Interface IKStringHolder<VALUE>

All Superinterfaces:
IGProp<VALUE>, IReferencingGProp
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BadgeProp, KStringProp, PatternProp, PlainKStringProp, TooltipProp, ValueProp

public interface IKStringHolder<VALUE> extends IGProp<VALUE>, IReferencingGProp
Interface required to be implemented by properties holding a KStringHolder.

Note that the implementor of IKStringHolder must also process onRemoteEvent for hyperlinks.

Christopher Mindus
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getKString

      KString getKString()
      Gets the KStrings that needs checking.
      The KString held by the property, null for none.
    • onKStringRefactored

      void onKStringRefactored(KStringHolder holder, GEvent triggerEvent)
      Called when a KString has been refactored and requires the property to change the KString contents.
      holder - The holder.
      triggerEvent - Event that triggered the refactoring.
    • resolveKStrings

      void resolveKStrings(boolean doReCheck, GEvent triggerEvent)
      Resolves the references to KString's in all held KString's.
      doReCheck - Re-check flag.
      triggerEvent - The triggering property event.
    • isReferencingMultipleTargets

      default boolean isReferencingMultipleTargets()
      Gets if this referencing property is of single-reference type or that can have between zero and many references.

      The default is true, i.e. multiple references.

      Specified by:
      isReferencingMultipleTargets in interface IReferencingGProp
      true as there can be multiple references.
    • getDirectReferencedTargetSet

      default Set<IGProp<?>> getDirectReferencedTargetSet()
      Gets the properties that this referencing property directly references. Referencing properties that only has a single target should ALWAYS return null for this method and use the method IReferencingGProp.getDirectReferencedTarget() instead.
      Specified by:
      getDirectReferencedTargetSet in interface IReferencingGProp
      A list of properties, or null for none. The default is that this method returns null unless overridden.