Class AppIDValidator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AppIDValidator extends Object implements IEntryValidator
Class used to validate the App ID.

The App ID follows is 'like' a Java package name, i.e. lower case 'a-z' or '0-9' with optional '.' separator(s). The first character must be 'a-z'.

The value is case insensitive and converted to lower case, and the maximum length is 64 characters.

  • Constructor Details

    • AppIDValidator

      public AppIDValidator()
      Default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • validate

      public String validate(IPropertyEditorController controller, PropertyEditorInfo info, PropCnr[] parents, String value, String[] options)
      Validates the property value after editing. If this is successful, null is returned. Otherwise an error message string is returned that can be used as the tooltip text.
      Specified by:
      validate in interface IEntryValidator
      controller - The controller of the property editor.
      info - Information about the item being edited.
      parents - Property containers of the property.
      value - The string value to set.
      options - Validation options, may be null for none.
      An error message or null for OK validation.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription(IPropertyEditorController controller, PropertyEditorInfo info, PropCnr[] parents, String[] options)
      Gets a description of the validation options.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface IEntryValidator
      controller - The controller of the property editor.
      info - Information about the item being edited.
      parents - Property containers of the property.
      options - Validation options, may be null for none.
      The descriptive string that can be prepended with e.g. "Enter ";