Interface IUIHTMLTextComponent

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EMLDefaultItemProp, EMLGroup, EMUISimpleDialog, EUIButton, EUICheckedMenuItem, EUIContextMenu, EUILabel, EUIMenu, EUIMenuItem, EUIOutput, EUIRadioButton, EUIRadioMenuItem, EUITableColumn, EUITitlePane, MLDefaultItemProp, MLGroup, MUISimpleDialog, UIButton, UICheckedMenuItem, UIContextMenu, UILabel, UIMenu, UIMenuItem, UIOutput, UIRadioButton, UIRadioMenuItem, UITableColumn, UITitlePane

public interface IUIHTMLTextComponent extends IUITextComponent
Interface implemented by HTML string supporting components such as the UI Label.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default GProp<?>
    Component must return the text property to use with the name Atom.TEXT.
  • Method Details

    • createTextProp

      default GProp<?> createTextProp()
      Component must return the text property to use with the name Atom.TEXT.

      Note: This method MUST be overridden by text supporting components.

      Specified by:
      createTextProp in interface IUITextComponent
      KStringProp for HTML support.