Class ServerShell

All Implemented Interfaces:
IWebServiceEngine, WebSocketAcceptor, IAdditonalInformation<UserInfoHistoryEntry>, IAppLoader, IServer, IKStringInfoProviderHolder
Direct Known Subclasses:
JakartaEEServer, JettyRunConfiguration

The Server Shell.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • updateWebServerRoot

      public static void updateWebServerRoot(File dirHint)
      Update the web server root for the license system. This method is not intended to be called, it is done only by the IIZI framework.
      dirHint - The directory hint might be non-null. If so, that one should be used.
    • setWSFileProviderEngine

      public static void setWSFileProviderEngine(WSFileProviderEngine engine)
      Assigns the web server file provider engine. This method is not intended to be called, it is done only by the IIZI framework.
      engine - The engine.
      IllegalStateException - In case the engine is already set by the framework.
    • getInstance

      public static ServerShell getInstance()
      Gets the instance of the main server. If the server never has been started, it will be started before returning the instance.
      null if it is stopped.
    • getInstance

      protected static ServerShell getInstance(Class<ServerShell> server)
      Gets the instance of the main server. If the server never has been started, it will be started before returning the instance.
      null if it is stopped.
    • _getState

      public static IServer.State _getState()
      Gets the state of the server.
      The server state: STARTING, STARTED, STOPPING or STOPPED.
    • _unregisterApplication

      public static void _unregisterApplication(String jndiName, Object injector)
      Unregisters an application with the server.
      jndiName - The full JNDI name of the application.
      injector - The instance of the application injector.
      NullPointerException - If the server has not been started.
    • _registerApplication

      public static void _registerApplication(String jndiName, Object injector)
      Registers an application with the server.
      jndiName - The full JNDI name of the application.
      injector - The instance of the application injector.
      NullPointerException - If the server has not been started.
    • registerRegionLocationServiceProviders

      public static void registerRegionLocationServiceProviders(ServerSettings settings, boolean isTestMode)
      Registers the Region Location Service Providers.
      settings - The settings.
      isTestMode - Flag for test mode.
      IllegalStateException - For invalid server states.
    • shutdownRegionLocationServiceProviders

      public static void shutdownRegionLocationServiceProviders()
      Shuts down the Region Location Service Providers.

      This method is used for testing and not by the server.

      IllegalStateException - For invalid state.
    • initializeURNFactory

      public static void initializeURNFactory()
      Initializes the URN factory along with its providers. This method is intended to be used by the IIZI framework and not instantiated to be called.
    • getAppAliases

      public Map<String,String> getAppAliases()
      Gets the unmodifiable map of application aliases.
      The map of aliasAppID as keys and appID as values.
    • getCurrentDirectory

      public File getCurrentDirectory()
      Gets the server current directory.
      The current directory (canonical form).
    • getStartTime

      public final long getStartTime()
      Gets the server's start time (not the creation time).
      The start time in milliseconds since the Epoch, zero if not yet started.
    • getExecutorService

      public final ExecutorService getExecutorService()
      Gets the Server ExecutorService.
      Specified by:
      getExecutorService in interface IAppLoader
      A server executor service appropriate to the number of threads capable of the CPU or any number of virtual threads possible in the executor service.
    • getServerThreadGroup

      public final VirtualThreadGroup getServerThreadGroup()
      Gets the ThreadGroup for the server.
      The IIZI server platform thread group, not a virtual thread group, null if not yet retrieved or created.
    • getState

      public final IServer.State getState()
      Gets the server state.
      Specified by:
      getState in interface IServer
      The server state: STARTING, STARTED, STOPPING or STOPPED.
    • getActiveUserSessions

      public final ActiveUserSessions getActiveUserSessions()
      The active user sessions.
      The instance controlling the active user sessions, null if server hasn't been started.
    • loadPluginsAndConfig

      protected final void loadPluginsAndConfig() throws Throwable
      Performs initial setup, loading plugins and the configuration file.
      IOException - For server singleton errors.
      Throwable - For other severe server failures.
    • startServer

      public final void startServer() throws Throwable
      Processes server start-up asynchronously.
      Specified by:
      startServer in interface IServer
      Throwable - for startup errors.
    • getServerLogger

      public ServerLogger getServerLogger()
      Gets the server logger instance.
    • flushStartupLog

      protected void flushStartupLog()
      Flushes a potential start-up logging to console for exceptions causing server not to initialize the logging system.
    • registerRequestPrinter

