Interface IVSTableColumnReferenceOwner

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractContentUIContainer, EditorOutputColumn, EditorResultSetColumnProp, EMapMarkers, EMLDefaultItemProp, EMLGroup, EUITable, EUITableColumn, MapMarkers, MLDefaultItemProp, MLGroup, OutputColumn, ResultSetColumnProp, UITable, UITableColumn

public interface IVSTableColumnReferenceOwner
Interface implements by a property container that holds a VSTableColumnReference to provide the VSTable instance.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getVSTableReferenceOwnerData

      VSReferenceOwnerData<VSTable,VSTableReference> getVSTableReferenceOwnerData()
      Gets the table reference owner data for the table column reference.
      The VSReferenceOwnerData instance, always non-null.
    • getVSTable

      Gets the VSTable for a VSTableColumnReference instance.
      ref - The reference instance, null when property-editing the reference in the Designer.
      The table for the reference, or null if not found.