Package com.iizigo.vs

Class NewVSComponentWizard<TYPE extends VSComponent>

All Implemented Interfaces:
INewVSComponentWizardInfo, IShellProvider, IWizard

public class NewVSComponentWizard<TYPE extends VSComponent> extends Wizard implements INewVSComponentWizardInfo
New VS Component wizard.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • NewVSComponentWizard

      public NewVSComponentWizard(int createType, String title, EditorVirtualSpace virtualSpace, Value.Type type, boolean isChooseTypeAllowed, Boolean isNullAllowed, boolean doCreateDefaultValue, VSReferenceOwnerData<VSTable,VSTableReference> tableOwner, IPropUndoRedo undoRedo)
      createType - Creation type, or -1 not to.
      title - The window title and for undo operation.
      virtualSpace - The VirtualSpace.
      type - Value type for column & field.
      isChooseTypeAllowed - Flag indicating user is allowed to choose type (for field and column).
      isNullAllowed - Flag to allow null for column & field, specify null to let user choose.
      doCreateDefaultValue - Flag to create a default value, event when null is allowed or chosen.
      tableOwner - The table owner, when possible to create table for a column that doesn't exist.
      undoRedo - Undo/redo instance.
  • Method Details