Interface IELayoutProp

All Superinterfaces:
IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr, ITooltipPropList, ITransferContainerProps
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EAbsoluteData, EAccordionData, EBorderData, ECalendarData, EContextMenuData, EFlexData, EGridData, EHeadingData, EListData, EMapData, EMenuBarData, EMenuData, EMListData, EPanelData, ESwapData, ETabBarData, ETabData, EUITableData

public interface IELayoutProp extends ITransferContainerProps, ITooltipPropList
Interface used for Editor layout properties (layout data).
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

    • ALIGN_X

      static final String[] ALIGN_X
      Horizontal alignment strings: "undefined", "left", "horizontal center", "right", "horizontal fill".
    • ALIGN_Y

      static final String[] ALIGN_Y
      Vertical alignment strings: "undefined", "top", "vertical middle", "bottom", "vertical fill".
  • Method Details

    • getGroupText

      String getGroupText(PropCnr[] pcs, StringBuilder tooltip, boolean[] isHTML)
      Formats a string representation for the layout group. This method is called when a property has been changed for the group.
      pcs - The property container being edited.
      tooltip - String buffer to fill with tool tip text.
      isHTML - Set [0] to true for HTML before returning if tooltip text is in HTML format.
      A string for the text label, the string buffer filled with the tooltip text.
    • getAlignXString

      default String getAlignXString(int alignX)
      Gets the horizontal align string.
      alignX - The align value: 1=left, 2=center, 3=right, 4=fill.
      The string, null when value is not 1-4.
    • getAlignYString

      default String getAlignYString(int alignY)
      Gets the vertical align string.
      alignY - The align value: 1=top, 2=middle, 3=bottom, 4=fill.
      The string, null when value is not 1-4.
    • verifySizeAndMinMax

      default void verifySizeAndMinMax(PropVerification verification)
      Verifies this property container for the size and min/max values in X and Y.
      verification - The property verification class.