Interface IAuthenticatedUser

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IAuthenticatedUser
Interface holding data for the "authenticated" user. This instance can be retrieved also for non-authenticated users in the system, but the user information is available in the server's users database.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details


      static final String UNDEFINED_USER_NAME
      The user name for undefined user: "_undef_".
      See Also:

      static final String ADMIN_USER_NAME
      The user name for default administrator user: "iiziAdmin".
      See Also:

      static final String ADMIN_BACKUP_USER_NAME
      The user name for default backup administrator user: "iiziAdmin BACKUP".
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • isUndefined

      boolean isUndefined()
      Checks if this user is the "undefined" user that is used for external login. Once the user is authenticated by the external framework, a real user is assigned for the session.
      true if user is "undefined" and false for normal users.
    • getBasicUserInfo

      UserInfoBase getBasicUserInfo()
      Gets the basic user information that was last refreshed from the database.
      The basic user information, or null if user is the "undefined" user.
    • getLastAccessedTime

      long getLastAccessedTime()
      Gets the last access time for the user.
      Time in millis since the epoch.
    • getLocationHistory

      IUserLocationHistory getLocationHistory()
      Gets the user's location history. The history is fed with locations from the background location service.
      An instance of the users locations history.
      IllegalStateException - If this call is done when the information of the user is undefined.