      public boolean registerRequestPrinter(String target, IWebServerRequestPrinter processor)
      Registers a new request printer.
      Specified by:
      registerRequestPrinter in interface IServer
      target - The target URL, always starting with "/" and doesn't contain the query.
      processor - The print processor.
      true if added successfully, false if the print processor already exists or the server is not started yet.
    • unregisterRequestPrinter

      public boolean unregisterRequestPrinter(String target, IWebServerRequestPrinter processor)
      Unregister a previously registered request printer.
      Specified by:
      unregisterRequestPrinter in interface IServer
      target - The target URL, always starting with "/" and doesn't contain the query.
      processor - The print processor.
      true if removed successfully, false if the print processor does not exist or doesn't match, or the server is not yet started.
    • getExternalWebServerBaseURL

      @Deprecated(since="Java17") public String getExternalWebServerBaseURL()
      Attempts to get the default external host address from the current thread's context.

      Note: the SessionInfo instance will be attempted to be retrieved from the current thread and used for the external server address, including protocol (http:// or https://). Note that if the iiziServer is behind a proxy that handles SSL, the protocol returned here would be "http://" if not configured properly in the server configuration.

      The external host address, including protocol (http:// or https://) and potentially a port as (:8080), or null if it cannot be established. The string never ends with a '/'.
    • getEmailVerificationURL

      public String getEmailVerificationURL(BasicUserInfo bui, String email, String externalWebServerBaseURL)
      Gets a verification URL for an email address. This URL is used to send a mail to the email in question with the link using this URL. When the user clicks on the link, the email gets verified in the database and all logging is handled by the server.

      Note: if the parameter externalHostAddress is null, the SessionInfo instance will be attempted to be retrieved from the current thread and used for the external server address, including protocol (http:// or https://). Note that if the iiziServer is behind a proxy that handles SSL, the protocol returned here would be "http://" if not configured properly in the server configuration.

      If the SessionInfo cannot be located, the server's external URL configuration is used.

      bui - The basic user information.
      email - The email in question.
      externalWebServerBaseURL - The external base URL for the web server, e.g. "", use null for default. The default address is retrieved using getExternalWebServerBaseURL().
      The URL, or null if the external host address cannot be created.

      PLEASE NOTE THAT IF THE DOMAIN NAME FAILS TO BE RETRIEVED, THE "url" DOES NOT CONTAIN THAT INFORMATION. It will then just be a path such as "/iizi-email-verification?...".

      The return URL is null if the SHA-256 message digest fails to be created due to Java not having unlimited security configured. If this is the case, an error message is logged prior to returning.

    • getServerConfigFile

      public final File getServerConfigFile()
      Gets the Server Config File.
      The config file used to start the server with.
    • loadServerConfig

      protected final void loadServerConfig() throws IOException, PropException
      Loads or reloads the server config and starts the WSFile provider engine. This call can only be done by the framework and is not intended to be called.
      IOException - For load failure.
      PropException - For property errors.
    • getServerProperties

      public final ServerProps getServerProperties()
      Gets the Server Properties.
      Specified by:
      getServerProperties in interface IServer
    • getServerSettings

      public ServerSettings getServerSettings()
      Gets the container for server settings.
    • configureSessionMgr

      public void configureSessionMgr()
      Configures the client session manager with the settings for idle timeout, dormant time and heartbeat interval.
    • saveServerConfig

      public boolean saveServerConfig() throws IOException
      Saves the Server Properties if required, creating a backup file of the previous configuration as "filename-DD MMM YYYY hh:mm:ss.SSS.iiziServer".
      true for successful save, false for no change.
      IOException - For load failure.
    • getDefaultMailSender

      Gets the default mail sender.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultMailSender in interface IServer
      The default mail sender.
      NotFoundException - If the mail sender is not found.
      IOException - If the mail queue directory does not exist.
      NoSuchProviderException - If the "smtp" or "smtps" providers do not exist!
      AddressException - If the default sender failed to parse.
    • getMailSender

