Class VSRow

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, IFocusComp, IMessageBox, ICustomDataProvider, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr, IVSComponent, IVSComponentListener, IVSComponentState, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class VSRow extends VSComponent
The VirtualSpace Row property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • VSRow

      public VSRow()
      Creates a VirtualSpace Row property with the specified name with a null value.
    • VSRow

      public VSRow(Atom propertyAtom)
      Creates a VirtualSpace Row property with the specified name with a null value.
      propertyAtom - The property atom.
    • VSRow

      public VSRow(Atom propertyAtom, VSField[] fields) throws PropException
      Creates a VirtualSpace Row property with the specified name.
      propertyAtom - The property atom.
      fields - The fields of the row.
      PropException - as structural changes in containers on client is prohibited.
    • VSRow

      public VSRow(Atom propertyAtom, Value[] values) throws PropException
      Creates a VirtualSpace Row property with the specified name.
      propertyAtom - The property atom.
      values - The values of the row.
      PropException - as structural changes in containers on client is prohibited.
    • VSRow

      public VSRow(Atom propertyAtom, VSColumnHeader[] columns) throws PropException
      Creates a VirtualSpace Row property with the specified name.
      propertyAtom - The property atom.
      columns - The columns of the table.
      PropException - as structural changes in containers on client is prohibited.
  • Method Details

    • usesPropIndex

      public final boolean usesPropIndex()
      Use of index for the property container is enabled.
      Specified by:
      usesPropIndex in interface IPropCnr
      usesPropIndex in class PropCnr
      true for this container.
    • createField

      public VSField createField()
      Creates a new field with a unique name that then can be added to this row.
      A new field, initialized with a value or not depending on if the value is null.
    • createField

      public VSField createField(Value value)
      Creates a new field with a unique name that then can be added to this row.
      value - A value to initialize the field with, null for uninitialized field.
      A new field, initialized with a value or not depending on if the value is null.
    • ensureFieldCount

      public void ensureFieldCount(int columnIndex, IComplexOperation op)
      Ensures that the row contains fields up to the specified field.
      columnIndex - The column index.
      op - The complex operation, null for no complex-operation-support.
    • insertField

      public void insertField(VSField field, int columnIndex, IComplexOperation op)
      Inserts a field to a row that may not have the fields before defined.
      field - The field to insert.
      columnIndex - The column index.
      op - The complex operation, null for no complex-operation-support.
    • getInsertIndex

      public int getInsertIndex(int columnIndex)
      Gets the insert position for a FIELD OR COLUMN property.
      columnIndex - The column index.
      The insert index, or -1 for failure.
    • clone

      public VSRow clone()
      Clones the VirtualSpace Row.
      clone in class VSComponent
    • getComponentIsHidden

      public String getComponentIsHidden()
      Gets the focus message for "Component is hidden" but for the component in question.
      Specified by:
      getComponentIsHidden in class VSComponent
    • getComponentIsDisabled

      public String getComponentIsDisabled()
      Gets the focus message for "Component is disabled" but for the component in question.
      Specified by:
      getComponentIsDisabled in class VSComponent
    • onParentStateChanged

      public void onParentStateChanged(IVSComponent parent, IVSComponentState.State state, boolean on)
      Called when the column changes state.
      parent - The parent who's state was changed.
      state - The state change, possible values PARENT_ENABLED, PARENT_READONLY, PARENT_VISIBLE.
      on - New state.
    • getTable

      public VSTable getTable()
      Gets the table of the row.
      The VirtualSpace Table instance, or null if row is not added to a table.
    • isColumnHeader

      public boolean isColumnHeader()
      Checks if this is the column header row and not a row in the table.
    • getRowIndex

      public int getRowIndex()
      Gets the row index of this field in the table.
      The row index, or -1 if the field is not inside a table, or -2 if this field in a header field.
    • getColumnCount

      public int getColumnCount()
      Gets the column count.
      The count of columns, i.e. the count of children (the fields or column headers).
    • getColumnHeaders

      public VSColumnHeader[] getColumnHeaders()
      Gets the headers columns for the header row.
      The array of VSColumnHeader, empty array if it's not a header row (i.e. isColumnHeader() returns false).
    • getColumnHeader

      public VSColumnHeader getColumnHeader(int columnIndex)
      Gets the headers columns for the header row.
      columnIndex - The index of the column.
      The column of requested index, null if it's not a header row (i.e. isColumnHeader() returns false), or the column index is out of range.
    • getFields

      public VSField[] getFields()
      Gets the fields for the row.
      The array of VSFields, empty array if it's a header row (isColumnHeader() returns true).
    • getFieldCount

      public int getFieldCount()
      Gets the count of fields in this row.
      The number of fields properties found. This value is sometimes not the same as the column width of the table, typically when editing a table in the Designer.
    • getField

      public VSField getField(int columnIndex)
      Gets the field at specified column index.
      columnIndex - The column index.
      The field found, or null for none.
    • getFieldOfColumn

      public VSField getFieldOfColumn(String columnName)
      Gets the field of the specified column.

      Note: the method getField(int) is faster if you know the column index.

      columnName - The column name.
      The field, or null if the column or field is not found, or if called on the column header row instance.
    • getValues

      public Value[] getValues()
      Gets the values of for the row.
      An array of Value's. If null Value's are encountered (i.e. the row is not initialized properly), the String Value null is used.
    • getValueCount

      public int getValueCount()
      Gets the count of values in this row.
      The number of row values found. This value is sometimes not the same as the column width of the table, typically when editing a table in the Designer.
    • getValue

      public Value getValue(int columnIndex)
      Gets the value at specified column index.
      columnIndex - The column index.
      The value found, or null for none.
    • getValueOfColumn

      public Value getValueOfColumn(String columnName)
      Gets the value of specified column name.

      Note: the method getValue(int) is faster if you know the column index.

      columnName - The column name.
      The value found, or null for none.