Interface IVSComponent

All Superinterfaces:
ICustomDataProvider, IFocusComp, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IMessageBox, IPropCnr, IVSComponentListener, IVSComponentState
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EditorVirtualSpace, EditorVSAction, EditorVSColumnHeader, EditorVSField, EditorVSGroup, EditorVSRow, EditorVSTable, VirtualSpace, VSAction, VSColumnHeader, VSComponent, VSField, VSGroup, VSRow, VSTable

public interface IVSComponent extends IFocusComp, IVSComponentListener, ICustomDataProvider, IMessageBox
The common VS interface for the VirtualSpace and the VSComponent's such as VSField, VSTable, VSAction, etc.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

    • NONE

      static final int NONE
      Message category: none (=-1).
      See Also:

      static final int INFORMATION
      Message category: information (=0).
      See Also:

      static final int WARNING
      Message category: warning (=1).
      See Also:
    • ERROR

      static final int ERROR
      Message category: error (=2).
      See Also:

      static final Atom ATOM_IGNORE_UI_FOCUS
      The property atom for ignore focus from UI = "$ignoreUIFocus".
  • Method Details

    • getDescription

      default String getDescription()
      Gets the description of the component.
      The description, or null for none.
    • getVirtualSpace

      VirtualSpace getVirtualSpace()
      Gets the VirtualSpace instance.
      The VirtualSpace instance (an ancestor of this property or itself), or null if not found (i.e. property is not yet attached to a VirtualSpace).
    • getNonVirtualized

      IVSComponent getNonVirtualized()
      Gets the non-virtualized instance of this component, if it exists.

      The non-virtualized counterpart may not exist in case the component has been programmatically created or is e.g. a row or cell in a table that has been filled by a data connector.

      The non-virtualized component, null if not found.
    • isEnabled

      default boolean isEnabled()
      Gets the enabled state of this component regardless of the parent(s) enabled state.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      The enabled state of this component regardless of the parent(s).
    • isEnabledInParent

      default boolean isEnabledInParent()
      Gets the enabled state of this component inside its parent(s). If a parent is not enabled, this method returns false.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      false if a parent is not enabled, otherwise the enabled state of this component. false is also returned if the component is not added into a VirtualSpace.
    • setEnabled

      default boolean setEnabled(boolean on)
      Sets the enabled state.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      on - The enabled state.
      true when this property container has been changed, false otherwise (or for error).
    • setEnabled

      default boolean setEnabled(boolean on, IGProp<?> trigger)
      Sets the enabled state.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      on - The enabled state.
      true when this property container has been changed, false otherwise (or for error).
    • isReadOnly

      default boolean isReadOnly()
      Gets the read-only state of this component regardless of the parent(s) read-only state.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      The read-only state of this component regardless of the parent(s).
    • isReadOnlyInParent

      default boolean isReadOnlyInParent()
      Gets the enabled state of this component inside its parent(s). If a parent is not enabled, this method returns false.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      true if a parent is read-only, otherwise the read-only state of this component. true is also returned if the component is not added into a VirtualSpace.
    • setReadOnly

      default boolean setReadOnly(boolean on)
      Sets the read-only state.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      on - The read-only state.
      true when this property container has been changed, false otherwise (or for error).
    • setReadOnly

      default boolean setReadOnly(boolean on, IGProp<?> trigger)
      Sets the read-only state.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      on - The read-only state.
      true when this property container has been changed, false otherwise (or for error).
    • isVisible

      default boolean isVisible()
      Gets the visibility state of this component regardless of the parent(s) visible state.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      The visibility state of this component regardless of the parent(s).
    • isVisibleInParent

      default boolean isVisibleInParent()
      Gets the visibility state of this component inside its parent(s). If a parent is not visible, this method returns false.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      false if a parent is not visible, otherwise the visibility state of this component. false is also returned if the component is not added into a VirtualSpace.
    • setVisible

      default boolean setVisible(boolean on)
      Sets the visibility state.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      on - The visibility state.
      true when this property container has been changed, false otherwise (or for error).
    • setVisible

      default boolean setVisible(boolean on, IGProp<?> trigger)
      Sets the visibility state.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      on - The visibility state.
      true when this property container has been changed, false otherwise (or for error).
    • isSelected

      default boolean isSelected()
      Gets the selected state.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      The selected state.
    • setSelected

      default boolean setSelected(boolean on)
      Sets the selected state.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      on - The selected state.
      true when this property container has been changed, false otherwise (or for error).
    • setSelected

      default boolean setSelected(boolean on, IGProp<?> trigger)
      Sets the selected state.

