Class FileChangesCollection

All Implemented Interfaces:
IFolderFileChangeListener, IResourceDeltaVisitor, IResourceVisitor
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class FileChangesCollection extends Object implements IResourceVisitor, IResourceDeltaVisitor, IFolderFileChangeListener
Class used to process file changes to create a collection of added, removed or renamed/moved files from a list of folders upon a change in the file system.

The tables addedOrChanged, renamedOrMoved and removed are public, but care should be taken to only work on the snap-shot copy and not the "live" one, otherwise unpredictable results may occur.

Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

    • description

      public final String description
      The description of the visit.
    • projectManager

      protected final ProjectManager projectManager
      The current Project Manager, null for none, to inform file changes.
    • monitor

      protected IProgressMonitor monitor
      A progress monitor if not null.
  • Constructor Details

    • FileChangesCollection

      public FileChangesCollection(String description, ProjectManager projectManager)
      Constructs the instance without specified folders.
      description - Description of the visit, if it fails.
      projectManager - Instance of Project Manager to inform of changes, null not to inform...
    • FileChangesCollection

      public FileChangesCollection(String description, IFolder[] folders, ProjectManager projectManager)
      Constructs the instance with the specified folders.
      description - Description of the visit, if it fails.
      folders - The folders to process.
      projectManager - Instance of Project Manager to inform of changes, null not to inform...
  • Method Details

    • setProgressMonitor

      public void setProgressMonitor(IProgressMonitor monitor)
      Assigns a progress monitor to cancel lengthy job.
    • setNewFolders

      public final void setNewFolders(IFolder[] folders)
      Assigns the folders to process.
    • onNewFolders

      public void onNewFolders(IFolder[] folders)
      Called when new folders has been assigned, due to e.g. Java project settings changed to add/remove a source folder.

      Subclasses should override to process the event, no need to call the super method.

      folders - The new folders.
    • getFolders

      public IFolder[] getFolders()
      Gets the folders currently used.
    • isProcessed

      public final boolean isProcessed(IResource resource)
      Checks if the resource is one of the folders.
    • process

      public final void process(IResourceDelta delta) throws CoreException
      Processes a delta, it is assumed a check for folder processing has been done using isProcessed(folder) prior to calling this method.
      delta - The delta for resources.
      CoreException - For visiting errors.
    • setMultiStatus

      public void setMultiStatus(MultiStatus multiStatus)
      Assigns a MultiStatus before visit. This helps catching the exception into this multiple status that is thrown upon return.
      multiStatus - The multi-status or null not to use it.
    • getMultiStatus

      public MultiStatus getMultiStatus()
      Gets the MultiStatus instance when visiting, in order to merge errors.
    • visit

      public final boolean visit(IResource resource) throws CoreException
      Called to visit the a resource in one of the processed folders.
      Specified by:
      visit in interface IResourceVisitor
      CoreException - For visiting errors.
    • visit

      public final boolean visit(IResourceDelta delta) throws CoreException
      Called to visit the delta changes in one of the processed folders.
      Specified by:
      visit in interface IResourceDeltaVisitor
      CoreException - For visiting errors.
    • isFileProcessed

      protected boolean isFileProcessed(IFile file)
      Checks if file is processed.

      Subclasses must check if this resource is to be processed and return true if it's a valid file (typically the file extension).

      file - The file.
      true if file is to be processed, false otherwise.
    • onFileAdded

      public void onFileAdded(IFile file) throws CoreException
      File has been added.

      Subclasses should override to process the event, no need to call the super method.

      Specified by:
      onFileAdded in interface IFolderFileChangeListener
      file - The file.
      CoreException - For failures.
    • onFileMoved

      public void onFileMoved(IFile newFile, IFile oldFile) throws CoreException
      File has been moved.

      Subclasses should override to process the event, no need to call the super method.

      Specified by:
      onFileMoved in interface IFolderFileChangeListener
      newFile - The new file.
      oldFile - The old file.
      CoreException - For failures.
    • onFileChanged

      public void onFileChanged(IFile file, int flags) throws CoreException
      File has been changed (markers, contents, etc).

      Subclasses should override to process the event, no need to call the super method.

      Specified by:
      onFileChanged in interface IFolderFileChangeListener
      file - The file.
      flags - How the file was changed, from IResourceDelta, where the important ones are CONTENT, MARKERS, ENCODING, LOCAL_CHANGE, DERIVED_CHANGED, REPLACED.
      CoreException - For failures.
    • onFileRemoved

      public void onFileRemoved(IFile file) throws CoreException
      File has been removed.

      Subclasses should override to process the event, no need to call the super method.

      Specified by:
      onFileRemoved in interface IFolderFileChangeListener
      file - The file.
      CoreException - For failures.
    • onFolderAdded

      public void onFolderAdded(IFolder folder) throws CoreException
      Folder has been added.

      Subclasses should override to process the event, no need to call the super method.

      Specified by:
      onFolderAdded in interface IFolderFileChangeListener
      folder - The folder.
      CoreException - For failures.
    • onFolderMoved

      public void onFolderMoved(IFolder newFolder, IFolder oldFolder) throws CoreException
      Folder has been moved.

      Subclasses should override to process the event, no need to call the super method.

      Specified by:
      onFolderMoved in interface IFolderFileChangeListener
      newFolder - The new folder.
      oldFolder - The old folder.
      CoreException - For failures.
    • onFolderRemoved

      public void onFolderRemoved(IFolder folder) throws CoreException
      Folder has been removed.

      Subclasses should override to process the event, no need to call the super method.

      Specified by:
      onFolderRemoved in interface IFolderFileChangeListener
      folder - The folder.
      CoreException - For failures.