Class ImagesControl<T extends PropCnr>

All Implemented Interfaces:
IImageInfoChanged, IZoomCapable, Runnable, EventListener, DisposeListener, PaintListener, Drawable, SWTEventListener

public class ImagesControl<T extends PropCnr> extends Composite implements DisposeListener, IImageInfoChanged, PaintListener, IZoomCapable, Runnable
The multiple images control that shows locations and can edit them.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • ImagesControl

      public ImagesControl(Composite parent, int style, int zoom, ImageInfo imageInfo, ILayoutListener layout, IEditorImage _baseImage)
      Creates the image control from a file with zoom 1.
      parent - Parent composite.
      style - The control style SWT.*.
      imageInfo - ImageInfo for image, will be disposed.
  • Method Details