Class OAuthSession


public class OAuthSession extends Object
The OAuth 1.0a or 2.0 session that handles authentication.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • OAuthSession

      public OAuthSession(IAppSessionGyro appGyro)
      Constructs a new authentication session for the application session.
      appGyro - The application session.
      IllegalStateException - If authentication engine is not initialized.
      NullPointerException - If appGyro is null.
    • OAuthSession

      public OAuthSession(IOAuthCallbackProvider callbackProvider)
      Constructs a new authentication session with a callback provider. Do not call this method from the Server, only the Designer is supported.
      callbackProvider - The callback provider.
      IllegalStateException - If called outside of the Designer or if authentication engine is not initialized.
      NullPointerException - If callbackProvider is null.
  • Method Details

    • isOAuth2

      public boolean isOAuth2()
      Checks if this authentication session is of OAuth 2.0 type.
      If session is of OAuth 2.0 true is returned, otherwise for OAuth 1.0a false is returned.
      IllegalStateException - If the session authentication type is not yet defined.
    • getOAuth1Token

      public String getOAuth1Token()
      For an OAuth 1.0a session, get the oauth_token used to identify the session.
      The oauth_token.
      IllegalStateException - If the session authentication type is not OAuth 1.0a.
    • getAppSessionGyro

      public AppSessionGyro getAppSessionGyro()
      Returns the application session gyro instance.
      The instance (always non-null in Server), null in the Designer.
    • getCallbackURL

      public String getCallbackURL()
      Returns this server's callback URL used to complete the authentication by means of redirecting the client in the end to it.
      The URL of this server with additional authentication path.
    • getState

      public String getState()
      Gets the state string that uniquely identifies the session in the server.
      The unique session state (UUID).
    • getCompletionCode

      public IOAuthListener.Code getCompletionCode()
      Gets the authentication completion "error" code.
      The code.
    • getAuthenticationCode

      public String getAuthenticationCode()
      Returns the authentication code, null for error or not authenticated (yet).
      The code, null otherwise.
    • getErrorURI

      public String getErrorURI()
      Returns the error URI, null if none is present. It is optionally set by the service in question.
      The error URI, or null if not present.
    • getErrorCode

      public String getErrorCode()
      Gets the error code returned in the callback reply, normally converted to a Code.
      The OAuth error code returned, or null if not present.
    • getErrorDescription

      public String getErrorDescription()
      Gets the error description string in case of failure.
      The error string, or null for no error.
    • getService

      public final AbstractOAuthService getService()
      Returns the service for the session.
      The authentication service, or null if authentication has not yet begun.
    • disposeBlocked

      public void disposeBlocked()
      Disposes of the session because of a blocked pop-up window. The listener is notified, if any.
    • disposeUserCancel

      public void disposeUserCancel()
      Disposes of the session because of a user cancel action.
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Disposes of the session and cleans up.