      Note: all components in the VirtualSpace implements this setting, but not all handle it. It can be used programmatically in all cases.

      on - The selected state.
      true when this property container has been changed, false otherwise (or for error).
    • shouldIgnoreFocusFromUI

      default boolean shouldIgnoreFocusFromUI()
      Checks if this component should ignore focus requests from the UI. This component is still focusable programmatically, but not from the UI.
      true to ignore focus from UI, false for default processing.
    • setIgnoreFocusFromUI

      default boolean setIgnoreFocusFromUI(boolean doIgnore)
      Sets the flag to ignore focus from the UI.
      doIgnore - The ignore flag.
      true for changed, false for no change.
    • getField

      default VSField getField(@VSRef String path) throws NotFoundException
      Gets the field with the specified path.
      path - The path to the field in the VirtualSpace, cannot start with '/' or contain ':'.
      The field, never null.
      NotFoundException - If the field is not found.
    • getFieldNull

      default VSField getFieldNull(@VSRef String path)
      Gets the field with the specified path.

      It is preferable to use getField(String) instead of this method if the field always should be present because it will throw and log errors.

      path - The path to the field in the VirtualSpace, cannot start with '/' or contain ':'.
      The field, null if not found.
    • getField2

      default VSField getField2(@FullVSRef String fullVSRef) throws NotFoundException
      Gets the field with the specified full VS reference path.
      fullVSRef - The full VS reference to the field in the VirtualSpace, as "module:/vs/path".
      The field, never null.
      NotFoundException - If the field is not found.
    • getFieldNull2

      default VSField getFieldNull2(@FullVSRef String fullVSRef)
      Gets the field with the specified full VS reference path.

      It is preferable to use getField2(String) instead of this method if the field always should be present because it will throw and log errors.

      fullVSRef - The full VS reference to the field in the VirtualSpace, as "module:/vs/path".
      The field, null if not found.
    • getTable

      default VSTable getTable(@VSRef String path) throws NotFoundException
      Gets the table with the specified path.
      path - The path to the table in the VirtualSpace, cannot start with '/' or contain ':'.
      The table, never null.
      NotFoundException - If the table is not found.
    • getTableNull

      default VSTable getTableNull(@VSRef String path)
      Gets the table with the specified path.

      It is preferable to use getTable(String) instead of this method if the table always should be present because it will throw and log errors.

      path - The path to the table in the VirtualSpace, cannot start with '/' or contain ':'.
      The table, null if not found.
    • getTable2

      default VSTable getTable2(@FullVSRef String fullVSRef) throws NotFoundException
      Gets the table with the specified full VS reference path.
      fullVSRef - The full VS reference to the table in the VirtualSpace, as "module:/vs/path".
      The table, never null.
      NotFoundException - If the table is not found.
    • getTableNull2

      default VSTable getTableNull2(@FullVSRef String fullVSRef)
      Gets the table with the specified full VS reference path.

      It is preferable to use getTable2(String) instead of this method if the table always should be present because it will throw and log errors.

      fullVSRef - The full VS reference to the table in the VirtualSpace, as "module:/vs/path".
      The table, null if not found.
    • getAction

      default VSAction getAction(@VSRef String path) throws NotFoundException
      Gets the action with the specified path.
      path - The path to the action in the VirtualSpace, cannot start with '/' or contain ':'.
      The action, never null.
      NotFoundException - If the action is not found.
    • getActionNull

      default VSAction getActionNull(@VSRef String path)
      Gets the action with the specified path.

      It is preferable to use getAction(String) instead of this method if the action always should be present because it will throw and log errors.

      path - The path to the action in the VirtualSpace, cannot start with '/' or contain ':'.
      The action, null if not found.
    • getAction2

      default VSAction getAction2(@FullVSRef String fullVSRef) throws NotFoundException
      Gets the action with the specified full VS reference path.
      fullVSRef - The full VS reference to the action in the VirtualSpace, as "module:/vs/path".
      The action, never null.
      NotFoundException - If the action is not found.
    • getActionNull2

      default VSAction getActionNull2(@FullVSRef String fullVSRef)
      Gets the action with the specified full VS reference path.

      It is preferable to use getAction2(String) instead of this method if the action always should be present because it will throw and log errors.

      fullVSRef - The full VS reference to the action in the VirtualSpace, as "module:/vs/path".
      The action, null if not found.
    • getGroup

      default VSGroup getGroup(@VSRef String path) throws NotFoundException
      Gets the group with the specified path.
      path - The path to the group in the VirtualSpace, cannot start with '/' or contain ':'.
      The group, never null.
      NotFoundException - If the action is not found.
    • getGroupNull

      default VSGroup getGroupNull(@VSRef String path)
      Gets the group with the specified path.

