Interface IReferencingGProp

All Known Subinterfaces:
IKStringHolder<VALUE>, IKStringValuePropHolder<PROP_VALUE>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBaseRelativeReference, AbstractFixedVirtualizedBaseRelativeReference, AbstractReference, AbstractUICompRelativeReference, AssetReference, AssetReferences, BackgroundImageReference, BadgeProp, ContextMenuReference, CSSAssetReferences, DatabaseTransactionReference, EditorSelectorReference, EditorVSFocusReference, EditorVSOnUIEvent, FixedVirtualizedAbstractReference, ImageReference, KStringProp, LabelForReference, PanelPartReference, PatternProp, PlainKStringProp, ScreenActionReference, ScreenFieldReference, SelectorReference, ServerConfigEnvReference, StylesReferences, TextTableReference, TooltipProp, ValueProp, VSActionActorParticipant, VSActionReference, VSColumnReference, VSComponentReference, VSFieldReference, VSFocusReference, VSGroupReference, VSOnUIEvent, VSParticipant, VSParticipantReference, VSReference, VSRelativeReference, VSTableColumnReference, VSTableReference, WebServiceReference

public interface IReferencingGProp
Interface used for instances having references. Only properties having references to others MUST implement it. It is used for reference gathering, circular reference checking, etc. A property, MUST be a GProp<?>, that implements this instance is generally owned by a parent property (method getParent()), except some properties, e.g. the KStringProp itself when the parent is a TextTable.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getParent

      PropCnr getParent()
      Gets the parent of this property.
      PropCnr The parent or null for none.
    • getReferenceType

      IPropReference.IRefType getReferenceType()
      Gets the reference Type.
      The reference type, generally a value from the enum IPropReference.RefType, otherwise a static final implementation of the reference type with locale support.
    • getReferencingOwner

      default IGProp<?> getReferencingOwner()
      Gets the referencing owner property that might be the one being referenced rather than this property implementing the IReferencingGProp interface.
      The referencing owner property, or null if not found or disposed of.
    • isReferencingMultipleTargets

      default boolean isReferencingMultipleTargets()
      Gets if this referencing property is of single-reference type or that can have between zero and many references.

      The default is false, i.e. one single reference.

      true if there are multiple references, false if there is just still one.
    • getDirectReferencedTarget

      default IGProp<?> getDirectReferencedTarget()
      Gets the single-referenced target. Referencing properties that can have multiple targets should ALWAYS return null for this method and use the method getDirectReferencedTargetSet() instead.
      The referenced property, or null for none. The default is that this method returns null unless overridden.
    • getDirectReferencedTargetSet

      default Set<IGProp<?>> getDirectReferencedTargetSet()
      Gets the set of properties that this referencing property directly references. Referencing properties that only has a single target should ALWAYS return null for this method and use the method getDirectReferencedTarget() instead.
      A set of properties, or null for none. The default is that this method returns null unless overridden.