets the icon to use for the list item and the specified VS row.

      The default is to use an icon provider to get the icon, or if this does not exist, the input value iImageTarget is used.

      row - The row.
      listItem - The list item in question.
      iImageTarget - The icon previously set using this method or by API, null for none.
      The icon to use, null for none.