      Gets the default mail sender.
      Specified by:
      getMailSender in interface IServer
      name - The mail sender name, null for default or the first one found if no default is configured.
      The default mail sender.
      NotFoundException - If the mail sender is not found.
      IOException - If the mail queue directory does not exist.
      NoSuchProviderException - If the "smtp" or "smtps" providers do not exist!
      AddressException - If the default sender failed to parse.
    • loadApplications

      public abstract void loadApplications() throws Throwable
      Called to load the applications.
      Specified by:
      loadApplications in interface IServer
      Throwable - for start-up errors.
    • registerApplication

      public final AppDefinition registerApplication(String id, AppDefinition app) throws ServerApplicationSetupException
      Registers an application with an ID available in the server.
      Specified by:
      registerApplication in interface IServer
      id - The ID of the application.
      app - The application.
      The previous overwritten application, or null for a new application.
      ServerApplicationSetupException - In case a plug-in fail to initialize.
    • getApplication

      public final AppFactory getApplication(String id)
      Gets an application that has been registered with an ID. The table of appID aliases is checked.
      id - The application ID or an alias of the appID.
      The application factory, or null if not registered.
    • getApplications

      public final AppFactory[] getApplications()
      Gets the applications that are loaded and registered. The appIDs are only the non-aliased names.
      The application factories loaded.
    • onApplicationSessionStarted

      public void onApplicationSessionStarted(AppSessionGyro appGyro)
      Called when an application is instantiated and started by a user session.
      appGyro - The application session.
    • onApplicationSessionStopped

      public void onApplicationSessionStopped(AppSessionGyro appGyro)
      Called when an application is stopped.
      appGyro - The application session.
    • addDisposeListener

      public boolean addDisposeListener(IServerDisposeListener listener)
      Adds a server dispose. Calling this method multiple times with the same listener will have no effect (but to return false).
      Specified by:
      addDisposeListener in interface IServer
      listener - The listener to add.
      true if the listener was added, false otherwise.
      NullPointerException - If the listener is null.
    • removeDisposeListener

      public boolean removeDisposeListener(IServerDisposeListener listener)
      Removes a server dispose listener.
      Specified by:
      removeDisposeListener in interface IServer
      listener - The listener to remove.
      true if listener is successfully removed, false otherwise.
    • onStartServer

      public void onStartServer() throws Throwable
      Called to initialize the server.
      Specified by:
      onStartServer in interface IServer
      Throwable - for start-up errors.
    • getWorker

      protected final Worker getWorker()
      Gets the server worker.
    • dispose

      public final boolean dispose()
      Disposes of the server, e.g. at shut-down. This dispose call will wait until the server has shut-down successfully.
      Specified by:
      dispose in interface IServer
      true for success, false if already disposed of or stopping/disposing.
    • onDispose

      protected void onDispose()
      Called prior to disposing. Override to process.
    • onDisposed

      protected void onDisposed()
      Called after disposing. Override to process.
    • getPropertyFactory

      public final PropFactory getPropertyFactory()
      Gets the server property factory.
    • getPropertyManager

      public final PropMgr getPropertyManager()
      Gets the server property manager.
      Specified by:
      getPropertyManager in interface IAppLoader
    • loadFile

      public final PropCnr loadFile(File file) throws IOException, PropException
      Loads a property file.
      Specified by:
      loadFile in interface IAppLoader
      file - The file to load.
      A Property container.
      IOException - For file errors.
      PropException - For property errors.
    • loadFile

      public final PropCnr loadFile(String fileName, InputStream inputStream) throws IOException, PropException
      Loads a property file.
      Specified by:
      loadFile in interface IAppLoader
      fileName - The file name for logging.
      inputStream - The file input stream.
      A Property container.
      IOException - For file errors.
      PropException - For property errors.
    • saveFile

      public final void saveFile(File file, PropCnr cnr) throws IOException, PropException
      Saves a property file.
      file - The file to load.
      cnr - The property container to save.
      IOException - For file errors.
      PropException - For property errors.
    • getAccessibleEnvironments

      public boolean getAccessibleEnvironments(HttpServletRequest request, List<ServerConfigEnvProps> envs)
      Gets the environments that are supported for the request. Pass in an empty ArrayList of envs that is filled in.
      request - The HTTP request.
      envs - The environment list is filled in upon return.
      true if the request is "valid", false if the "host" header doesn't match and that each environment should be interrogated. The return value could be true even if there is no specific environment in envs that matches, but the request is valid.
    • loadPlugins

      public final List<IPluginDescriptor<?>> loadPlugins(String names) throws IOException
      Loads required plug-in's.

      Each plug-in must have a class called "name.server.Descriptor" that implement the interface com.iizix.IPluginDescriptor available.

