Class SettingsComposite

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SettingsComposite extends Composite
The settings composite for the text table.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • SettingsComposite

      public SettingsComposite(Composite parent, int style, int marginWidth, int marginHeight, ModuleModel model, EditorTextTable textTable, String textTableRef, GProp<?> anyProp, IValidationMessage messageHandler, IPropUndoRedo undoRedo)
      Creates the text table settings composite. This composite is laid out using a GridLayout with 3 columns.
      parent - The parent.
      style - Style for this composite (e.g. SWT.NONE or SWT.BORDER).
      marginWidth - Margin width in the composite.
      marginHeight - Margin height in the composite.
      model - The model.
      textTable - The text table property, can be stand-alone (not added in tree for new creation).
      textTableRef - Reference (perhaps future) of text table.
      anyProp - Any property in the tree (for new creation, set to "textTable" otherwise).
      messageHandler - The message handler.
      undoRedo - The undo/redo instance, null for none (new text table).
  • Method Details

    • validate

      public boolean validate()
      Validates the entries.
      true if all validates OK (with possible warnings), false otherwise.
    • apply

      public boolean apply()
      Applies the entries.
      true for success, false for failure.