Interface IMessageBox

All Known Subinterfaces:
IAppSessionGyro, IClientSessionGyro, IComponent, IContentItem, IEntry, IEUIComp, IEUICompCommon, IEUIContainer, IEUIPanel, IUIAction, IUIAnimatedSingleIndexedSelectionComp, IUIBooleanSelectionComp, IUICellSelectionComp, IUICheck2Component, IUICheckComponent, IUIComp, IUICompRelativeTarget, IUIContainer, IUIDateTimeComponent, IUIDateValueComponent, IUIDoubleRangeValueComponent, IUIDoubleValueComponent, IUIHint, IUIIndexedSelectionComp, IUILabelForTarget, IUINullableValueComponent, IUIRadioComponent, IUISelectionComp, IUISingleIndexedSelectionComp, IUITimeValueComponent, IUITriStateSelectionComp, IUIValueComponent, IVSComponent, IVSMessageComponent
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractContentUIContainer, AbstractUIAction, AppSessionGyro, BaseEvent, CalendarEvent, ClientSessionGyro, ECalendarEvent, EditorVirtualSpace, EditorVSAction, EditorVSColumnHeader, EditorVSField, EditorVSGroup, EditorVSRow, EditorVSTable, EMapMarkerProp, EMapMarkers, EMLGroup, EMList, EMLItemProp, EMUIHeading, EMUISimpleDialog, EMUISwitch, EMUITabBar, EUIAccordion, EUIButton, EUICalendar, EUICalendarList, EUIChart, EUICheckBox, EUICheckedMenuItem, EUIComboBox, EUIContainer, EUIContextMenu, EUIDateTime, EUIDialog, EUIEmpty, EUIGauge, EUIImage, EUIImage2, EUILabel, EUIMap, EUIMedia, EUIMenu, EUIMenuBar, EUIMenuItem, EUIMenuSeparator, EUIOutput, EUIPanel, EUIPanelPart, EUIPanelPartCnr, EUIProgress, EUIRadioButton, EUIRadioMenuItem, EUISlider, EUISpinner, EUISwapContainer, EUITabContainer, EUITable, EUITableColumn, EUIText, EUITextArea, EUITitlePane, MapMarkerProp, MapMarkers, MessageBox, MLGroup, MList, MLItemProp, MUIHeading, MUISimpleDialog, MUISwitch, MUITabBar, UIAbstractListChoice, UIAccordion, UIActionEvent, UIBackEvent, UIBaseEvent, UIButton, UICalendar, UICalendarList, UIChart, UICheckBox, UICheckedMenuItem, UIComboBox, UIComp, UIConnectEvent, UIContainer, UIContextMenu, UICreateEvent, UIDateTime, UIDestroyEvent, UIDialog, UIEmpty, UIFocusEvent, UIGauge, UIImage, UIImage2, UILabel, UIMap, UIMedia, UIMediaEvent, UIMenu, UIMenuBar, UIMenuItem, UIMenuSeparator, UIOutput, UIPanel, UIPanelBase, UIPanelPart, UIPanelPartCnr, UIProgress, UIRadioButton, UIRadioMenuItem, UISelectionEvent, UISlider, UISpinner, UISwapContainer, UITabContainer, UITable, UITableColumn, UIText, UITextArea, UITextChangeEvent, UITitlePane, UIValueChangeEvent, VirtualSpace, VSAction, VSActionEvent, VSBaseEvent, VSBaseEventWithTrigger, VSChangeEvent, VSColumnHeader, VSComponent, VSCreateEvent, VSDestroyEvent, VSField, VSFieldEvent, VSFocusEvent, VSGroup, VSRow, VSStateEvent, VSTable
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface IMessageBox
The message box API enables showing a message box for a specific client session for user interaction. If done on the application session, the first client session's reply will be used, and the other client sessions' message box will be disposed of.

The processing is model for the message box reply is a callback and can be aborted in case of client session failure if directed to a specific client session and it is closed. If the message box is displayed for an application session and that one is closed, no callback will be done.

Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • messageBox

      default void messageBox(IMessageBoxReply reply, int icon, String title, String message)
      Displays a message box with the specified title and message. The icon can be specified as Informational, Question, Error or None.
      reply - The reply callback that is called when the user chooses a button or session is closed, null for none.
      icon - Icon to display, see the ICON_* values, e.g. ICON_INFORMATION.
      title - The title string, null for none.
      message - The message to display, must be non-null.
      NullPointerException - If message is null.
    • messageBox

      default void messageBox(IMessageBoxReply reply, int icon, String title, String message, String... buttons)
      Displays a message box with the specified title and message. The icon can be specified as Informational, Question, Error or None.
      reply - The reply callback that is called when the user chooses a button or session is closed, null for none.
      icon - Icon to display, see the ICON_* values, e.g. ICON_INFORMATION.
      title - The title string, null for none.
      message - The message to display, must be non-null.
      buttons - The strings for the buttons to display, if none, just an OK button is displayed. This array of buttons defined the index value returned by this method.
      NullPointerException - If icon or message is null.
    • messageBox

      default void messageBox(IMessageBoxReply reply, IMessageBox.Icon icon, String title, String message, String... buttons)
      Displays a message box with the specified title and message.
      reply - The reply callback that is called when the user chooses a button or session is closed, null for none.
      icon - Icon to display, see the {link Icon} enumeration.
      title - The title string, must be non-null.
      message - The message to display, must be non-null.
      buttons - The strings for the buttons to display, if none, just an OK button is displayed. This array of buttons defined the index value returned by this method.
      NullPointerException - If icon or message is null, or if any of the elements in buttons array is null.
    • messageBox

      void messageBox(IMessageBoxReply reply, IMessageBox.Icon icon, KString title, KString message, KString... buttons)
      Displays a message box with the specified title and message.
      reply - The reply callback that is called when the user chooses a button or session is closed, null for none.
      icon - Icon to display, see the {link Icon} enumeration.
      title - The title string, must be non-null.
      message - The message to display, must be non-null.
      buttons - The strings for the buttons to display, if none, just an OK button is displayed. This array of buttons defined the index value returned by this method.
      NullPointerException - If icon or message is null, or if any of the elements in buttons array is null.