Class ModuleProjectSettings


public class ModuleProjectSettings extends Object
Class used to wrap the property container for Module Settings.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ModuleProjectSettings

      public ModuleProjectSettings(PropCnr pc)
      Creates an instance of the Module Project Settings for a property container.
  • Method Details

    • setEditing

      public void setEditing(boolean isEditing)
      Flag for settings being edited.
    • isEditing

      public boolean isEditing()
      Flag for settings being edited.
    • getMainPropCnr

      public PropCnr getMainPropCnr()
      Gets the main property container storage.
    • getModuleApp

      public ModuleApp getModuleApp()
      Gets the ModuleApp instance.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Gets the description of the application.
      The application description, or null if not defined.
    • useAliases

      public boolean useAliases()
      Checks if Aliases are used for Reference or Project names.
    • setUseAliases

      public void setUseAliases(boolean on)
      Sets if Aliases are used for Reference or Project names.
    • getAliases

      public ArrayList<String[]> getAliases()
      Gets the list of Project/Alias.
      A list of String [2], where first index is Project, second is Alias.
    • setAliases

      public void setAliases(ArrayList<String[]> list)
      Sets a new list of Project/Aliases.
      list - A list of String [2], where first index is Project, second is Alias.
    • getSettings

      public SettingsPropCnr getSettings(String name) throws PropException
      Gets or creates the settings container of the specified name.
      PropException - If the settings couldn't be created.
    • getPlugins

      public String getPlugins()
      Gets the plug-ins required by the module.
      A comma separated string, or null for none.
    • getContainer

      public <PC extends PropCnr> PC getContainer(String name, Class<PC> clazz)
      Gets a container by name and class type. This is used to store data for plug-in's.
      null if not found.
    • isUserAuthenticationAlwaysRequired

      public boolean isUserAuthenticationAlwaysRequired()
      Returns if the application requires user authentication every time it's started.
      true for user authentication always required, by password or fingerprint.
    • isExternalLoginUsed

      public boolean isExternalLoginUsed()
      Returns if the application uses external login. When "true", the iiziRun user is not used and a new session is always started until the login has completed.
      true if external login is used, e.g. using LinkedIn, false for internal user authentication.
    • getCustomAppValue

      public String getCustomAppValue(String key)
      Gets a value for a key in the custom app properties.
      key - The key or name of the property to retrieve.
      The value, or null if no value is defined for the key, or the custom map is not defined.
    • getCustomAppMap

      public Map<String,String> getCustomAppMap()
      Gets the unmodifiable map of custom app properties, a map with keys and values.
      The map, or null if not defined.
    • getAppID

      public String getAppID()
      Gets the app ID.
      The app ID, or null for none.
    • getVersion

      public String getVersion()
      Gets the version of the App
      The version in lower case, defaults to "0" for none.
    • setClasspath

      public boolean setClasspath(Collection<ClasspathEntry> classpath)
      Sets the classpath.
      classpath - The classpath.
      true for changes, false for no changes.
    • getClasspathEntries

      public ClasspathEntry[] getClasspathEntries()
      Gets the classpath entries for the module project.
      The classpath entries array to use for the module project.