Interface ILocaleStringFormatter

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public interface ILocaleStringFormatter
Helper to format a message with parameters for a class in the appropriate String form.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

    • EMPTY

      static final Object[] EMPTY
      Empty parameter array.
  • Method Details

    • getFormatterString

      String getFormatterString(ILocaleString localeString, IKStringInfoProvider provider, LocaleInfo localeInfo)
      Gets the String used to format the locale string.
      localeString - The locale string instance, or null to look it up from current thread or system.
      provider - The information provider or null for none.
      localeInfo - The Locale information, or null to look it up from the current thread if needed.
      The locale string to format with potential parameters.
    • getFormatterParams

      Object[] getFormatterParams(ILocaleString localeString, IKStringInfoProvider provider, LocaleInfo localeInfo)
      Gets the parameters used to format the String.
      localeString - The locale string instance, or null to look it up from current thread or system.
      provider - The information provider or null for none.
      localeInfo - The Locale information, or null to look it up from the current thread if needed.
      An array of parameters used to format the String. The return value can be set to null in which case an empty array is used for the formatter.
    • getMessageLocaleString

      default String getMessageLocaleString()
      Gets a formatted String with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.

      Formats a String using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.

      Parameters referenced by {[param_index]} are converted toString() using {@link Utilities#toString()} enable e.g. deep-to-String of e.g. Exceptions, Arrays, etc.. Parameters references e.g. using %s will not receive this "toString" conversion (unless they target the same param_index.

      The formatting string replaces {} with %s and {param_index} with %param_index$s.

      The locale is looked up from the current thread if required.

      The formatted String.
      See Also:
    • getMessageLocaleString

      default String getMessageLocaleString(Locale locale)
      Gets a formatted String with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.

      Formats a String using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.

      Parameters referenced by {[param_index]} are converted toString() using {@link Utilities#toString()} enable e.g. deep-to-String of e.g. Exceptions, Arrays, etc.. Parameters references e.g. using %s will not receive this "toString" conversion (unless they target the same param_index.

      The formatting string replaces {} with %s and {param_index} with %param_index$s.

      locale - The Locale, or null to look it up for the current thread if needed.
      The formatted String.
      See Also:
    • getMessageLocaleString

      default String getMessageLocaleString(ILocaleString localeString)
      Gets a formatted String with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.

      Formats a String using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.

      Parameters referenced by {[param_index]} are converted toString() using {@link Utilities#toString()} enable e.g. deep-to-String of e.g. Exceptions, Arrays, etc.. Parameters references e.g. using %s will not receive this "toString" conversion (unless they target the same param_index.

      The formatting string replaces {} with %s and {param_index} with %param_index$s.

      localeString - The locale string instance, or null for current session.
      The formatted String.
      See Also:
    • getMessageLocaleString

      default String getMessageLocaleString(LocaleInfo localeInfo)
      Gets a formatted String with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.

      Formats a String using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.

      Parameters referenced by {[param_index]} are converted toString() using {@link Utilities#toString()} enable e.g. deep-to-String of e.g. Exceptions, Arrays, etc.. Parameters references e.g. using %s will not receive this "toString" conversion (unless they target the same param_index.

      The formatting string replaces {} with %s and {param_index} with %param_index$s.

      localeInfo - The Locale information, or null to look it up from the current thread if needed.
      The formatted String.
      See Also:
    • getMessageLocaleString

      default String getMessageLocaleString(ILocaleString localeString, LocaleInfo localeInfo)
      Gets a formatted String with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.

      Formats a String using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.

      Parameters referenced by {[param_index]} are converted toString() using {@link Utilities#toString()} enable e.g. deep-to-String of e.g. Exceptions, Arrays, etc.. Parameters references e.g. using %s will not receive this "toString" conversion (unless they target the same param_index.

      The formatting string replaces {} with %s and {param_index} with %param_index$s.

      localeString - The locale string instance, or null for current session.
      localeInfo - The Locale information, or null to look it up from the current thread if needed.
      The formatted String.
      See Also:
    • getMessageLocaleString

      default String getMessageLocaleString(ILocaleString localeString, IKStringInfoProvider provider, LocaleInfo localeInfo)
      Gets a formatted String with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.

      Formats a String using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.

      Parameters referenced by {[param_index]} are converted toString() using {@link Utilities#toString()} enable e.g. deep-to-String of e.g. Exceptions, Arrays, etc.. Parameters references e.g. using %s will not receive this "toString" conversion (unless they target the same param_index.

      The formatting string replaces {} with %s and {param_index} with %param_index$s.

      localeString - The locale string instance, or null to look it up from current thread or system.
      provider - The information provider or null for none.
      localeInfo - The Locale information, or null to look it up from the current thread if needed.
      The formatted String.
      See Also: