Package com.iizix.os

Interface IAdditonalInformation<INFO>

All Known Implementing Classes:
JakartaEEServer, JettyRunConfiguration, RuntimeBuilderServer, ServerShell, StandardServer

public interface IAdditonalInformation<INFO>
Additional information to retrieve for history entries.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Allocates a new instance of the additional information to be stored with the history entry.
    Gets the class of the additional information.
  • Method Details

    • getInfoClass

      Class<INFO> getInfoClass()
      Gets the class of the additional information.
      The Class for additional information, or null for none.
    • getAdditionalInformation

      INFO getAdditionalInformation()
      Allocates a new instance of the additional information to be stored with the history entry. If the getInfoClass() returns null, this method can also return null.
      A new instance of additional information, or null for none.