Interface IScreenRectangle

All Known Implementing Classes:
CaptureFieldProp, EditorScreenFieldProp, EditorScreenIdentificationProp

public interface IScreenRectangle
Interface for screen rectangles.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • mustWrap

      boolean mustWrap()
      Check if the rectangle must wrap (for host fields).
    • getX

      int getX()
      Gets the X position.
    • getY

      int getY()
      Gets the Y position.
    • getWidth

      int getWidth()
      Gets the width.
    • getHeight

      int getHeight()
      Gets the height.
    • getRectangle

      Rectangle getRectangle()
      Gets the Rectangle.
    • setRectangle

      void setRectangle(Rectangle r)
      Sets the Rectangle.
    • getColorType

      int getColorType()
      Gets the type for colors, see the PluginPreference.TERM_RECTANGLE_TYPES.
    • getRectInfo

      ScreenRectangleInfo getRectInfo()
      Gets the screen rectangle info object. One is allocated if not present.
    • saveRectInfo

      void saveRectInfo(ScreenRectangleInfo rectInfo)
      Saves the screen rectangle info object.
    • isShown

      boolean isShown()
      Checks if shown on screen.
    • isVerifiedSuccessfully

      boolean isVerifiedSuccessfully()
      Checks for verification success.
    • createToolTip

      Composite createToolTip(Composite parent, ITermEditor editor)
      Creates the tooltip composite.