Interface IQuickFixer

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CloseProjectQuickFixer, CreateModuleFolders, DeleteFile, DeleteProperty, DeleteRect, GotoProperty, OpenProperty, QuickFixAdapter, RecoverModuleSettings, RenameResource

public interface IQuickFixer extends IMarkerResolution
Interface the quick-fix for a marker implements to resolve it's and possibly others of the same type. When run, a resolution would typically eliminate the need for the marker, or open up editing of the problem, e.g. an errored property definition.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a short label indicating what the resolution will do.
    Indicates if the label returned and also the description depends on the marker selected.
    run(IMarker marker)
    Runs this resolution.
    Call to set the marker in a new instance of the quick-fixer.
  • Method Details

    • run

      void run(IMarker marker)
      Runs this resolution.
      Specified by:
      run in interface IMarkerResolution
      marker - the marker to resolve.
    • getLabel

      String getLabel()
      Returns a short label indicating what the resolution will do. A quick-fixer that returns true to isMarkerRequired() will have the marker set and can be retrieved using getMarker() if it extends the QuickFixAdapter class.
      Specified by:
      getLabel in interface IMarkerResolution
      A short label for this resolution.
    • isMarkerRequired

      boolean isMarkerRequired()
      Indicates if the label returned and also the description depends on the marker selected.

      In case this method returns true, a new Quick-Fix of the same instance is created followed by setMarker(marker).

      A quick-fixer that returns true to isMarkerRequired() will have the marker set and can be retrieved using getMarker() if it extends the QuickFixAdapter class.

    • setMarker

      void setMarker(IMarker marker)
      Call to set the marker in a new instance of the quick-fixer.
      marker - The marker.