Class ValueProp

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, IGProp<Value>, IReferencingGProp, IKStringHolder<Value>, Cloneable

public class ValueProp extends GProp<Value> implements IKStringHolder<Value>
The value property holds the VirtualSpace Value object.
  • Constructor Details

    • ValueProp

      public ValueProp()
      Creates the value property without a name. The name must be set in all cases using the setPropertyAtom call.
    • ValueProp

      public ValueProp(Atom propertyAtom)
      Creates the value property with the specified name. All system-reserved names for components begins with "$".
      propertyAtom - the name of the component, unique within it's parent.
    • ValueProp

      public ValueProp(Atom propertyAtom, Value value) throws PropException
      Creates the value property with the specified name. All system-reserved names for components begins with "$".
      propertyAtom - the name of the component, unique within it's parent.
      value - the value.
      PropException - If property value cannot be set.
  • Method Details

    • modifyPropValue

      protected int modifyPropValue(Object oldValue, Object newValue, PropMgr propMgr) throws PropException
      Called when setting a new value for this property. The value property has special processing for values of KString types used for the Designer and refactoring, references, etc.
      modifyPropValue in class GProp<Value>
      oldValue - The old value.
      newValue - The new value.
      propMgr - The property manager for remote change, null for local.
      1 for value has changed, 0 for same value as current value.
      PropException - when the new value doesn't validate correctly.
    • clone

      public ValueProp clone()
      Clones the value property.
      clone in class GProp<Value>
      A new cloned instance.
    • getValueType

      public Value.Type getValueType()
      Gets the value type.
      The value type, or null if Value instance is null or unassigned.
    • appendPropValue

      protected void appendPropValue(PropMgr propertyManager, SendTransaction trans, Object value)
      Appends the property value.

      This method throws InternalError as the Value is not supposed to be transferred using a Transaction if the remote party is not a JavaScript client.

      Specified by:
      appendPropValue in class GProp<Value>
      propertyManager - the property manager instance.
      trans - transaction to append the properties to.
      value - the value to append to the transaction, a reference to the current property value.
    • initializeValue

      public boolean initializeValue(PropMgr propertyManager, ReadTransaction trans)
      Initializes the property value from a transaction.

      This method throws InternalError as the Value is not supposed to be transferred using a Transaction if the remote party is not a JavaScript client.

      Specified by:
      initializeValue in class GProp<Value>
      propertyManager - the property manager.
      trans - the transaction to initialize the property with.
      Only throws, no "return".
    • initializeProp

      protected void initializeProp(Element element) throws PropException
      Called to initialize the property from an Element. The property should initialize itself from attributes and nodes with appropriate information.
      initializeProp in class GProp<Value>
      element - The Element.
      PropException - when the initialization fails.
    • initializeElement

      protected void initializeElement(Element element)
      Called when the XML file for the property tree is serialized from properties. The property should fill attributes and nodes with appropriate information.
      initializeElement in class GProp<Value>
      element - The Element to initialize.
    • getValueClasses

      public Class<?>[] getValueClasses()
      Gets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue, in order of importance.
      Specified by:
      getValueClasses in interface IGProp<Value>
      Specified by:
      getValueClasses in class GProp<Value>
      The array of Java classes that can be accepted in the setPropertyValue method. The first type is the "native" or most preferred type. The array is at least one item in length and never null.
    • validatePropType

      public void validatePropType(Object newValue) throws PropTypeException
      Validates that the value to set is of GColor instance.

      Note: When this method is called, synchronization is done at the property itself, so no synchronization on the tree should be done.

      Specified by:
      validatePropType in interface IGProp<Value>
      Specified by:
      validatePropType in class GProp<Value>
      newValue - The new value to set.
      PropTypeException - when the new value isn't of the correct class.
    • getPropValue0

      protected Object getPropValue0(Object value, int index) throws Exception
      Gets the property value in another class form than the "native" one. This method tries conversion of a "native" property value into another class type. This method is used when filling in a POJO variable (Plain Old Java Object Field) from a "native" property value.
      Specified by:
      getPropValue0 in class GProp<Value>
      value - The property value.
      index - The index in the Class array returned by getValueClasses().
      The property value in the requested class, after conversion.
      Exception - Other exceptions that could occur.
    • toNativeValue0

      protected Object toNativeValue0(Object value, int index) throws Exception
      Tries conversion of possibly accepted properties values using the setPropertyValue method into the most preferred property value type. If the input value already is of the preferred type, the same object is returned.
      Specified by:
      toNativeValue0 in class GProp<Value>
      value - The input value to convert to native value.
      index - The index in the array returned by getValueClasses(), or -1 if not found.
      The converted input value in the preferred property value object type.
      Exception - For conversion exceptions.
    • paramValue

      protected String paramValue(Object value)
      Formats the value as a string to add to paramString. The default is to do "value.toString()" if value is not null, otherwise "[null]" is returned.
      paramValue in class GProp<Value>
      value - The property value.
      The String representation of the value.
    • onPropParentChanged

      protected void onPropParentChanged(PropCnr oldParent, PropCnr newParent)
      If the value property is added in any component that is not a VS field, make it private.
      onPropParentChanged in class GProp<Value>
      oldParent - The old parent.
      newParent - The new parent.
    • getReferenceType

      public IPropReference.IRefType getReferenceType()
      Gets the reference Type.
      Specified by:
      getReferenceType in interface IReferencingGProp
    • getKString

      public KString getKString()
      Gets the KStrings value. If the value is not of KString type or its value is null, null is returned. This method is NOT similar to calling Value.toKString() as that method could involve conversion as opposed to this method getKString().
      Specified by:
      getKString in interface IKStringHolder<Value>
      The KString held by the property if the value is of KString type, null for none.
    • getReferencingOwner

      public IGProp<?> getReferencingOwner()
      Gets the referencing owner property that might be the one being referenced rather than this property implementing the IReferencingGProp interface.
      Specified by:
      getReferencingOwner in interface IReferencingGProp
      The referencing owner property, or null if not found or disposed of.
    • isReferencingMultipleTargets

      public final boolean isReferencingMultipleTargets()
      Gets if this referencing property is of single-reference type or that can have between zero and many references.
      Specified by:
      isReferencingMultipleTargets in interface IKStringHolder<Value>
      Specified by:
      isReferencingMultipleTargets in interface IReferencingGProp
      true as there can be multiple references.
    • getDirectReferencedTargetSet

      public final Set<IGProp<?>> getDirectReferencedTargetSet()
      Gets the properties that this referencing property directly references. Referencing properties that only has a single target should ALWAYS return null for this method and use the method IReferencingGProp.getDirectReferencedTarget() instead.
      Specified by:
      getDirectReferencedTargetSet in interface IKStringHolder<Value>
      Specified by:
      getDirectReferencedTargetSet in interface IReferencingGProp
      A list of properties, or null for none. The default is that this method returns null unless overridden.
    • onEventSelf

      public void onEventSelf(GEvent event)
      Called when a property event is send to this property.

      A subclass can override this method to perform appropriate processing and is not required to call super.onEventSelf(e).

      Specified by:
      onEventSelf in interface IGProp<Value>
      onEventSelf in class GProp<Value>
      event - The property event.
    • onReferenceEvent

      protected void onReferenceEvent(ResolveReferencesEvent event)
      Called to perform reference resolving. A property should override this method if it needs to perform reference resolving and validation.

      Subclasses override this method and only subclasses extending PropCnr needs to call super.onReferenceEvent(ResolveReferenceEvent event).

      onReferenceEvent in class GProp<Value>
      event - The resolve references event.
    • resolveKStrings

      public void resolveKStrings(boolean doReCheck, GEvent triggerEvent)
      Resolves the references to KString's in all held KString's.
      Specified by:
      resolveKStrings in interface IKStringHolder<Value>
      doReCheck - Re-check flag.
      triggerEvent - The triggering property event.
    • onPropDispose

      protected void onPropDispose()
      Called when a property is disposed of by delete/remove in a container, or by the dispose method.
      onPropDispose in class GProp<Value>
    • onKStringRefactored

      public void onKStringRefactored(KStringHolder holder, GEvent triggerEvent)
      Called when a KString tag changed due to refactoring. An event is send to the property itself notifying that it needs a refresh. This event is fired only in the Designer.
      Specified by:
      onKStringRefactored in interface IKStringHolder<Value>
      holder - The KStringHolder instance.
      triggerEvent - Event that triggered the refactoring.
    • verify

      public boolean verify(PropVerification verification)
      Verifies this property. The check performed is the extension of classes and that no circular reference is present.
      Specified by:
      verify in interface IGProp<Value>
      verify in class GProp<Value>
      verification - The property verification class.
      true if verification should proceed, false if disposed of and verification should not take place.