      It is preferable to use getGroup(String) instead of this method if the group always should be present because it will throw and log errors.

      path - The path to the group in the VirtualSpace, cannot start with '/' or contain ':'.
      The group, null if not found.
    • getGroup2

      default VSGroup getGroup2(@FullVSRef String fullVSRef) throws NotFoundException
      Gets the group with the specified full VS reference path.
      fullVSRef - The full VS reference to the group in the VirtualSpace, as "module:/vs/path".
      The group, never null.
      NotFoundException - If the group is not found.
    • getGroupNull2

      default VSGroup getGroupNull2(@FullVSRef String fullVSRef)
      Gets the group with the specified full VS reference path.

      It is preferable to use getGroup2(String) instead of this method if the group always should be present because it will throw and log errors.

      fullVSRef - The full VS reference to the group in the VirtualSpace, as "module:/vs/path".
      The group, null if not found.
    • getVSComponent

      default <COMP extends IVSComponent> COMP getVSComponent(@VSRef String path, Class<COMP> clazz) throws NotFoundException
      Gets the VS component with the specified path.
      path - The path to the VS component in the VirtualSpace, cannot start with '/' or contain ':'.
      clazz - The requested VS component class.
      The component, never null or wrong class.
      NotFoundException - If the component is not found or wrong class.
    • getVSComponentNull

      default <COMP extends IVSComponent> COMP getVSComponentNull(@VSRef String path, Class<COMP> clazz)
      Gets the VS component with the specified path.
      path - The path to the VS component in the VirtualSpace, cannot start with '/' or contain ':'.
      clazz - The requested VS component class.
      The component, null if not found or wrong class.
    • getVSComponent2

      default <COMP extends IVSComponent> COMP getVSComponent2(@FullVSRef String fullVSRef, Class<COMP> clazz) throws NotFoundException
      Gets the VS component with the specified full reference path.
      fullVSRef - The full reference path to the VS component in the VirtualSpace, as "module:/vs/path".
      clazz - The requested VS component class.
      The component, never null or wrong class.
      NotFoundException - If the component is not found or wrong class.
    • getVSComponentNull2

      default <COMP extends IVSComponent> COMP getVSComponentNull2(@FullVSRef String fullVSRef, Class<COMP> clazz)
      Gets the VS component with the specified full reference path.
      fullVSRef - The full reference path to the VS component in the VirtualSpace, as "module:/vs/path".
      clazz - The requested VS component class.
      The component, null if not found or wrong class.
    • getVirtualizedVirtualSpace

      default VirtualSpace getVirtualizedVirtualSpace(@FullVSRef String path)
      Gets a virtualized VirtualSpace for the application session. The VirtualSpace to get MUST already have been virtualized prior to this call.
      path - The path of the VirtualSpace name relative the parent of the current VirtualSpace. This path can be e.g. just a plain name for a direct sibling of this VirtualSpace, a folder based path such as "folder/virtualSpaceB" or a full reference path as "module:/vs/[folderPath/]virtualSpace".
      The VirtualSpace at selected path, never null.
      NotFoundException - If the VirtualSpace is not found within the virtualized VirtualSpaces.
      IllegalStateException - If the current VirtualSpace is disposed or the application session gyro is not found.
      IllegalArgumentException - If path is invalid.
    • getVSRef

      default @VSRef String getVSRef()
      Gets the components relative path to the name space.
      The relative VS component path to the name space, empty string if called on a name space.
      IllegalStateException - If the VS component tree is invalid.
    • setVirtualizeSupportFocus

      default String setVirtualizeSupportFocus()
      Sets the focus to this VS component (if possible), regardless if the VS component is virtualized or not. If not virtualized, it will be prior to setting the focus.
      Error message, or null for success.
    • setVirtualizeSupportFocus

      default String setVirtualizeSupportFocus(IGProp<?> trigger)
      Sets the focus to this VS component (if possible), regardless if the VS component is virtualized or not. If not virtualized, it will be prior to setting the focus.
      trigger - The trigger component, null for none.
      Error message, or null for success.
    • messageBox

      default void messageBox(IMessageBoxReply reply, IMessageBox.Icon icon, KString title, KString message, KString... buttons)
      Displays a message box with the specified title and message.

      The message box is displayed for the application session, thus all client sessions.

      Specified by:
      messageBox in interface IMessageBox
      reply - The reply callback that is called when the user chooses a button or session is closed, null for none.
      icon - Icon to display, see the {link Icon} enumeration.
      title - The title string, must be non-null.
      message - The message to display, must be non-null.
      buttons - The strings for the buttons to display, if none, just an OK button is displayed. This array of buttons defined the index value returned by this method.
      NullPointerException - If icon or message is null, or if any of the elements in buttons array is null.
      IllegalStateException - If the application session is not found or the application session is disposed of.