Interface PanelEditorTransactionProcessor

All Superinterfaces:

public interface PanelEditorTransactionProcessor extends ITransactionProcessor
Interface for a Panel View to handle "debug" mode using external browser as editing window along with potential connections.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • canAcceptExternalBrowserEditor

      boolean canAcceptExternalBrowserEditor()
      Checks if a "debug" connection is allowed.
    • getViewOnlyConnectionListener

      ITransactionProcessor getViewOnlyConnectionListener()
      Gets the transaction listener for "view-only connections".
      null If not allowed, otherwise an instance.
    • getEditedPanelDisplayName

      String getEditedPanelDisplayName()
      Gets the panel that is edited.
    • getPanelResource

      String getPanelResource()
      Gets the resource for the panel URL.
    • getEditedPanel

      UIPanelBase getEditedPanel()
      Gets the edited panel.