Interface IPropMgrInfoProvider

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AppFactory, PropMgrInfoProviderAdapter

public interface IPropMgrInfoProvider extends IKStringInfoProvider
Interface implemented by the information provider in the Property Manager.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • cacheSVG

      int cacheSVG(String svgString)
      Adds the SVG image information as being sent to the client.
      svgString - The SVG string.
      The cached index value for the SVG string. A negative value indicates that it needs sending to the client, whereas a positive means only the index is required to be sent. A return value of zero is an error and means not to send it to client at all.
    • cacheCustomCSS

      boolean cacheCustomCSS(String url)
      Caches the custom CSS URL.
      url - The URL of the Custom CSS.
      Flag indicating the URL is already cached on the client side.