Package com.iizix

Enum Class RunMode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<RunMode>, Constable

public enum RunMode extends Enum<RunMode>
Run modes for IIZI.
Christopher Mindus
  • Enum Constant Details

    • SERVER

      public static final RunMode SERVER
      Normal server mode.

      public static final RunMode SERVER_DEVELOPMENT
      Server in development mode.
    • CLIENT

      public static final RunMode CLIENT
      Client mode.

      public static final RunMode DESIGNER
      Designer mode.
  • Field Details

    • productName

      public final String productName
      The product name.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static RunMode[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static RunMode valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getCurrent

      public static RunMode getCurrent()
      Gets the current run mode.
      The current run mode.
    • setRunMode

      public static void setRunMode(RunMode runMode)
      Assigns the run mode. This can only be done by the Server, Client or Designer and should never be called otherwise.
      runMode - The run mode.
      IllegalStateException - If the run mode has been set.
    • setRunMode

      public static void setRunMode(RunMode runMode, IDesignerPost poster)
      Assigns the run mode. This can only be done by the Server, Client or Designer and should never be called otherwise.
      runMode - The run mode.
      poster - The Designer poster.
      IllegalStateException - If the run mode has been set.
    • designerPost

      public static void designerPost(Runnable runnable)
      Post a runnable for invocation at a later stage by the worker thread (or SWT thread for the Designer).
      runnable - The runnable.
      NullPointerException - If called outside of the Designer.
    • isClientRunMode

      public static boolean isClientRunMode()
      Checks if this is the Client Run Mode.
      true if client, false otherwise.
    • isDesignerRunMode

      public static boolean isDesignerRunMode()
      Checks if this is the Designer Run Mode.
      true if designer, false otherwise.
    • isServerRunMode

      public static boolean isServerRunMode()
      Checks if this is the Server Run Mode.
      true if server, false otherwise.
    • isServerRunDevelopmentMode

      public static boolean isServerRunDevelopmentMode()
      Checks if this is the Server Run Development Mode.
      true if development server, false otherwise.
    • isAnyServerRunMode

      public static boolean isAnyServerRunMode()
      Check if this is the Server running in any mode: Normal or Development Mode.
      true if any server, false otherwise.
    • isExtendsAllowedRunMode

      public static boolean isExtendsAllowedRunMode()
      Checks if this is the Designer or Server Run Development Mode allowing Extends.
      true if extends properties is enabled, i.e. Designer or Development Server, false otherwise.
    • setWebServiceConfigurator

      public static void setWebServiceConfigurator(IWebServiceEngine instance)
      Sets the instance of the URL / HTTP(S) configuration for the web service engine.
      instance - The instance.
      IllegalStateException - If already initiated.
    • getWebServiceConfigurator

      public static IWebServiceEngine getWebServiceConfigurator()
      Gets the instance of the URL / HTTP(S) configuration for the web service engine.
      The instance.
    • isLicenseServer

      public static final boolean isLicenseServer()
      Checks if this is a License Server.
      true if it's a License Server, false otherwise.
    • setLicenseServerMode

      public static final void setLicenseServerMode()
      Sets this server to be a license server mode.
      SecurityException - If not allowed.
    • isLoadBalancingServer

      public static final boolean isLoadBalancingServer()
      Checks if this is a Load Balancing Server.
      true if it's a Load Balancing Server, false otherwise.
    • setLoadBalancingServerMode

      public static final void setLoadBalancingServerMode()
      Sets this server to be a Load Balancing server mode.
      SecurityException - If not allowed.