Interface IImageStyle

All Known Implementing Classes:
EditorImagesStyle, EditorImageStyle, EditorImageStyleLocation, ImagesStyle, ImageStyle, ImageStyleLocation

public interface IImageStyle
Style interface for images with styles.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    Bit value in the mask: mouse capture.
    static final int
    Bit value in the mask: disabled.
    static final int
    Bit value in the mask: focus.
    static final int
    Bit value in the mask: hover.
    static final int
    Bit value in the mask: press.
    static final int
    Bit value in the mask: RTL.
    static final int
    Bit value in the mask: selected.
    static final String[]
    Type strings for individual values.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the mask values for matching.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getMatchMasks

      int getMatchMasks()
      Gets the mask values for matching.

      The mask consists of two values in a single integer as:

      • Define mask: 0x0000-0x007F (in low byte).
      • Set mask : 0x0000-0x7F00 (in high byte shifted up 8 bits)..

      The values IT_* are:

      • 0x01 rtl (right-to-left)
      • 0x02 disable
      • 0x04 press
      • 0x08 select
      • 0x10 focus
      • 0x20 hover
      • 0x40 capture
      -1 If it's the default default image, i.e. matching everything.