      The plug-in definition should be found at the "name/schema/properties.xml", but the iiziGo modules have the "iizigo" module instead of "iizix". To figure out translation of names, a class called "name.server.Descriptor" is loaded and should implement the interface

      Specified by:
      loadPlugins in interface IAppLoader
      names - The plug-in name, e.g. "com.iizigo.db,com.iizigo.term,".
      The list of plug-in descriptors.
      IOException - If a plug-in failed to load.
    • addModule

      public boolean addModule(IServerModule<?> module)
      Adds a server module for processing. The module can have an end point constructor that is added during initialization.
      Specified by:
      addModule in interface IServer
      module - The server module.
      true for success, false if already added.
    • removeModule

      public boolean removeModule(IServerModule<?> module)
      Removes a server module for processing. This will unregister a potential end point constructor and dispose of the module.
      Specified by:
      removeModule in interface IServer
      module - The server module.
      true for success, false if already removed.
    • registerEndPointConstructor

      protected final boolean registerEndPointConstructor(IEndPointConstructor<?> epc)
      Registers an end point constructor.
      epc - The end point constructor.
      true for success, false for failure e.g. epc is null or it is already registered.
    • unregisterEndPointConstructor

      protected final boolean unregisterEndPointConstructor(IEndPointConstructor<?> epc)
      Unregisters an end point constructor.
      epc - The end point constructor.
      true for success, false for failure.
    • isRequestURIAccepted

      public final Object isRequestURIAccepted(IWebSocketComm comm, String uri, Map<String,List<String>> headerFields)
      Called to check if a request URI can be accepted.
      Specified by:
      isRequestURIAccepted in interface WebSocketAcceptor
      comm - The WebSocket communication instance.
      uri - The request URI, formatted as e.g. "/something/".
      headerFields - HTTP header fields.
      Object an object that is attached to the communications, or null if the URI is not accepted.
    • getHandledContextPaths

      public String[] getHandledContextPaths()
      Gets the list of potential handled context paths for the websocket.
      Specified by:
      getHandledContextPaths in interface WebSocketAcceptor
      The array of possibly handled context path.
    • getEndPointsInstances

      public final IEndPoint[] getEndPointsInstances()
      Gets an array of all end points. Avoid this method as it causes unnecessary garbage collection, use getEndPointsCollection instead.
      Specified by:
      getEndPointsInstances in interface IServer
      An array of IEndPoint instances.
    • onEndPointDisposed

      public final void onEndPointDisposed(IEndPoint endPoint)
      Called when an end point is disposed of.
      Specified by:
      onEndPointDisposed in interface IServer
    • addEndPointListener

      public final IEndPoint[] addEndPointListener(IEndPointListener listener)
      Adds a listener of end point create/dispose and retrieves the list of current end points. Calling this method several times with the same listener does not add a new one, it is similar to calling getEndPointInstances().
      Specified by:
      addEndPointListener in interface IServer
      listener - The end point listener.
      An array of EndPoint instances.
    • removeEndPointListener

      public final boolean removeEndPointListener(IEndPointListener listener)
      Adds a listener of end point create/dispose and retrieves the list of current end points. Calling this method several times with the same listener does not add a new one, it is similar to calling getEndPointInstances().
      Specified by:
      removeEndPointListener in interface IServer
      listener - The end point listener.
      true for success, false if not added as listener.
    • getTXPCoordinator

      public final ITXPCoordinator getTXPCoordinator()
      The transaction processor coordinator.
      Specified by:
      getTXPCoordinator in interface IServer
    • getKStringInfoProvider

      public final IKStringInfoProvider getKStringInfoProvider()
      /** Gets the session's IKStringInfoProvider from the ClientSessionGyro threads, and if not found, from the application session gyro threads.
      Specified by:
      getKStringInfoProvider in interface IKStringInfoProviderHolder
      The current client or application session's IKStringInfoProvider instance, or null if not found.
    • registerApplication

      public void registerApplication(String jndiName, Object injector)
      Registers an application with the server.
      jndiName - The full JNDI name of the application.
      injector - The instance of the application injector.
    • unregisterApplication

      public void unregisterApplication(String jndiName, Object injector)
      Unregisters an application with the server.
      jndiName - The full JNDI name of the application.
      injector - The instance of the application injector.
    • getHistory

