Interface IEFixedLayoutProp

All Superinterfaces:
IELayoutProp, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr, ITooltipPropList, ITransferContainerProps

public interface IEFixedLayoutProp extends IELayoutProp
Interface implemented by layout data properties that can accept a fixed size of a component.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • onFixedWidth

      void onFixedWidth(PanelEditor editor, ComplexOperation op, int size)
      Sets the fixed width of a component in pixels. The Editor instance can be interrogated for e.g. unit conversion.
      editor - The panel editor.
      op - The complex undo/redo operation, might be null when no such operation is in progress.
      size - The size in pixels.
    • onFixedHeight

      void onFixedHeight(PanelEditor editor, ComplexOperation op, int size)
      Sets the fixed width of a component in pixels. The Editor instance can be interrogated for e.g. unit conversion.
      editor - The panel editor.
      op - The complex undo/redo operation, might be null when no such operation is in progress.
      size - The size in pixels.