Interface IEImagePreview

All Known Subinterfaces:
IEUIComp, IEUICompCommon, IEUIContainer, IEUIPanel
All Known Implementing Classes:
ECalendarEvent, EMapMarkerProp, EMapMarkers, EMLGroup, EMList, EMLItemProp, EMUIHeading, EMUISimpleDialog, EMUISwitch, EMUITabBar, EUIAccordion, EUIButton, EUICalendar, EUICalendarList, EUIChart, EUICheckBox, EUICheckedMenuItem, EUIComboBox, EUIContainer, EUIContextMenu, EUIDateTime, EUIDialog, EUIEmpty, EUIGauge, EUIImage, EUIImage2, EUILabel, EUIMap, EUIMedia, EUIMenu, EUIMenuBar, EUIMenuItem, EUIMenuSeparator, EUIOutput, EUIPanel, EUIPanelPart, EUIPanelPartCnr, EUIProgress, EUIRadioButton, EUIRadioMenuItem, EUISlider, EUISpinner, EUISwapContainer, EUITabContainer, EUITable, EUITableColumn, EUIText, EUITextArea, EUITitlePane

public interface IEImagePreview
Image preview interface for the Designer components/containers implementing image preview.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the image preview.
  • Method Details

    • getImagePreview

      ImagePreview getImagePreview()
      Gets the image preview.