      public final OSSystemInfo.HistoryEntry<UserInfoHistoryEntry>[] getHistory(long start)
      Gets the history entries gathered between a date up to the last available entry. The history entries are gathered at specific interval defined at start of history.
      start - The start time for the events in milliseconds since the Epoch, or zero for all history entries.
      The entries, possibly empty array.
    • getInfoClass

      public final Class<UserInfoHistoryEntry> getInfoClass()
      Gets the class of the additional information.
      Specified by:
      getInfoClass in interface IAdditonalInformation<UserInfoHistoryEntry>
      The Class for additional information, or null for none.
    • getAdditionalInformation

      public final UserInfoHistoryEntry getAdditionalInformation()
      Allocates a new instance of the additional information to be stored with the history entry. If the getInfoClass() returns null, this method can also return null.
      Specified by:
      getAdditionalInformation in interface IAdditonalInformation<UserInfoHistoryEntry>
      A new instance of additional information, or null for none.
    • isUserLoginEnabled

      public final boolean isUserLoginEnabled()
      Checks if user login is enabled.
      The user login enabled flag.
    • setUserLoginEnabled

      public final void setUserLoginEnabled(boolean on) throws SecurityException
      Sets the user login enabled flag.
      on - The enabled flag.
      SecurityException - If the caller is not allowed to perform this function.
    • isUserLoginPermittedNow

      public final boolean isUserLoginPermittedNow()
      Verifies if the user login is permitted at the current time.
      The login permission flag.
    • getUserLoginProhibitedIntervals

      public final TimeInterval[] getUserLoginProhibitedIntervals()
      Gets the time intervals when user login is prohibited.
      The array of time intervals.
    • addUserLoginProhibitedInterval

      public final boolean addUserLoginProhibitedInterval(TimeInterval timeInterval) throws SecurityException
      Removes a time interval when user login is prohibited.
      timeInterval - The time interval.
      Success flag true meaning OK, false means no change, or the interval was already present.
      SecurityException - If the caller is not allowed to perform this function.
    • initializeCompressedFiles

      protected void initializeCompressedFiles() throws IOException
      Initializes and compresses the HTML files and all sources and CSS files loaded from there.
      IOException - For I/O errors.
    • getSourceResolver

      public ISourceResolver getSourceResolver()
      Gets the source file resolver.
      The instance used to resolve file names.
    • getFileProviderEngine

      public WSFileProviderEngine getFileProviderEngine()
      Gets the WSFile provider engine.

      The engine is initialized as soon as the server configuration file has been loaded, before any additional processing is done.

      The file provider engine, null if not yet initialized.
    • getWebThumbs

      public WebThumbs getWebThumbs() throws IOException
      Gets the instance of the WebThumbs.
      The singleton (per server instance).
      IOException - For I/O errors when creating the WebThumbs directory for persistent images.
    • getWebLogos

      public WebLogos getWebLogos() throws IOException
      Gets the instance of the WebLogos.
      The singleton (per server instance).
      IOException - For I/O errors when creating the WebLogos directory for persistent images.
    • addFileUploader

      public void addFileUploader(IWSUploaderAcceptor endPoint)
      Adds a new web file loader acceptor for an end point.
      endPoint - The end point.
      ClassCastException - If the end point is not configurable to receive file uploads.
      IllegalStateException - If the end point is already added.
    • removeFileUploader

      public void removeFileUploader(IWSUploaderAcceptor endPoint)
      Removes a new web file loader acceptor for an end point.
      endPoint - The end point.
    • getWSUploaderService

      public IWSUploaderService getWSUploaderService()
      Gets the web service file uploader service.
      The instance of the web service file uploader service.
    • doCompressNormalHTML

      public abstract boolean doCompressNormalHTML()
      Flag indicating the normal HTML files needs compression along with CSS minify and JS compression.

      The files are typically: iiziApp.html and iiziVSViewer.html.

      true by default, override to return false (e.g. for internal development).
    • getWebServerCompression

      public abstract IWebServerCompression getWebServerCompression()
      Gets the web server compression interface.
      The instance of the interface implemented by the web server.
    • getWebServerMapping

      public File getWebServerMapping(String mappedFile)
      Gets the map of web server mappings for files.
      mappedFile - The file to map.
      The mapping from String (such as "dojo.root" or "iiziRun.root") to File Returns null if not found.
    • getETag

      public String getETag(File file)
      Gets the map of web server mappings for files.
      file - The file.
      The weak ETag for the resource.mapping from String (such as "dojo.root" or "iiziRun.root") to File Returns null if not found.