Interface IShowJavaSource

All Superinterfaces:
IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr
All Known Subinterfaces:
IEUIComp, IEUICompCommon, IEUIContainer, IEUIPanel, IEVSComponent
All Known Implementing Classes:
ECalendarEvent, EditorVirtualSpace, EditorVSAction, EditorVSColumnHeader, EditorVSField, EditorVSGroup, EditorVSTable, EMapMarkerProp, EMapMarkers, EMLGroup, EMList, EMLItemProp, EMUIHeading, EMUISimpleDialog, EMUISwitch, EMUITabBar, EUIAccordion, EUIButton, EUICalendar, EUICalendarList, EUIChart, EUICheckBox, EUICheckedMenuItem, EUIComboBox, EUIContainer, EUIContextMenu, EUIDateTime, EUIDialog, EUIEmpty, EUIGauge, EUIImage, EUIImage2, EUILabel, EUIMap, EUIMedia, EUIMenu, EUIMenuBar, EUIMenuItem, EUIMenuSeparator, EUIOutput, EUIPanel, EUIPanelPart, EUIPanelPartCnr, EUIProgress, EUIRadioButton, EUIRadioMenuItem, EUISlider, EUISpinner, EUISwapContainer, EUITabContainer, EUITable, EUITableColumn, EUIText, EUITextArea, EUITitlePane

public interface IShowJavaSource extends IPropCnr
Displays the source code associated with a UI or VS component.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • showJava

      default boolean showJava(boolean doPerform, AnnotationType type, Shell shell)
      Shows the Java code associated with this component.

      The supported annotation types for VirtualSpace or its VS components are:

      • VS - associated Java class source.
      • OnVSCreate - method.
      • OnVSDestroy - method.
      • OnVSAction - method.
      • OnVSField - method.
      • OnVSChange - method.
      • OnVSFocus - method.
      • OnVSState - method.

      The supported annotation types for Panels or its UI components are:

      • UI - associated Java class source.
      • OnUIConnect - method.
      • OnUICreate - method.
      • OnUIDestroy - method.
      • OnUIFocus - method.
      • OnUIAction - method.
      • OnUIBack - method.
      • OnUITextChange - method.
      • OnUIValueChange - method.
      • OnUISelection - method.
      doPerform - Flag indicating the operation should be performed, false indicates testing if this operation is valid.
      type - The annotation type.
      shell - The shell of the caller, only used when doPerform is true.
      Success flag, i.e. was successfully performed or its action is enabled and would most certainly succeed if called to perform it.
    • showJava

      default boolean showJava(boolean doPerform, AnnotationType type, Shell shell, IGProp<?>[] rcProp)
      Shows the Java code associated with this component.

      The supported annotation types for VirtualSpace or its VS components are:

      • VS - associated Java class source.
      • OnVSCreate - method.
      • OnVSDestroy - method.
      • OnVSAction - method.
      • OnVSField - method.
      • OnVSChange - method.
      • OnVSFocus - method.
      • OnVSState - method.

      The supported annotation types for Panels or its UI components are:

      • UI - associated Java class source.
      • OnUIConnect - method.
      • OnUICreate - method.
      • OnUIDestroy - method.
      • OnUIFocus - method.
      • OnUIAction - method.
      • OnUIBack - method.
      • OnUITextChange - method.
      • OnUIValueChange - method.
      • OnUISelection - method.
      doPerform - Flag indicating the operation should be performed, false indicates testing if this operation is valid.
      type - The annotation type.
      shell - The shell of the caller, only used when doPerform is true.
      rcProp - Array that should be of length 1 and is filled in with the property associated with the show action in case of success.
      Success flag, i.e. was successfully performed or its action is enabled and would most certainly succeed if called to perform it.