Package com.iizix.txp

Interface ITXPManagementAPI

public interface ITXPManagementAPI
TXP Management interface NOTE: UNDER DESIGN!!
  • Method Details

    • getManagementInfo

      ITXPManagementInfo getManagementInfo(ITXPid pid)
      Gets the management info of the specified process.
      pid - the Pid of the process
      the management info of the process
    • getUnfixedCompletedProcesses

      List<ITXPManagementInfo> getUnfixedCompletedProcesses()
      Gets the management info of all unfixed completed processes. Those are processes that finished in a heuristic mixed state.
      a list with the info of all unfixed processes
    • retry

      void retry(ITXPManagementInfo info)
      Retries the whole process. Note that this can only be done if the succeeded nodes are idempotent or undone and the resources managed by the failed nodes are back in the state before they were associated or are idempotent. If successful the original process should be marked fixed with the Pid of the retry process.
      info - the info for the process to retry
    • retryAllFailed

      void retryAllFailed(ITXPManagementInfo info)
      Retries only the failed nodes in a process. Note that failed means their commit or rollback failed. This can only be done if the the resources managed by the failed nodes are back in the state before they were associated or are idempotent. If successful the original process should be marked fixed with the Pid of the retry process.
      info - the info for the process to retry
    • retrySingleNode

      void retrySingleNode(ITXPManagementInfo info, ITXPid pid)
      Retries only a single node. Note that failed means its commit or rollback failed. This can only be done if the the resources managed by the failed node are back in the state before it was associated or the node is idempotent idempotent. If successful the original process should be marked fixed with the Pid of the retry process.
      info - the info for the process to retry
      pid - the Pid of the node to retry
    • markFixed

      void markFixed(ITXPid originalPid, ITXPid fixingPid)
      Marks a process fixed specifying the fixing process.
      originalPid - the original process
      fixingPid - the fixing process
    • markForManualFixOnly

      void markForManualFixOnly(ITXPid pid)
      Marks a process for manual fixing only.
      pid - Pid of the process to mark