Class KeyboardRemapper

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class KeyboardRemapper extends Object implements TerminalKeys
The keyboard remapper that maps KeyEvents to Send Keys.
  • Constructor Details

    • KeyboardRemapper

      public KeyboardRemapper()
      Creates a keyboard remapper with the defaults.
    • KeyboardRemapper

      public KeyboardRemapper(KeyboardRemapper kr)
      Creates a keyboard remapper with the settings from another keyboard remapper. If the parameter KeyboardRemapper kr is null, a default remapper is created.
    • KeyboardRemapper

      public KeyboardRemapper(XFile file) throws IOException
      Initializes the keyboard map from a file.
      IOException - when a file error occurs.
  • Method Details

    • initializeKeyboardRemapper

      public static void initializeKeyboardRemapper(XFile file) throws IOException
      Initializes the keyboard map from a file.
      IOException - when a file error occurs.
    • getKeyName

      public static String getKeyName(int key)
      Gets the name for a key.
      null if not found.
    • getKeyIndex

      public static int getKeyIndex(int key)
      Gets the index of a key for the key names table.
      -1 if not found.
    • getHostKey

      public static int getHostKey(int index)
      Gets the host key value from an index.
    • getKeyNames

      public static String[] getKeyNames()
      Returns an enumeration of String object instance of all available key strings.
    • getKeyFromName

      public static int getKeyFromName(String name)
      Gets the key from a key name.
      -1 if not found.
    • cloneCurrentKeyboardRemapper

      public static KeyboardRemapper cloneCurrentKeyboardRemapper()
      Creates a clone of the current manager.
    • installKeyboardRemapper

      public static void installKeyboardRemapper(KeyboardRemapper kr)
      Installs a new keyboard mapper as the current one.
    • installKeyboardRemapper

      public static void installKeyboardRemapper(KeyboardRemapper kr, boolean doLogEvent)
      Installs a new keyboard mapper as the current one. The doLogEvent flag will cause (or not) an event to be written in the event log.
    • mapToSendKey

      public static int mapToSendKey(int key, boolean isShift, boolean isControl, boolean isAlt)
      Default keyboard remapper.
      the send key used by HostSession.sendKey, or -1 for no valid send key.
    • mapToDefaultSendKey

      public static int mapToDefaultSendKey(int key, boolean isShift, boolean isControl, boolean isAlt)
      Default keyboard remapper.
      the send key used by HostSession.sendKey, -1 for no valid send key.
    • getDefaultSendKeys

      public static int[] getDefaultSendKeys(int key)
      Gets default settings for a key.
    • mapToSendKey2

      public int mapToSendKey2(int key, boolean isShift, boolean isControl, boolean isAlt)
      Custom keyboard remapper.
      the send key used by HostSession.sendKey, -1 for no valid send key.
    • saveToFile

      public boolean saveToFile()
      Saves the current definition to the default file "ProgramName.keyboardMap".
    • writeToFile

      public void writeToFile(XOutputFile file) throws IOException
      Writes the definition of the keyboard map to the file.
      IOException - when a file error occurs.
    • getKeys

      public int[] getKeys()
      Gets the array of defined keys.
    • getSendKeys

      public int[] getSendKeys(int key)
      Gets the send keys for all the augmentation keys assigned on a particular key.

      The augmentation keys table:

        0 - Shift=0, Control=0, Alt=0: No augmentation
        1 - Shift=1, Control=0, Alt=0: Shift
        2 - Shift=0, Control=1, Alt=0: Control
        3 - Shift=1, Control=1, Alt=0: Shift+Control
        4 - Shift=0, Control=0, Alt=1: Alt
        5 - Shift=1, Control=0, Alt=1: Shift+Alt
        6 - Shift=0, Control=1, Alt=1: Control+Alt
        7 - Shift=1, Control=1, Alt=1: Shift+Control+Alt

    • addKey

      public void addKey(int key, int[] augmentations)
      Adds a key with augmentations.
    • getTerminalMap

      public HashMap<Integer,byte[]> getTerminalMap()
      Gets the table for Terminal remap.