Class UISelectionEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UISelectionEvent extends UIBaseEvent<UIComp>
The UI Selection Event is fired when the UI selection changes for a component, or when connected to the panel, for every child item in it.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • UISelectionEvent

      public UISelectionEvent(UIComp source, IUISelection selection)
      Constructs the event for a change without a trigger source.
      source - The source.
      selection - The selection.
      NullPointerException - If the source or selection is null.
    • UISelectionEvent

      public UISelectionEvent(UIComp source, IUISelection selection, GProp<?> trigger)
      Constructs the event for a change event with a property being the trigger source, e.g. an UIGrid or UICheckBox.
      source - The source.
      selection - The selection.
      trigger - The trigger property.
      NullPointerException - If the source or selection is null.
  • Method Details

    • getTrigger

      public GProp<?> getTrigger()
      Gets the trigger property being the source of the event.
      An instance of e.g. an UIButton, UICheckBox, a VS component or null if the trigger is not a property.
    • getSource

      public UIComp getSource()
      Gets the UI component that is the source of the event.
      getSource in class BaseEvent<UIComp>
      The UIComp that had the selection changed.
    • getSelection

      public IUISelection getSelection()
      Gets the selection.
      The selection.
    • getFirstSelectedIndex

      public int getFirstSelectedIndex()
      Gets the first selected index.
      The first index in the current selection, or -1 for none or if selection is not index based.
    • getSelectedIndicies

      public int[] getSelectedIndicies()
      Gets the selected indicies, if the selection is index based.
      A new array of the selected indices (that may be modified to your liking), or a static zero in length array for no selection (or selection is not index based).
    • getIndexedSelection

      public IUIIndexedSelection getIndexedSelection()
      Gets the selection as an indexed selection.
      The selection instance, or null if the selection is not an indexed selection.
    • getSingleIndexedSelection

      public IUISingleIndexedSelection getSingleIndexedSelection()
      Gets the selection as a single indexed selection.
      The selection instance, or null if the selection is not a single indexed selection.
    • getAnimatedSingleIndexedSelection

      public IUIAnimatedSingleIndexedSelection getAnimatedSingleIndexedSelection()
      Gets the selection as an animated single indexed selection.
      The selection instance, or null if the selection is not an animated single indexed selection.
    • isSelected

      public boolean isSelected()
      Returns the selection state.
      true if selected, false if unselected or not boolean-based selection.
    • isUnselectedBoolean

      public boolean isUnselectedBoolean()
      Returns if the boolean-based selection is not set.
      true if unselected, false if selected or not boolean-based selection.
    • isON

      public boolean isON()
      Returns if the selection is "on".
      true if on, false if off or not boolean-based selection.
    • isOFF

      public boolean isOFF()
      Returns if the selection is "off".
      true if off, false if on or not boolean-based selection.
    • getBooleanSelection

      public IUIBooleanSelection getBooleanSelection()
      Gets the selection as a boolean selection.
      The selection instance, or null if the selection is not a boolean selection.
    • getCheckState

      public int getCheckState()
      Gets the check state.
      Returns 0={$link #UNSELECTED}, 1={$link #CHECKED}, 2={$link #THIRD_STATE} or -1 if the selection is not a tri-state-based selection.
    • isChecked

      public boolean isChecked()
      Returns if the state is checked.
      true if checked, false if unselected, in third state or the selection is not a tri-state-based selection.
    • isUnselectedTriState

      public boolean isUnselectedTriState()
      Returns if the tri-state-based selection state is unselected.
      true if unchecked, false if checked, in third state or the selection is not a tri-state-based selection.
    • isThirdState

      public boolean isThirdState()
      Returns if the state is third state, i.e. neither checked nor unselected.
      true if third state, false if checked, unselected or the selection is not a tri-state-based selection.
    • getTriStateSelection

      public IUITriStateSelection getTriStateSelection()
      Gets the selection as a tri-state selection.
      The selection instance, or null if the selection is not a tri-state selection.
    • paramString

      protected String paramString()
      Gets the parameter string.
      paramString in class BaseEvent<UIComp>