Interface IUISingleIndexedSelectionComp

All Superinterfaces:
IComponent, ICustomDataProvider, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IMessageBox, IPropCnr, IUIComp, IUIIndexedSelectionComp, IUISelectionComp, IVSComponentListener, IVSComponentState, IVSFieldListener
All Known Subinterfaces:
IUIAnimatedSingleIndexedSelectionComp, IUIRadioComponent
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractContentUIContainer, EMapMarkers, EMLGroup, EUIAccordion, EUIComboBox, EUIRadioButton, EUIRadioMenuItem, EUISpinner, EUISwapContainer, EUITabContainer, EUITable, MapMarkers, MLGroup, UIAbstractListChoice, UIAccordion, UIComboBox, UIRadioButton, UIRadioMenuItem, UISpinner, UISwapContainer, UITabContainer, UITable

public interface IUISingleIndexedSelectionComp extends IUIIndexedSelectionComp
The interface for a selection component supporting index-based selections.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getSelectedIndex

      int getSelectedIndex()
      Gets the first selected index.
      The first index in the current selection, or -1 for none.
    • getFirstSelectedIndex

      default int getFirstSelectedIndex()
      Gets the first selected index.
      Specified by:
      getFirstSelectedIndex in interface IUIIndexedSelectionComp
      The first index in the current selection, or -1 for none.
    • getSelectedIndicies

      default int[] getSelectedIndicies()
      Gets the selected indicies.
      Specified by:
      getSelectedIndicies in interface IUIIndexedSelectionComp
      A new array of the selected indices (that may be modified to your liking), or a static zero in length array for no selection.
    • setSelection

      default String setSelection(int[] indicies)
      Sets the selection to the specified indicies.
      Specified by:
      setSelection in interface IUIIndexedSelectionComp
      indicies - The indicies.
      null for success, otherwise the error message with the reason why it failed.