Interface IAssetReferenceListener

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EditorFontFile, EditorImageDefinition, EditorImageResolution, EditorImagesDefinition, EditorImagesResolution, EditorImagesStyle, EditorImageStyle, EditorImageStyleLocation, EditorImageStylesResolution, EditorStyledImageDefinition, EditorSVGDefinition, FontFile, ImageDefinition, ImageResolution, ImagesDefinition, ImagesResolution, ImagesStyle, ImageStyle, ImageStyleLocation, ImageStylesResolution, StyledImageDefinition, SVGDefinition

public interface IAssetReferenceListener
Interface that can be implemented by a property container that has an AssetReference. Whenever the reference changes, or the file has been changed, this interface is informed.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Called when an asset file has been changed, either using new reference or the file contents.
  • Method Details

    • onAssetReferenceChanged

      void onAssetReferenceChanged(AssetReference ref)
      Called when an asset file has been changed, either using new reference or the file contents. This enables verification of e.g. image size.